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Mrs Healy & Mrs Bloxham ably assisted by Mrs Hearn & Mrs Chapman

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs Healy & Mrs Bloxham ably assisted by Mrs Hearn & Mrs Chapman"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs Healy & Mrs Bloxham ably assisted by Mrs Hearn & Mrs Chapman
Meet the Red Kites Team! Mrs Healy & Mrs Bloxham ably assisted by Mrs Hearn & Mrs Chapman

2 Timetable

3 Topic Webs

4 Topic Webs

5 Reading Your child will learn reading skills during Guided Reading sessions in class. To encourage the children to read for pleasure we are celebrating reading each week in a ‘Reading Rocks’ assembly and once a month will take part in buddy reading. These are skills which will then be practiced at home. We want children to enjoy reading and sharing books with you! If you would like to hear readers on a Monday or Friday afternoon from 1:45, we would welcome your help.

6 PE Monday– PE indoors (dance) Wednesday – Games outdoors
PE kits needs to be in school everyday Earrings need to be removed for all PE sessions.

7 Homework Mathletics homework will be set on a Monday and children will have until the following Monday to complete it. Spellings will be given out on a Monday –and they will be tested on the following Friday. Learning logs will be set once a half term during the third week of each half term. Children will have two weeks to complete their learning logs. Reading-please encourage your children to read daily and ask them to record this in their School Home Liaison Book as well as their bookmark.

8 Website

9 Rewards and Sanctions Everybody at Monks Risborough believes in praising positive behaviour and hard work! Golden tickets (values) Star of the week and maths monster! House points – each child has their own record Postcards home Stickers Verbal praise

10 Rewards and Sanctions Good to be Green System Verbal warning
Yellow card given Red card given which results in a consequence

11 General Reminders Uniform (names in clothes) Water bottles Book looks

12 SATS Takes place over a period of two weeks in May.
Tests covered are: SPaG, Reading, Arithmetic and Reasoning papers. Please ensure your children are in school over this period. Teacher assessment is reported at the end of KS1. Example papers can be found on

13 Any questions?

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