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Pre-Visit Preparation for Institutional Performance Evaluation in the Form of THE UNIVERSITY PORTFOLIO REPORT BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE 2:31:50 AM

منزل سے آگے بڑھ کر منزل تلاش کر مل جائے تجھکو دریا تو سمندر تلاش کر ہرشیشہ ٹوٹ جاتا ہےپتھر کی چوٹ سے پتھر ہی ٹوٹ جائے.. وہ شیشہ تلاش کر علامہ اقبال 2:31:50 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

4 Institutional Performance Evaluation
Institute Institutional Performance Institutional Performance Evaluation 2:31:50 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

5 Institutional Performance Evaluation
Institute Established through ACT/Ordinance Drive by: •Statutes •Rules & Regulation •SOPs 2:31:50 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

6 Institutional Performance Evaluation
Adherence of Policies & Guidelines defined: •In ACT/Ordinance •By Regulatory Bodies •By Federal/Provincial Bodies •By Accreditation Councils •Adoption of Good Practices (National / International) 2:31:50 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

7 Institutional Performance Evaluation
Evaluate the performance: •By yourself •By External Body On Given Standards/Criteria 2:31:50 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

External Evaluation A System designed to objectively EVALUATE the QUALITY of a system by any EXTERNAL Entity 2:31:50 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

9 Preparation for Evaluation
Understand the Purpose of Evaluation Review the Criteria Implement the Criteria (or) Evaluate the Implementation of criteria Remove the deficiencies/improve the system and again Evaluate the Implementation Be Transparent and Honest with yourself 2:31:50 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

10 Institutional Performance Evaluation
The Higher Education Commission is taking significant initiatives to improve the performance of Higher Education Institutions and started up with the primary step of outlining the Institutional Performance Evaluation Standards. A total of eleven standards are defined and each one of these articulates a specific dimension of the institutional quality. Institutional Performance Evaluation standards are: Mission Statement and Goals (6-Questions) Planning and Evaluation (7-Questions) Organization and Governance (6-Questions) Integrity (5-Questions) Faculty (9-Questions) Students (9-Questions) Institutional Resources (4-Questions) Academic Programmes and Curricula (3-Questions) Public Disclosure and Transparency (3-Questions) Assessment & Quality Assurance (10-Questions) Student Support Services (8-Questions)

11 Process of Institutional Performance Evaluation
i. The University is asked to prepare University Portfolio Report(UPR) as per IPE Manual. ii. QAA Reviews the submitted UPR w.r.t requirement mentioned in IPE Manual. iii. After the initial review of UPR, if it is found that some data is missing or incomplete; University is asked to clarify/complete the UPR within one week. iv. The IPE panel will be selected from the existing pool of evaluator for the visit of concerned University. v. The IPE panel will be informed regarding the date of visit for taking their final consent. vi. The University is informed about its IPE Visit vii. The review panel will visit the University as per the schedule. 2:31:50 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

12 On Site Visit of IPE Panel
THREE DAYS VISIT Day 1 Meet with the Vice Chancellor IPE Panel works in a room specifically allotted to the Panel Day2 Panel meets with Chairmen / heads of departments Panel meets with the Post Graduate, Graduate and Under graduate students Panel meets with the Registrar, Head of Finance, Director P & D, Controller of Examinations, Director QEC, and any other administrative unit head 2:31:50 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

13 On Site Visit of IPE Panel
THREE DAYS VISIT Day 3 Visits to Physical Infrastructure (class room facilities, laboratories and library,) IPE Panel continues its work Exit interview with VC 2:31:50 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Preparation of UPR SECTIONS Section 1 •University –wide Data in Tabular Form Section2 •Questions against Each Standards •Answer all of the questions even if your answer is “not applicable”. •Provide all of the documentation requested •Place the documentation on tables in the room where the IPE Panel meets. •There may be a separate table for documentation of each standard. •Documents should be placed in the folders and each folder will be marked as standard #1, folder #1, 2:31:50 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

SECTION-1 UNIVERSITY –WIDE DATA 1.Faculty-Department-wise list of academic program along with launch date 2.Faculty–Department–Program-Courses–Semester Wise credit hours for each academic program 3.Faculty–Department–Program–Course Wise enrollment 4.Faculty–Department–Program Wise Number of Applications & Enrollment 5.Faculty–Department–Program-Courses–Wise Student/faculty ratio 6.Retention rate from first to second year; second to third year; third to fourth year for each academic program.(All current programs) 7.Faculty–Department wise Number of full-time faculty; part-time faculty on contract, visiting faculty and adjunct faculty with qualification and designations against sanction posts. 8.Total amount of financial aid given to the students from institutional funds in last three years; 9.Endowment assets per student 10.Total expense per student(educational and general expenses divided by the number of full- time equivalent students) 2:31:50 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

STANDARD 1: MISSION STATEMENT AND GOALS Question1: When did the university conceive of and write the mission? When and whom was it approved? Answer 1: Date of Preparation:_________ Date of Approval:________ Evidence: Minutes of the meeting/approving body Minutes of the meeting of Committee Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

17 Standard: 1 Mission Statement And Goals
Question 2: Who was involved in the writing of the mission? Answer 2: Details of Individuals/Committee who prepared Approval of Committee & ToRs (if committee constituted) Evidence: Minutes of the meeting of Committee Minutes of meeting (who approved the committee) Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

18 Standard: 1 Mission Statement And Goals
Question 3: Has the mission been reviewed and renewed since the first writing and approval? If so, when and by whom? When it was last reviewed? Where are the problems regarding the mission? What is the University not doing that it should be done to fully realize its mission and goals? Answer 3: Date of Revision:_________ Date of Approval:________ Details of Individual/Committee who Reviewed. Approval of Committee & ToRs(if committee constituted) Evidence: Minutes of the meeting of approving body (who approved the committee) Minutes of the meeting of Committee Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

19 Standard: 1 Mission Statement And Goals
Question 4:How is it used to: a) Guide personnel decisions? b) Determine program/course offerings? c) Guide budget decisions? Answer 4: Details of decision made/set of activities undertaken to achieve the mission Relationship of Programs/courses offered with Mission Evidence: Minutes of meetings of relevant bodies Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Administration, Academic, P & D, Treasurer , COEs and HODs 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

20 Standard: 1 Mission Statement And Goals
Question 5:How well do you believe that the mission clearly defines the purposes of the University? Please explain. Answer 5: Description Evidence: Minutes of the meeting of Committee Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

21 Standard: 1 Mission Statement And Goals
Question 6: How well do you believe that the mission and goals explain what the university intends to accomplish? Please explain Answer 6: Describe the relationship of University's activities with its Mission Evidence: Details of decision made/set of activities undertaken to achieve the mission. Relationship of Programs/courses offered in the light of Mission with supporting documents such as minuets of various meetings etc. Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Administration Office, Provost, Academic Office, P & D, Treasurer , COEs and HODs 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

22 Standard: 2 Planning and Evaluation
Question 1:Describe your formal systems of planning and evaluation. What committees are there–with what composition? How often do they meet? What is the time line for the plans? Who approves the Plans? Answer 1: Describe formal planning system in light of University’s Statutes/ACT Details of Committees along with their approval/compositions Frequency of meeting (committees –wise) Evidence: Notifications of Committees. Minutes of meetings of Said committees. Minutes of meetings where Plan/s are approved Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Administration Office, Academic Office, P & D, Treasurer , COEs, Provost and HODs 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

23 Standard: 2 Planning and Evaluation
Question 2: What other planning documents do you have? A development plan for facilities? A financial plan? Answer: 2 Please describe for each of these documents The process by which they are generated and reviewed. Evidence: Plans prepared in last three years Detail of monitoring/reviewing of these plans Minutes of meetings conduct for these plans Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office P & D Office and the Treasurer Office 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

24 Standard: 2 Planning and Evaluation
Question 3: How are the plans incorporated into the budget? Answer 3: Please describe and provide copies of the budgets for last 3 years (highlighting the ways in which the budget related to those plans. Evidence: Copies of the budgets for last 3 years (highlighting the ways in which the budget related to those plans.) Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: P & D Office and the Treasurer Office 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

25 Standard: 2 Planning and Evaluation
Question 4: When are the plans evaluated and updated? How? Answer 4: Details of meetings for evaluation/review/update of plans Evidence: Minutes of Relevant meetings Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: P & D Office and the Treasurer Office 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

26 Standard: 2 Planning and Evaluation
Question 5: Is there a campus master plan? A Life Cycle Management plan for the University infrastructure? Answer 5: Date of preparation/approval of Master Plan Achievement of Master Plan Evidence: Minutes of meetings for preparation and approval of the Master Plan Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: P & D Office and Directorate of Works 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

27 Standard: 2 Planning and Evaluation
Question 6: Please list PC1-IV for last three years. Answer 6: List of Projects (Title, Date of commencement, Date of Completion, Extension dates) Evidence: Copies of PC-I, PC-III, PC-IV for each Project Notifications of approvals & Extensions Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: P & D Office and Directorate of Works 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

28 Standard: 2 Planning and Evaluation
Question 7: Are there any other plans? If so, please provide copies along with the dates when these plans are updated as well as by whom. Answer 7: Details of Projects/Plans prepared by University. Evidence: Copies of Plans along with Approvals Minutes of the Relevant Committee Meetings Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Administration Office, Academic Office, P & D, Directorate of Works, Treasurer , COEs, Provost and HODs 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

29 Standard: 3 Organization and Governance
Question 1: Please provide a report with the names of offices responsible and the systems used for meetings of the Senate; the Syndicate; the Board of Governors, Finance & Planning Committee, Academic Council, Board of Faculty, Board of Studies and Advance Study & Research Board. Answer 1: Name of Officials/Offices responsible for conduction of each of the body’s meetings. For each, please describe how, to whom and when the minutes are circulated. (List the details of last three years meetings). What are the SOPs of compliance for the minutes of each of the bodies and the name of the responsible office for each of body. Evidence: Preparation/Issuance of concerned documents for conduction of all bodies/committees meetings. Minutes of all Meetings for last three years. Notifications of Decisions. Approval of SOPs/ToRs for compliance of minutes. Notification of responsible office Responsibility : To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Academic Office, P & D, Treasurer: 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

30 Standard: 3 Organization and Governance
Question 2: Please provide a report concerning emergency powers: Have you used emergency powers in last three years Provide the SOPs for the use of the Emergency Powers; any other documents which recorded that was exercised in last three years Answer 2: List the cases in which the emergency powers were used. List the use of the emergency powers and the names of the committees/bodies regarding which emergency power used in last three years Evidence: letter/notifications regarding the use of emergency powers Minutes of meetings of Concerned bodies/Committees where use of these emergency powers are presented for approval. Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office on behalf of the Vice Chancellor/Rector. 2:31:51 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

31 Standard: 3 Organization and Governance
Question 3: Who reports directly to the Vice Chancellor? How often do they meet as a group? Answer 2: Please provide the Organogram Evidence: Approval of Organogram Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

32 Standard: 3 Organization and Governance
Question 4: Discuss your process for avoiding conflict of interest at the level of each statutory body. Answer 4: Describe the Conflict of Interest Policy Evidence: Copy of Conflict of Interest Policy along with its approval Notification and distribution of Policy Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

33 Standard: 3 Organization and Governance
Question 5: Details of memberships of all statutory bodies and committees established Answer 5: Para-wise members names of all bodies and committees Evidence: Approvals and Notifications of memberships Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

34 Standard: 3 Organization and Governance
Question 6: Please provide the dates of meeting and dates of distribution of minutes of the meetings for the last three years: Answer 6: Meeting wise lists Evidence: Notifications/issuance of letters for conduction of meeting, approval of minutes of meetings and distribution of minutes of meetings. Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 4 Integrity Question 1: Is there a grievance redressal procedure for faculty? For students? For staff? Please provide copies of each Answer 1:Explain Procedure for grievance redressal of Faculty, Students and Administrative staff. Details of staff deputed for the purpose. Details of committees for the purpose Evidence: Approval of Procedures, Approval of committees, Notification of approved procedures, Publication of the procedures, List of Cases registered by Students, Faculty and Staff in last three years. Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office ,COEs, Academic, Provost and Admn. 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 4 Integrity Question 2: Describe your system for monitoring ethical standards in research/scholarly work. Answer 2: Explain Description of System Evidence: Approval of System, its Notification and Publication of System Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office , Academic and ORIC Office 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 4 Integrity Question 3: What you are doing to combat/eliminate plagiarism? Answer 3: Explain your Policy. ` Evidence: Approval of Plagiarism Policy Constitution of Plagiarism Committee Report regarding use of Turnitin for last three years Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: ORIC Office 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 4 Integrity Question 4: What is your policy regarding intellectual rights? Answer 4: Descibe Policy Implementation Procedures Evidence: Approval of Policy Notification for publication of Policy Implementation Status Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office and ORIC Office 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 4 Integrity Question 5: Do you have a written policy concerning conflict of interest? If so, who or what statutory bodies are covered by the policy? Please describe the mechanisms to safeguard against conflict of interest? Answer 5: Yes / No, If Yes: Details of Policy ,Describe the procedure for implementation List of Statutory Bodies covered under this policy Evidence: Approval of Conflict of Interest Policy Notification of Conflict of Interest Policy Compliance Cases Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 5 Faculty Question I:FACULTY APPOINTMENTS Describe how you have implemented the appointment criteria of HEC? If not, what have been the obstacles to the implementation. Answer 1: If HEC’s Faculty Appointment Criteria Adopted. Please mention when adopted, and which statutory body approved the Policy. Evidence: Minutes of meeting of concerned Statutory Body and Notification. Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 5 Faculty Question 2:what is the Faculty selection/appointment process? Answer 2: Details regarding the Faculty selection/appointment process Evidence: Approval of Process and Notification Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 5 Faculty Question 3: FACULTY EVALUATION AND DEVELOPMENT Answer 3: Describe the policy for evaluation of Teaching methodology including following: What are the criteria used for evaluation of teaching? When and Who Approved How often are they revised? Who does the evaluation? Is there procedure for Class Observations Who is responsible and document classroom observations. Teacher Evaluation by students Which office is responsible to collect Students feedback on Teaching and Teacher How these valuations are used to improve the Teaching Evidence: Minutes of the meetings where criteria is approved. Notification of approval of Criteria Documented Evaluations including details of Evaluators. Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Academic Office, QEC and Heads of Academic Departments. 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 5 Faculty Question 4: Status of Research Answer 4: Department-wise list of research projects and/or research funding earned by the faculty in last three years. Department-wise list of publications and impact factor in last three years Evidence: Material Proof of Projects, Research Funding and Publications Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, ORIC, and Heads of Academic Departments. 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 5 Faculty Question 5: Professional Development of Faculty. Answer 5:Provide the following information : What offices are responsible for faculty professional development? How is faculty professional development documented? Department-wise list for workshops/trainings attended and/or made a presentation by each faculty member (for last three years) How is the professional development activities of faculty members used for merit pay, for promotions etc. List the department wise names of faculty members who have gone to foreign countries for higher studies during their employment in your university. Where and what have they studied? What degrees/diplomas/certificates/postgraduate work has been obtained. Evidence: Files of each Workshops/Training attended by Faculty Members. (With in the University and outside the university separately) Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Academic Office, ORIC and Heads of Academic Departments. 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 5 Faculty Question 6: MAINTAINING INTEGRITY Answer:6 Please provide documentation for the process used for termination of faculty. Process of dealing of following issues: Plagiarism case of faculty member Biased grading in examination. Institutional Ethics Evidence: Approval and notification of the termination process. List by department faculty in each of the following categories: Those who have resigned and list the reasons for each. Those who have been deputed and list the reasons for each. Those who have been terminated and list the reasons for each. List of plagiarism cases (if any). List of other cases Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Academic Office, ORIC and Heads of Academic Departments. 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 5 Faculty Question 7:SALARIES AND BENEFITS How are faculty salaries and benefits set? Who sets them? Who approves them? Provide any data you have that shows comparable salaries and benefits at other institutions that you believe compete with you. Does the University give merit pay? If so, please describe the process. Answer 7: Details of Faculty Salaries . Tenure Track Salaries. Designation Wise detail of salaries. Details of Merit Pay (if applicable). Details of any other remuneration offered to Faculty members for their progresses (i.e. Publication of Research Paper, MPhil & Ph.D. thesis Supervision) Evidence: Approval and notification of Merit Pay Policy. List of TTS Faculty Members with salaries. List of Faculty Members along with the financial benefits received (other than salaries). Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, and Treasurer Office. 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 5 Faculty Question 8: FACULTY SATISFACTION Answer 8: Describe the system in place to assess faculty satisfaction? What office(s) hold the responsibility for assessing faculty satisfaction? Do you use the QEC forms? Evidence: Provide copies of the faculty satisfaction surveys conducted in last three years. Use of results of Faculty Satisfaction Surveys Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, and Heads of Academic Departments. 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 5 Faculty Question 9: Faculty Personal Files Answer 9: Who keeps the faculty personal Files? Who has access to them? What is contained in the Files? Evidence: All personal files of all Faculty Members Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 6 Students Question 1: Who developed the admissions policies? How and where are admissions policies published and for whom. Answer 1: Name of individual / Committee Who Approved. List the documents where admission policy is published and link of web site (if applicable) Evidence: Approval and notification of Committee / Individual Minutes of meeting and notification of approval of admission policy Documents where admission policy is published and Printout of Web link Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Academic Office and Administrator University weblink. 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 6 Students Question 2: How often are admissions policies reviewed/revised? By whom? Answer 2: Date of revisions (with in last three years) Who reviewed? Evidence: Minutes of meetings and Notification Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office and Academic Office 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 6 Students Question 3: Are there Students Guidelines prepared by the University? How often the students Guidelines are reviewed/updated.? Answer 3: Yes / No If yes, Who prepared and approved. If No, what document is used to guide students regarding university’s Rules & Regulations.? Evidence: Approval and notification of Student Guidelines Where these documents are available Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office and Academic Office 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 6 Students Question 4: How does the general public find out about admissions policies Answer 4: List the documents where admission policy is published and link of website (if applicable) Evidence: Required Documents where Admission Policy is published and Printout of Web link. Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Academic Office and Web Administrator 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 6 Students Question 5:What percentage of courses listed in the university prospectus/catalogue are actually offered each year? Where can one find information regarding recognition of the university and accreditation status of individual programs? Answer 5: Comparison of courses offered during the current semester with Time Table, Prospectus Evidence: Prospectus, Approved Time Tables Minutes of BOS of these programs Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Academic Office and HODs. 2:31:52 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 6 Students Question 6: What is the credit transfer policy of the university? How many students are transferred to this institution and how many are transferred from this institution in last three years. Answer 6: Credit Transfer Policy Name of Approving Body Where published Evidence: Approval and Notification of Credit Transfer Policy. Documents where it published. Detailed list of transferred students Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, and Academic Office. 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 6 Students Question 7: Please provide report of dropout students program wise, department wise and semester wise. Answer 7: Academic Program Wise List of dropout students Evidence: Documentary proof of dropout students with detailed reasons. Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: COEs, Academic Office and HODs. 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 6 Students Question 8: For each department/program: within what time frame assignments/ examination papers are marked and shared with students? What percentage of marked assignments are given back to students? Answer 8:Policy regarding: Time frame for Papers, assignments quizzes Marking Evidence: Approved Examination Policy Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: COEs, Academic Office and HODs. 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

Standard 6 Students Question 9: What is the policy for awarding the scholarship/financial aid to the students? Answer 9: List of awardee students with amounts Evidence: Approval and notification of Scholarship Policy. Policy for Award of University Funded Scholarships List of awardee students with amounts Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Office of the Students’ Financial Aid. 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

58 Standard 7: Institutional Resources
Question 1:Describe the budgeting process. How is faculty involved? How are departments involved? Deans? QEC? Students? Answer: 1 Approved budgeting process. Faculty & Departments role in Budget Process Constitution of Budget committee/Body. Please provide a last year’s approved budget with an analysis to show percentages of revenue from: tuition and fees, government funding, percentage of expenses for: educational expenses; QEC; financial aid; faculty salaries and benefits; staff salaries and benefits; capital expenditures; Evidence: Approved Budget with detail analysis regarding the Subject Matter Documents of Budget Preparation Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Treasurer Office, Budget Section and Office of the Students’ Financial Aid. 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

59 Standard 7: Institutional Resources
Question 2: How are priorities set? Who is involved in setting priorities and what criteria are used? Answer: 2 Details of priorities Who sets the priorities What are the Priorities Evidence: Approval and notification of Body/Committee, setting Priorities . Minutes of meetings of the Body/Committee Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Treasurer Office and P &D 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

60 Standard 7: Institutional Resources
Question 3:What is the system for purchasing educational items and equipment? If there is a committee, how are the members selected and for what terms? What are the SOPs for purchase/procurement? Answer: 3 Define the purchase system/regulations Name of Approving authority Constitution of Purchase Committee Evidence: Approval and notification of Purchase System/Regulations. Approval and notification of Purchase Committee. Minutes of the Purchase Committee Meetings. Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office and treasurer Office. 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

61 Standard 7: Institutional Resources
Question 4: Details of University Resources: Answer 4: Number of campuses (within the same city of main campus) Number of Sub–Campuses. No of Libraries. Department-wise Number of books in library List of department-wise Laboratories with details and number of equipment List of department-wise Computer Labs with number of computers, Printers and any other facility List of Journals subscribed for Digital Library. Month-wise usage report of Digital Library (for Current year). List of Physical Journals Subscribed for library. Detail of Internet Services at Campus (Bandwidth, Wi-Fi etc.). List of Hostel with detail of Rooms and other facilities. Detail of sports facilities. Details of Cafeteria. Mosque Female Common Room Offices for faculty members Evidence: University Building Map (with marking of physical facilities with dimensions) Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, P & D , Provost, Librarian, Director Works and Director Administration 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

62 Standard 8: Academic Programmes and Curricula
Question 1: DEVELOPMENT, APPROVAL AND REVIEW OF ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Answer 1: How are academic courses and programs designed and approved? Are the academic programs/curricula approved by HEC? How often are academic programs/majors reviewed? What is the process of revision Do academic programs have learning outcomes for each major? Do you use the alumni survey form from QEC? How are alumni surveys used in reviewing programs? Do you use results of Students and Faculty Course Evaluation Survey while reviewing the curricula/syllabus Do you use the QEC Employer Survey? Please provide the most recent summary of the employer surveys. How are these used to review the curricula? Evidence: Please provide a copy of the curriculum for each academic degree program. Minutes of meetings BoS, BoF and Academic Council of all academic programs Scheme of Study of Each Academic Program Course files Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Academic Office and Heads of Academic Departments 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

63 Standard 8: Academic Programmes and Curricula
Question 2: ASSESSMENT AND TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Answer 2: Are faculty encouraged to vary their methods of delivery –i.e., less lecture, more classroom discussion, hands-on activities, etc.? If so, please provide evidence for this. How would do you assure that the faculty member teaching a series of courses is qualified to teach those courses? Who handles internships/field work. How does the university insure that the courses are taught at the appropriate level –i.e., graduate courses are truly graduate level and not just undergraduate level? Do university prepare the comparison of Intended Learning Outcomes vs Actual Outcomes. What is the process. Please discuss the process Do you have the necessary laboratories and equipment to carry out each of your program Evidence: Where teaching methodologies are discussed, please provide the minutes of meeting held in last three years. Comparison of Intended Learning Outcomes vs Actual Outcomes reports Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Academic Office, Registrar Office and Heads of Academic Departments 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

64 Standard 8: Academic Programmes and Curricula
Question 3: INTEGRITY Answer 3: How Are Grades Examined To Guard Against Grade Inflation? Policy For Use Of Un-fair Means And Cheating During Examination Evidence: Approved Policy for Examining Grades Approved Policy For Use Of Un-fair Means And Cheating During Examination Approving Body/Committee Minutes of Meetings of Committee Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Controller of Examinations 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

65 Standard 9: Public Disclosure and Transparency
Question 1: Have University adopted Right to Information (RTI), Act What methods/means university use for dissemination of information, notices and announcements. Which office deals with public How the university get the feedback from general public, how it is used. Answer 2: When adopted. List the details of means/methods used for disclosure of information with types of information against each method (e.g. University Website, Notice Board, Prospectus, University Magazines, Newspaper etc.). Name of the office dealing with Public Evidence: Minutes of meeting and notification of adoption. Weblink, Copies of university magazines, Prospectus, Newspaper cuttings. Any other ToRs of the office Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

66 Standard 9: Standard 9: Public Disclosure and Transparency
Question 2:When and where university publish merit lists for students’ admissions and semester results Answer 2: Means and methods (University Website, Notice Board etc.) Evidence: Web links Notices and other Notifications Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Academic Office, COEs and HODs. 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

67 Standard 9: Public Disclosure and Transparency
Question 3: Describe your communication strategy/processes for disseminating regulations, rules and policies for staff. Answer 3: When Approved Approving body Evidence: Approval and notification of communication strategy/processes Communication strategy; and SOPs. Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

68 Standard 10: Assessment & Quality Assurance
Question 1:What is the process of self-assessment At the program. At the institutional level Answer 1: Describe in detail Evidence: All Self –Assessment Reports (at program level and Institutional level) Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Directorate of Quality Assurance 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

69 Standard 10: Assessment & Quality Assurance
Question 2: Is Quality Assurance Department(QEC) established as per HEC’s guidelines? Answer 2: Yes/No Name of Department When Established Constitution of department Evidence: Minutes of meeting of concerned statutory body Notification of Establishment Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

70 Standard 10: Assessment & Quality Assurance
Question 3: How many Programs’ SARs are completed/in process/not initiated Answer 3:List all academic programs department- wise and status of SARs in Tabular form Evidence: Complete SARs Incomplete SARs Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Directorate of Quality Assurance 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

71 Standard 10: Assessment & Quality Assurance
Question 4: How are the SARs used to improve quality of academic programs Answer 4: Discuss for each program as well as for the university as a whole? Evidence: Minutes of the meetings of statutory bodies’ where findings of SARs are discussed. (BoS, BASR, Academic Council) Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Academic Office, Registrar Office and HODs. 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

72 Standard 10: Assessment & Quality Assurance
Question 5: How many programs are accredited with concerned accreditation Council Answer 5: List the department-wise programs with accreditation status (tabular form) Evidence: All letters issued by accreditation councils (arrange the letters program wise) Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Academic Office, and HODs. 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

73 Standard 10: Assessment & Quality Assurance
Question 6: Describe the system for bringing in to the awareness of the students, faculty and staff the importance of and means of implementing quality assurance. Answer 6: List the details of awareness seminars/workshops conducted by Quality Assurance (QEC) with in the university. Who have attended? Evidence: Approvals of seminars/workshops Details of seminars/workshops Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Directorate of Quality Assurance 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

74 Standard 10: Assessment & Quality Assurance
Question 7: Describe the initiatives of the Vice Chancellor and other university officials concerning quality assurance. Answer 7:Name of the official: Initiatives Evidence: Documentary Proofs Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Directorate of Quality Assurance 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

75 Standard 10: Assessment & Quality Assurance
Question 8: Budget allocated to QEC in last three years Answer 8: Year Wise budget amounts Actual utilization Evidence: Copies of Budget Notifications of allocations Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Treasurer Office 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

76 Standard 10: Assessment & Quality Assurance
Question 9: How do you assure that the QA criteria and Standard Guidelines of HEC like Plagiarism Policy, Faculty Appointment Criteria, MS/MPhil and Ph.D. criteria, Tenure Track System, Semester Guidelines. Please provide evidence of implementation/notifications/circulars/minutes Answer 9: QA criteria and Standard Guidelines of HEC Like Plagiarism Policy Faculty Appointment Criteria. MS/MPhil and Ph.D. criteria Tenure Track System. Semester Guidelines. Evidence: Minutes of meetings where discussed and adopted Notifications of adoption Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Academic Office, Registrar Office, ORIC Office and HODs. 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

77 Standard 10:Assessment & Quality Assurance
Question 10 : How the university is conducting QECS Surveys Answer 10: Name of Survey:_______ Process:________ Evidence: All Surveys forms with accumulative summaries Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Directorate of Quality Assurance 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

78 Standard 11: Student Support Services
Question 1:Do you have a career counseling center/department/facility? Answer 1: If yes, please mention the: Qualifications of each of the staff members. TORs for the office. Budget allocated for last three years. Amount actually spent? Evidence: Minutes of the meeting where department/center/facility approved and Notification of establishment Copies of approved Budget Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office and Treasurer Office 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

79 Standard 11: Student Support Services
Question 2: Do you have students’ placement office? Answer 2:If yes, please mention the: Qualifications of each of the staff members. TORs for the office. Budget allocated for last three years. Amount actually spent? Evidence: Minutes of the meeting where department/center/facility approved and Notification of establishment Copies of approved Budget Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office and Treasurer Office 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

80 Standard 11: Student Support Services
Question 3: How are students informed about the career counseling center? The placement office? Please provide students’ surveys related to these. Answer 3: Describe the procedures Evidence: Copies Of Circulars/Notifications/ Web Displays Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Academic Office and HODs 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

81 Standard 11: Student Support Services
Question 4: How many used each of these services (Career counseling and Students’ placement center) in last three years? Answer 4: Elaborate Year-wise data Evidence: Documentary Proof of the Data Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Academic Office and HODs 2:31:53 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

82 Standard 11: Student Support Services
Question 5: How are these services evaluated? Answer 5: How the university take the feedback about these facilities from students Evidence: Copies of feedback Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, Academic Office and HODs 2:31:54 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

83 Standard 11: Student Support Services
Question 6: Do the university have financial aid office? Answer 6: If yes: Name of the office. Names of officers If No: Which office is dealing with financial aid (scholarships to students) Evidence: Minutes of meeting of concerned statutory body where approved Notification of establishment of office Assigning of responsibility (if office not established) Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office and Office the Students’ Financial Aid. 2:31:54 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

84 Standard 11: Student Support Services
Question 7: How the student support services (cafeteria, Hostel, Support Services etc) are managed: Answer 7: Name of the facility_____ Name of committee/officer________ Evidence: Notification of committee, its approved ToRs Minutes of meetings of these committees Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office and Provost Office 2:31:54 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

85 Standard 11: Student Support Services
Question 8: Co-Curricular Activities Answer 8: List the Student Societies University Department/Officials Evidence: Approval of Societies Details of Activities ( During Last Three years) Competitions Inside and Outside the University Responsibility: To Answer the Question and provide the Evidence: Registrar Office, In charge Students Affairs and In charge Sports 2:31:54 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE

The university has to prepare a “University Portfolio Report (UPR)” ON VISIT A separate room is required for IPE panel, where all the documents related to University Portfolio Report, is placed. No need to prepare the photocopies of the documents/evidences as no documents will be taken out of the room. The room for the IPE Panel will have a table for each standard and the folders containing the information are to be clearly numbered. Sufficient office space within the room for all Panel members is to be provided. Proper electrification for laptops/computers, internet facility and printout facility are required in the room. In addition, any written reports, power-point presentations, or other information that IPE Panel have not requested but that the administration feels would be relevant to our IPE may be placed in the room. One soft copy and six hard copies of the University Portfolio Report will be provided by the university. POST VISIT Compliance of IPE Report in given time frame

Thank you for your Patience and Attention 2:31:54 AM BY MUHAMMAD SHAH DIN- DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCE


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