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Cyclone PRIDE at Watertown High School

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1 Cyclone PRIDE at Watertown High School
Details for Staff- Integrity: Doing the right thing Today’s lesson is about doing the right thing, even when it’s harder to do. Think how easy it is for students to share their work and ‘adopt’ it as their own! We want students to understand that borrowing intellectual work from their friends, authors and the internet is plagiarism. As teachers we want to see what they can do by themselves, to show what they know and can do.

2 Integrity: The quality of being honest and
Integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. How can you show your morals and do the right thing in public? How can you show your morals and do the right thing at home? How can you show your morals and do the right thing playing sports? How can you show your morals and do the right thing at school?

3 Integrity at WHS Most of us think doing the right thing is easy, but what if you have 5 minutes until the bell and next period you have math; but you forgot to do the homework! The easy way would be to copy Sally’s homework, the hard thing is to take a zero and admit you didn’t do it. Problem solved? Sure. Until you both get a zero because you plagiarized the work! Even worse, you still don’t know the material and you feel bad because Sally should have gotten credit for HER work.

4 Plagiarism When we take someone else’s work and pass it as our own, we are plagiarizing. This hurts not only the person we stole from, but us, because we aren’t showing our own work. Video: What is academic honesty? By Ronald Williams Library

5 Guide to Integrity Do the right thing: Do your own work
Keep your work private Show what you know Cite sources and references Teach each other, not copy each other

6 Extra: Song Rip offs Videos: 3 minutes 14 minutes (Top 10 songs)

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