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Critical Thinking Skills

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1 Critical Thinking Skills

2 Course Objectives Define critical thinking
Identify and adopt the characteristics of critical thinking Recognize and avoid critical thinking mistakes Identify assumptions Evaluate information accurately and thoroughly Implement the critical thinking process in business situations

3 Definition of Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe and what to do.

4 Benefits of Critical Thinking
Think independently Make better decisions Solve problems systematically Think more creatively Increase self-reflection

5 Curiosity Be curious like a child

6 Johari Window

7 How Many Human Faces?

8 What Do You See?

9 The Opposite of Flexibility

10 Common Sense Paying attention to the obvious!

11 Rationalization Conclusion Evidence Rationalization

12 Emotional Language Neutral Term Emotionally Loaded Term
Public employee House Tax reduction Plant Medical procedure Evacuate Disturbance Bureaucrat Home Tax relief Weed Life-saving surgery Flee Riot

13 Tunnel Vision

14 When Is Four Half of Five?

15 EEE Examine Explore Evaluate

16 Tell a Story

17 Fact or Opinion? Police arrested three burglars last night.
He has the most clout in the organization. She said the CEO was the smartest business person she had ever known.

18 Clarify Numbers A million dollars A trillion dollars

19 Dare to Be Different

20 Reverse Brainstorming
“How can we make patients more dissatisfied?” Double book appointments Discuss patients’ conditions in public Remove chairs from the waiting room Put patients on hold and forget about them

21 Assess Explanations or Solutions
Erroneous assumptions Fallacies in reasoning Strength and soundness of information Completeness of information Dependability of statistics

22 Value Effort Grid 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Value High value Low effort
Value High value Low effort High effort Low value Effort

23 Questions?

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