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Understanding what sh_gamit does

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1 Understanding what sh_gamit does

2 E-mail summary assesses over-all quality
Number of stations Worst/best RMS scatter postfit normalized RMS from solve theoretically should be unity typically around 0.2 (daily position scatter in accord with sigma) Large adjustments to site positions Any fatal messages 20-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 4

3 Output files Cleaning summary: autcln.prefit.sum -- Final postfit run Solution files output by solve qexpta.doy human-readable oexpta.doy machine-readable hexpta.yyddd Full-precision for GLOBK suite 20-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 4

4 Status files common to all GAMIT/GLOBK runs
File names, e.g, GAMIT.fatal One long line per event Three levels of severity Status Time of steps in processing Warning Items that might be in error Fatal Errors so large that the processing stopped 20-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 4

5 Example GAMIT.status STATUS :020119:1201: 6.0 ARC/aversn: Started ARC, \ Version 9.53 of 2001/01/03 10:30:00 (Linux) STATUS :020119:1201: 6.0 ARC/arc: Integrating \ satellite 1 PRN 1 STATUS :020119:1201: 6.0 ARC/arc: Integrating \satellite 2 PRN 2 ....… To watch progress as it happens: tail -f GAMIT.status 20-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 4

6 Analyzing a solution: bias parameters
Number of biases fixed Fixed bias have no sigmas in Q-file 608 B1L1 SMYC-TBLE \ 609*B1L1 SMYC-TBLE \ The * means not fixed and sigma is given Adjustments parameters should not change much 20-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 4

7 Analyzing a solution: adjustment sizes
Adjustments should not be too large Convergence rate is 100 or 1000 to 1 Suppose an adjustment of 1 m in position residual error could be 1-10 mm solution needs to be iterated Atmospheric delay variations Magnitude of gradients EOP adjustments Some examples (shown externally) 20-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 4

8 autcln output autcln.out.Z full output automatically compressed
use uncompress or use zcat to view Lists actions taken by autcln autcln.prefit.sum Summaries Look at these 20-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 4

9 autcln summary files Clock & range stats from range data
Repeated twice since solution is iterated List of double difference bias flags Number of bias flags added to jumps in double differences If too many flags are added, then autcln removes the site/satellite combination completely. This can happen if a satellite burns. Rare if IGS orbits are used since satellite is removed from orbit files. Bad site coordinates can cause many bias flags 20-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 4

10 autcln summary file One-way post-fit residual statistics
Only in postfit autcln summary Gives RMS in mm by station and each satellite for a station Normal values are 3-10 mm >10 mm is not good sky plots show residuals cview views residual time series interactively reads C-files default is to delete these files during batch runs) 20-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 4

11 Autcln summary file AMS -- Averaged RMS of residuals
statistics for 25-point averages of residuals theoretical white noise should be 5X smaller than for single-point value typically, though AMS is 2X smaller than single point RMS due to correlations in phase residuals ratio of RMS/AMS values to close to 1 mean systematic residuals 20-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 4

12 Autcln summary files NUM number of values used to compute RMS ATELV
Elevation angle-dependence of RMS fit to data noise model of the form variance = A^2+(B/sin(elev))^2 Sky-Plots residuals v. elevation angle show effects of multipath and antenna gain 20-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 4

13 Autcln summary: data amounts
Data counts by site and satellite: N(good) N(deleted) N(bias flags) ignoring rising satellites 20-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 4

14 Bias flag report Reports number of bias flags added for
GAP -- Due to gap in data JMP -- Large jump on phase-range difference ION -- Ionospheric delay jump DDS -- Double difference scanning WLS -- Wide lane scanning DDC -- Double difference jump while cleaning data 20-Nov-18 GAMIT/GLOBK Tutorial 4

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