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Which Plane Flies the Farthest?

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Presentation on theme: "Which Plane Flies the Farthest?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which Plane Flies the Farthest?
By Group 4

2 Problem Statement Which type of Paper will make the airplane fly the farthest-cardstock Note book Paper Construction paper or printer Paper?

3 Hypothesis. I think the paper airplane made out of cardstock will fly the farthest because it is thicker and stronger.

4 Materials. 1. Note book Paper 2. Construction Paper 3. Cardstock
4. Printer Paper 5.Measuing tape/Ruler

5 Procedures 1.Gather all materials.
2.Make the airplane out of each type of paper. 3.Test each Model. 4.Record data. 5.Make a Conclusion.

6 Variables Types of paper The Force of the Throw

7 Controls The person throwing the Plane.

8 Data

9 Results The Construction Paper Flew the Farthest because it flew 139 Inches but the last time we flew Cardstock it flew 15 Inches

10 Conclusion My Hypothesis was incorrect because the Construction paper flew the farthest and my answer was cardstock so it was incorrect.

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