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Chapter 3 - Part II Organization of the Province

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1 Chapter 3 - Part II Organization of the Province

2 I. A First Constitution: The Royal Proclamation - 1763
Introduction: First Constitution issued by British authorities after the Treaty of Paris was signed -1763 Created major territorial, administrative and legal changes to the colony Goal: Assimilation of the Canadiens population Assimilation: Process by which a people is absorbed into another culture

3 Territorial Change: Created the province of Quebec – Vallee du St. Laurent Created a territory reserved for the native populations(Great Lakes Region, Ohio Valley) Quebec “And we do hereby strictly forbid, on pain of our displeasure, all of our loving subjects from making any purchases or settlements whatsoever or taking possession of any of the lands aboved reserved (Native territory) without our special leave and license for that purpose first obtained” Native Territory

4 Secretary of State for Colonies
Political Changes: Military government was replaced by civilian government New government included a governor general and an appointed 12 member council First governor – Governor Murray A legislative assembly was planned, but not established under this constitution British Government King, Privy Council and British Parliament Great Britain Secretary of State for Colonies Council 12 members Consultative, no decision making power Governor General Holds all the powers – issuing & executing ordinances Province of Quebec Legislative Assembly: Elected body on government – represent the people

5 Changes in the Justice System:
English criminal & civil laws were implemented Chief judge appointed to administer justice and the courts

6 Other Key Changes: Establish Anglican church & Protestant schools
Encourage Protestant schools Promote British immigration Adopt English as the only language of instruction Divide land division into townships instead of seigneuries Impose Test Act: French Catholics had to renounce their religion to hold office (have government positions). Prohibit immigration of new Catholic priests Township: Land division system used by the British Land is divided into square lots

7 II. Instructions to Governor Murray
Concessions made to the Canadiens Murray was instructed by King George to enforce the new changes – assimilate the Canadiens He sympathized with the Canadiens population – believed they would be loyal to Britian if given certain concessions: He appointed Protestants that were sympathetic to the Council Allowed the use of French civil law in local courts He allowed the Canadiens to occupy certain positions in administration without having to comply to the test act

8 James Murray

9 Bishop Jean- Olivier Briand
Concessions made to the Catholic Church Murray wanted to make an ally of the Catholic church, since they had a large influence over the Canadiens When the Bishop Pontbriand passed, Murray pushed the British government to allow a new bishop in the colony: Jean- Olivier Briand Bishop Jean- Olivier Briand

10 A Change of Governor British government was unhappy with Murray’s concessions made to the Canadiens and the Catholic church 1766 Murray was recalled 1768 – Murray was replaced Governor Guy Carleton Guy Carleton

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