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Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

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Presentation on theme: "Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Welcome – The Team Mr Rowlands (Year Group Leader & AHT) Mr Jenkins Miss Kerrigan (DHT & SENCo) Mrs Walker Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

2 Respect all Overcome challenges Open our minds Take care Speak kindly
Thrive Achieve Aspire Enjoy SS Respect all Overcome challenges Open our minds Take care Speak kindly

3 Respect all Overcome challenges Open our minds Take care Speak kindly
Our ROOTS Respect all people, animals and the environment. Overcome challenges and never give up. Open our minds to creativity and curiosity. Take care of our bodies and our minds. Speak kindly and listen to others. SS Respect all Overcome challenges Open our minds Take care Speak kindly

4 Respect all Overcome challenges Open our minds Take care Speak kindly
Yellow and Red Leaves Warning. Not following our ROOTS. 3 yellow leaves in 1 day = red leaf. Still not making the right choices. Consequence and reflection. 3 red leaves in one week, or a more serious incident = lunchtime detention DM Respect all Overcome challenges Open our minds Take care Speak kindly

5 Respect all Overcome challenges Open our minds Take care Speak kindly
Rewards Aspire trophy Gold ‘above and beyond’ stickers Gold leaves House points DM Respect all Overcome challenges Open our minds Take care Speak kindly

6 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
House System Every child is either yellow, blue or green house. Houses should match their siblings houses. The children who follow our roots will be awarded house points. These are then totalled at the end of each term with a prize for the winning house. Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

7 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Communication Parent Gateway– ensure you are registered. Our website – Home reading journal – checked daily. Call the office to make an appointment. Please ensure your contact details are up-to-date Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

8 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Our Protective Hands Each child has a protective hand. It lists 5 people they can go to if they are feeling sad or worried. Each class also has a worry box – this is checked daily. Our designated safeguarding lead is our head teacher – Miss Lovelock. Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

9 What to do if you think your child is being bullied:
Encourage them to speak to an adult in school through use of their protective hand, the worry box in their class or by speaking directly to their teacher. Make an appointment through the office with your class teacher to voice your concerns. All worries will be taken seriously and investigated. Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

10 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Our expectations Good attendance – 97% Correct uniform and PE kits. Come to school prepared Reading journals and spelling books in school every day Read at home 5 times a week – journal signed by adults. Practise spellings and KIRFs at home. Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

11 Respect all Overcome challenges Open our minds Take care Speak kindly
Uniform Black/Grey trousers/skirt. Smart black shoes (no trainers) School tie White or blue shirt/polo Black cardigan/jumper No bracelets/necklaces Earrings must be studs, not hooped. DM Respect all Overcome challenges Open our minds Take care Speak kindly

12 Respect all Overcome challenges Open our minds Take care Speak kindly
PE Uniform Navy blue or black trousers/shorts Blue or white t shirt Trainers for outdoor PE PE takes place on Friday Children must be able to remove or cover earrings for Long hair must be tied up. DM Respect all Overcome challenges Open our minds Take care Speak kindly

13 Respect all Overcome challenges Open our minds Take care Speak kindly
KIRF & Spellings KIRFs – Key Instant Recall Facts Half termly Maths facts for your child to learn at home. Weekly KIRF activities listed to help you practise. Spellings – go home on a Monday. Spelling tests are on a Monday. Spelling activities listed to help you practise in spelling books. Bring spelling books every day – house points will be awarded to those practising regularly. SS Respect all Overcome challenges Open our minds Take care Speak kindly

14 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Home Learning Home Learning Challenge – Optional (but encouraged) Handed in on the Monday of the last week of each half term. Celebrated and shared in class on that day (time is set aside for this so please ensure your work is in on time) All children awarded a certificate and house points for taking part. One piece of home learning chosen to be shared in assembly on Friday (with parents invited). Chosen based on the level of effort, independence and creativity shown. Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

15 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Expectations - Maths Working with numbers that have up to 5 or 6 digits. Developing fluency with our written methods. All times tables and addition facts should be fairly fluent. Using numbers with 3 decimal places. Using fractions, decimals and percentages to solve problems. Should be fluent in telling the time and using the time to solve problems e.g. Bus timetables Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

16 Expectations - Writing
Use of cursive handwriting and accurate use of punctuation. High frequency spellings including those with suffixes and prefixes should be mostly accurate. Children should be familiar with the audience and purpose for most genres of writing. Should be able to plan their writing and choose appropriate vocabulary, using a thesaurus when needed. Should be able to write in Standard English and check their writing for grammatical errors. Writing in clear organised paragraphs. Use different sentence structures, including relative clauses, to add extra detail. Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

17 Expectations - Reading
• Read for enjoyment a range of text types. • Read, understand and explain the meaning of figurative language including metaphorical phrases (‘raining cats and dogs’) and similes. • Read several books by the same author and be able to make comparisons between them and with other texts. Be able to summarise a paragraph or a chapter. • Discuss how authors use language, including figurative language, to affect the reader. Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

18 Autumn Term (first half term)
Darwin and South America The Fox and the Star (literacy text) Study of the South American continent. Study of evolution, adaptation and inheritance (science) Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

19 Autumn Term (second half term)
World War Two and the Commonwealth Goodnight Mr Tom(literacy text) Study of the war (before, during and aftermouth) Trip - Duxford Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

20 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Spring Term The Elizabethans Clockwork – Phillip Pullman Princess Blankets The Elizabethan age War of the Roses. Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

21 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire
Summer Term The Mayans The Rain Player South American art Conquest of South America by Spanish Kingswood Residential Trip Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

22 Kingswood 2019 Where: Kingswood Outdoor Activity Centre TBC
Residential Kingswood 2019 Where: Kingswood Outdoor Activity Centre TBC Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

23 Bikeability – 2nd 4th October 2018
Aims: Keep children safe on bikes around local area. Teach children about highway code. Teach children about being safe in winter What to do in an emergency when out and about. You need own bike and helmet. Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

24 Secondary School Applications
School can offer support but cannot complete applications. Make sure you visit and look around. All applications due in: Monday 31st October Offer Day: 1st March 2019 Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

25 Secondary School Applications
1st march 2018 – Parent SATs Workshop. SATs Week 13th -17th May Tested in reading, mathematics, grammar and spelling. Writing and science are both teacher assessed. Thrive Enjoy Achieve Aspire

26 Your child’s progress Autumn parents evening:
9th and 11th October 2018 Spring term parents evening. Summer term end of year reports. This will include exam results.

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