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Successful Measuring: Outputs, Outcomes & Logic Models

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Presentation on theme: "Successful Measuring: Outputs, Outcomes & Logic Models"— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful Measuring: Outputs, Outcomes & Logic Models
Mark Mullaney, VP Community Impact Galen Smith, Sr. Director Community Financial Stability

2 Overview of Topics and Objectives
Key Topics / Objectives How Your Clients Manage Now Visioning Impact Measuring Impact 101 Developing SMART Outcomes Creating Theory of Change

3 How Your Clients Manage Now
Take 10 minutes to summarize a typical client that you plan to serve on your Logic Model Template. Where do they live? What is their education profile? What barriers do they face? How do they earn income? How do they get around town? We can use a few examples to tease out a few important points: It’s critical to get to know your clients and understand their strengths and limitations so that you can always make sure your intervention is best targeted to their needs No program can help someone with all of their needs, so understanding the full scope of needs makes it a lot easier to identify productive partnerships

4 What is Impact and its value?
Proof that your program does what it’s supposed to do Increase accountability to donors and the community Enhance marketing and fundraising messages An improved image and greater visibility in the community “The American public has extended you the right to avoid taxation in exchange for your commitment to create real social value. You owe it to the public to make a real effort to track your performance and report to them on how you are doing in your work.” from Enterprising Nonprofits

5 The Measurement of Results
Impact Feedback Loop The Measurement of Results Analysis & Learning Action & Improvement

6 Focusing on Impact answers:
Did the program achieve is intended goals/impact/etc.? How does the program contribute to the agency’s strategic goals? Is this program worth the cost? Did the program reach the target population? How can implementation be improved? Is this program still relevant or viable? Is the program working as intended/designed? How does this program compare to others? Did we reasonably accomplish what we committed to do? How have participants changed as a result of our program?

7 Visioning Impact Take 10 minutes to explain your vision for impact in the final box of the Logic Model Template. Simply, how do you expect your program will improve the life of the client you just described? How does your program make their life better? Which barriers do you address? Which barriers do you NOT address?


9 Why are outputs necessary?
What is an output The amount of services produced Why are outputs necessary? Helps you see the amount of services generated from activities Helps quantify program footprint Will help understand success of program when combined with outcomes

10 1,000 child abuse awareness handouts distributed quarterly
Examples of outputs 24 financial education workshops offered annually for up to 1,000 adult learners 1,000 child abuse awareness handouts distributed quarterly

11 Why are outcomes necessary?
What is an outcome Evidence of change in the part of a program participant Evidenced in a change in knowledge, skills, behavior, or condition Why are outcomes necessary? Helps you see the extent of impact from services Helps quantify program impact Helps understand effectiveness of programming

12 Specific S Measurable M Action-Oriented A Realistic R Timed T
SMART Outcomes Specific S Measurable M Action-Oriented A Realistic R Timed T

13 The SMART Format X% (number) of clients will improve by X%, or achieve X, in a specific time frame

14 The SMART Format 75% (160) of clients who access 3 financial coaching sessions will increase savings, decrease debt, and/or improve FICO credit score after six months

15 Developing Outputs & SMART Outcomes
Take 10 minutes to list the primary program outputs (things your clients do) and program outcomes (things your clients achieve) in the appropriate areas of the Logic Model Template. Key Questions: Are the outcomes SMART? Do outcomes align with vision for impact? Do outputs logically lead to desired outcomes?

16 Rounding It Out: Activities and Resources
List all of the activities that your clients will have the opportunity to engage in in the program activities section. List all of the resources your program NEEDS to operate effectively in the Resources section.

17 Does Your Theory of Change Make Sense?

18 Next Steps/Tips for the Future
Revisit your Logic Model on a quarterly basis to make sure it is current! Actively explore partnerships with other programs/businesses to ensure that your clients have access to the supports they need to thrive Make sure your outcomes are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.

19 Q&A

20 Closing

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