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Mikayla Vanhorn for secretary

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Presentation on theme: "Mikayla Vanhorn for secretary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mikayla Vanhorn for secretary

2 About me 3 season varsity field hockey starter High honor roll student
Little sister of 2 brothers Secretary of JSMS A responsible, outgoing leader Secretary of the National Chinese Honor Society 

3 Mission Statement Why stand in when you were born to stand out?!
I want to make this year unforgettable I would like to set the bar higher than ever & continue raising it throughout this school year I would like to inspire all students to portray  who they really are & make the best of what they have left of being in high school  And I want to making OBHS a less judgmental environment

4 Ob event <3 Who will be crowned king & queen of hearts
Event where students buy for their peers 1$ necklaces Second week of February necklaces given on Valentines day Each grade crowns a winner who has the most! (senior- king & queen junior- prince & princess ect.)

5 Charity event Supporting Lupus Foundation
Wearing purple to football game to honor Lupus (foundations color) Buying puzzle piece & writing name on it Putting pieces together to make a huge butterfly In honor of a passed teacher/coach role model for many Shirts, beads, & puzzle pieces will be sold

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