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RDE Commission Meeting Oct 16th.

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Presentation on theme: "RDE Commission Meeting Oct 16th."— Presentation transcript:

1 RDE Commission Meeting Oct 16th

2 ACEA Activities Ambient Temperature and Cold Start
ACEA contracted EMISIA to collect the EU temperature distribution as this was done for Heavy Duties on EU15 some years ago. The study for Light Duties shall contain the expansion to EU-27 and the updated vehicle fleet stock and activity information. Questions to be answered: Which temperature range is to be covered by RDE testing? Regarding the COM proposal to distinguish between the temperature ranges of a PEMS measurement, which temperature is an appropriate shift point? Normal Driving BMW contracted S. Hausberger TU Graz to do an example calculation (based on PEMS measurements) and give his expertise on the approach to combine the working points of a measurement with its frequency at normal driving. Further point to be investigated is the definition of a parameter or set of parameters to define normal driving.

3 Ambient Temperature, Cold Start
Study by EMISIA The suggested approach is the same as was done some years ago for the HDV study. The main difference is the expansion to EU-27 (it was EU-15 in the previous study) and the updated vehicle fleet stock and activity information. The study shall cover temperature / altitude  / driving km. It will be assumed that vehicle distribution to various classes / technologies is the same across different NUTS categories within each Member State, but it differs of course among countries. The same holds also for vehicle density and vehicle use. NUTS Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics HDV study on EU-15.

4 Normal Driving, Weighting Approach
Investigation by TU Graz S. Hausberger TU Graz is asked to do an example calculation (based on PEMS measurements) and give his expertise on the approach to combine emissions with its frequency at normal driving. Two approaches are evaluated: Weighting each second by second emission by its frequency and apply the window method afterwards. Weighting of the window emission, which means the averaged emission figure is weighted not the second by second emission. 1,9% 2,7% 2,3% 1,1% 0,2% 6,8% 7,6% 2,9% 0,4% 0,1% 2,2% 23,8% 10,0% 0,5% 15,1% 20%

5 Random Cycle Generator

6 Random Cycle Generator

7 Input Mask Vehicle data / short trip selection
1 8 2 3 7 5 6 4

8 Overview Input Data vehicle data

9 Input Mask Cycle generator
9 10 11

10 Overview Input Data Cycle generator

11 RDE Cycle Generator Max. acceleration ability vehicle
Basic equation of driving resistance (second order polynominal) Calculation of traction Solve equation for a

12 Algorithm Random selection shorttrip ID
Speed time MATLAB-Function: Rand - Uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers Syntax - rand(n) , rand(m,n), rand([m,n]) Description rand(n) returns an n-by-n matrix containing pseudorandom values drawn from the standard uniform distribution on the open interval (0,1). rand(m,n) or rand([m,n]) returns an m-by-n matrix. rand(m,n,p,...) or rand([m,n,p,...]) returns an m-by-n-by-p-by-... array. rand returns a scalar. rand(size(A)) returns an array the same size as A.

13 Program Sequence conditions Error City N1 Rural N2 BAB N3
N1, N2, N3 ≥ 1 ? RDN (select ID) Tges ≥ Tmin & Xges ≥ Xmin Grouping short trips -> City, Rural, BAB City N1 Rural N2 BAB N3 RDN (select ID) RDN (City, Rural, BAB) -> N1, N2, N3 i= 1x N1, N2, N3 no Error Check drivability Modifications drivability 8s idling between short trips 8s (v= 0-20 km/h) RND between rural trips 10s v=0 between City/Rural/BAB Xs Vconst = ( km/h) RDM between BAB trips insert shift points insert plateaus for shifting (2s) yes conditions Tmin = 1330s Xmin = m Ni max = 20 ja

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