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Here Come The Dinosaurs!

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1 Here Come The Dinosaurs!
Communication and Language Personal Social Emotional Development Activities Finding dinosaur eggs- discussion around where they have come from? What will we do with them? Circle time- what did we do in the Easter holidays. Continuous provision plan allows for independent access and communicating with adults and peers. Talking about our work, Making up our own version of a story. Objectives Children play co-operatively taking turns with each other. Take account of one another’s ideas about how to organise their activity. Confidently speak in a group about their ideas and chose resources they need for chosen activities. Adjust their behaviour to different social situations and take changes of routine in their stride. Know some ways to manage their feelings and use these to maintain control Rushton Primary Early Years Topic Web Objectives Listen in a range of situations and for long sustained periods of time. Able to carry out instructions of several parts. Present and explain ideas to others using complete sentences or questions. Use past, present and future forms correctly. Develop their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas or events. Activities Turn taking games based on topic e.g. snap, snakes and ladders etc. Provision based activities allowing children to organise and work as a team- assault courses Present work they have created to their friends. School trip to the zoo. Team work activities- Forest Schools, outdoor activities. How are you feeling today- circle time. Physical Development Objectives Activities Letter and number formation weekly activity to support writing Soccer Lions Healthy diet discussions during snack times Using play dough, clay and tools to make dinosaurs, bones or fossils. Activities to support using tools- forest schools, outdoor activities. Moving like dinosaurs Making healthy snacks- fruit kebabs. Expressive Art and Design Summer 1 Here Come The Dinosaurs! Use a pencil and hold it effectively to form recognisable letters Know importance of good health and physical exercise and a healthy diet and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe Show understanding for the need for safety when tackling new challenges and manage risks. Begin to write on lines and control letter size. Demonstrate good control of body when using apparatus. Objectives Talk about the processes which have led them to make music, designs, images or products. Represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through music and dance. Sing songs, make music and dance and experiment with ways of changing them. Explore, find out and make decisions about how media and materials can be combined and changed. Activities Role Play area- dinosaur cave indoors, play kitchen outdoors. Create dinosaur homes using junk modelling. Learn dinosaur themed songs- Dinosaur Stomp. Design a seed packet- grow a dinosaur. Create a ‘crazy’ dinosaur using parts from different dinosaurs. Clay/play dough making fossils. Create dances in response to music. Objectives Maths Activities Understanding of the World Literacy Say what is one more/one less than a given number. Add and subtract by counting on/back to find the answer. Solve problems including doubling/halving/sharing. Estimate a number of objects and check quantities. Use everyday language to measure distance, weight, height, time and money to compare quantities and objects and solve problems. Explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes using mathematical language to describe them. Coin recognition and simple buying and selling activities. What time is it Mr Dinosaur activity- O’clock focus. Measuring activities- length, height, weight of dinosaurs/bones etc. Adding and subtracting using dinosaur bones. Place value using numicon numbers to 20. Doubling and halving amounts- doubling machine. 3D shape activities- properties of shapes. One more/one less dinosaur games. Timing short periods. Objectives Know similarities and differences between themselves and others and among families, traditions and communities. Find out about uses and ranges of everyday technology. Describe actions which people in own community do that help maintain the area they live in. Know that other children have different likes and dislikes and they may be good at different things. Activities Magic Carpet- visit places all over the world and compare. Celebrate St Georges Day. Find out about dinosaurs and environments looking at differences, similarities and patterns. Use computers to find out about dinosaurs. Forest school activities. Make dinosaur homes. Who lays eggs-look at which other creatures lay eggs. Did Dinosaurs use hoovers? Investigate technology. Thinking of ways that people look after local environment. Circle time- what are we good at? Objectives Activities Formation weekly Phonics and GR phase 1,2,4 Story map- We’re going on a dinosaur hunt- then writing our own story. Book Reviews and activities of dinosaur themed books- Tom and the Dinosaur Egg, Tyrannosaurus Drip, Dinosaurs love Underpants, How to Grow a Dinosaur. Describe a dinosaur Letter to mother dinosaur Dinosaur poems- read/write How to care for a baby dinosaur instruction writing. Attempt to write a sentence with meaningful context Use key features of narrative in their own writing Read and Spell phonetically regular words and some irregular and HFW’s. Describe main events in stories they have read Read and understand simple words and sentences. Write sentences that can be read by themselves and others. Read some common irregular words.

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