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Budget, Legislative, State Board of Education Update

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1 Budget, Legislative, State Board of Education Update
RCAN Meeting March 22, 2018

2 State Board of Education—March 2018
Item 1: Local, State, and Federal Accountability and Continuous Improvement System (Action item) Item 2: California’s System of Support for LEAs (Update item) Item 3: State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report for Special Education: Indicator 17 Item 4: Every Student Succeeds Act CA State Plan Item 8: CA Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Item 9: English Language Proficiency Assessments for CA

3 Item 1: Developing an Integrated Local, State, and Federal Accountability System and Continuous Improvement Attachment 1: Proposed Revisions to the 2018 California School Dashboard Attachment 2: Proposed Revisions to the Self-reflection Tool for Priority 6: School Climate Attachment 3: Local Performance Indicator for Priority 7: Access to a Broad Course of Study Attachment 4: Update on the California School Dashboard Attachment 5: California School Dashboard Educational Outreach Activities

4 Item 1: Attachment 1: Proposed Revisions to the 2018 CA School Dashboard
Chronic Absenteeism Indicator Due to technical issues, cut scores for Status and Change have been moved to the September 2018 meeting College/Career Indicator SBE approval for Change cut scores will be in Fall 2018, Fall Dashboard will report Status (Class of 2018) and Change (the difference between the Class of 2018 and Class of 2017), and report performance levels (colors) for the first time. Dashboard Alternative Schools Status (DASS) One-year graduation rate CCI modified career measures Graduation Rate Indicator Will use one-year rate to calculate Change rather than three-year average Explore options to include a five-year graduation rate

5 Item 1: Attachment 1: Proposed Revisions to the 2018 CA School Dashboard
Student-Level Growth Model Recommendation at the SBE May meeting for inclusion in the Fall Dashboard English Learner Progress Indicator is transition year from CELDT to ELPAC ELPI will likely be delayed until April 2019 ELPAC cut scores to SBE for approval at November 2018 meeting ELPI cut scores to SBE for approval at March 2019 meeting Participation Rate Four icons will be displayed in Fall Dashboard to distinguish when school and each student group met 95 percent requirement Automatic Assignment of RED Performance Level Need input from SBE on whether to change the performance level from Orange to Red if: (1) suspension data not certified by CalPADS (2) at least 50% of English learners not tested on ELPAC

6 Item 1: Attachment 1: Approved Standard for Priority 6: School Climate
Standard: The LEA administers a local climate survey at least every other year that provides a valid measure of perceptions of school safety and connectedness, such as the California Healthy Kids Survey, to students in at least one grade within the grade span(s) that the LEA serves (K-5, 6-8, 9-12), and reports the results to its local governing board and to stakeholders and the public through the Dashboard.

7 Item 1: Attachment 1: Proposed Revisions to Self-Reflection Tool for Priority 6: School Climate
Self-Reflection Tool: LEAs will provide a narrative summary of the local administration and analysis of a local climate survey that captures a valid measure of student perceptions to school safety and connectedness in at least one grade within the grade span (K-5, 6-8, 9-12) in a text box provided in the Dashboard. LEAs will have the opportunity to include differences among student groups, and for surveys that provide an overall score, such as the California Healthy Kids Survey, report the overall score for all students and student groups. This summary may also include an analysis of a subset of specific items on a local survey and additional data collection tools that are particularly relevant to school conditions and climate.

8 Item 1: Attachment 1: Proposed Revision to the Self-Reflection Tool for Priority 6: School Climate
Add the words data, meaning, and use to the appropriate guiding questions on the tool. Following are suggested guiding questions to help frame the narrative summary: Data: Reflect on the key learnings from the survey results and share what the LEA learned. Meaning: What do the disaggregated results (if applicable) of the survey and other data collection methods reveal about schools in the LEA, such as areas of strength or growth, challenges, and barriers? Use: What revisions, decisions, or actions has the LEA implemented (or will implement) in response to the results for continuous improvement purposes? Why? If you have already implemented actions, did you see the results you were seeking?

9 Item 1: Attachment 3: Local Performance Indicator for Priority 7: Access to Broad Course of Study
Standard: LEAs annually measure their progress in the extent which students have access to, and are enrolled in, a board course of study that includes the adopted courses of study for Grades 1-6 and 7-12, as applicable, including the programs and services developed and provided to unduplicated students and individuals with exceptional needs, and report the results to their local governing board at a regularly scheduled meeting of the local governing board and to stakeholders and the public through the Dashboard. Evidence: The LEA responds to the self-reflection tools as specified and reports the results to its governing board and through the local data election option in the dashboard.

10 Item 1: Attachment 3: Priority 7: Approach for Self-Reflection Tool to Use as Evidence
LEAs provide a narrative summary of the extent to which all students have access to and are enrolled in a broad course of study by addressing, at a minimum, the following four prompts: Briefly identify the locally selected measures or tools that the LEA is using to track the extent to which all students have access to, and are enrolled in, a broad course of study, based on grade spans, unduplicated student groups, and individuals with exceptional needs served. [Insert text here] Using the locally selected measures or tools, summarize the extent to which all students have access to, and are enrolled in, a broad course of study. The summary should identify any differences across school sites and student groups in access to, and enrollment in, a broad course of study, and may describe progress over time in the extent to which all students have access to, and are enrolled in, a broad course of study. Given the results of the tool or locally selected measures, identify the barriers preventing the LEA from providing access to a broad course of study for all students. In response to the results of the tool or locally selected measures, what revisions, decisions, or new actions will the LEA implement, or has the LEA implemented, to ensure access to a broad course of study for all students? Additional information about enrollment in courses and the number of courses offered in different subjects at schools is available on the California Department of Education DataQuest Web page at

11 Item 1: Recommendation SBE approve:
(1) the proposed revisions to the self-reflection tool for Priority 6: School Climate, and (2) the proposed standard and self-assessment tool for LEAs to determine progress on the local performance indicator for Priority 7: Access to a Broad Course of Study. SBE provide guidance on recommended changes to the state indicators and take additional action as deemed necessary and appropriate.

12 Item 2: Update on Accountability System of Support
Level 1: Support for all LEAs and Schools CCEE Training Modules, topics for CA School Dashboard/LCAP updates Differentiated Assistance Demonstrations Increased and Improved Services for Unduplicated Pupils (DIISUP) Data and Evaluation Tools for Identifying Strengths, CDE is developing Geographic Information System (GIS) tool maps data from Fall Dashboard Available to all LEAs and stakeholders soon Partnerships in Action for Differentiated Assistance Dos Palos Oro Linda Joint Unified School District, Merced COE, CCEE

13 Item 3: State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report for Special Education: Indicator 17
Indicators 1–16 were approved at the January 2018 SBE meeting. Indicator 17 is a recent federal requirement for a State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP), which reflects a shift in focus from ensuring state and local compliance with special education law to also targeting improved outcomes for students through the development of state level systemic plans for increasing student academic performance. The SSIP is a 6-year plan with activities in 3 phases; this report, also known as the Phase III update, is due to the Office of Special Education Programs on April 2, 2018.

14 Item 3: State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report for Special Education: Indicator 17
Phase 3 Report Elements Results from ongoing evaluation Extent of CA’s progress in implementing SSIP Revisions to SSIP SWD representation in the larger statewide accountability system 163 LEAs were eligible for Differentiated Assistance for SWD student groups using the Fall 2017 Dashboard Data for new accountability system will include SWD CDE continues to work on integrating special education data into CalPADS CDE Special Education Division (SED) Restructuring of the SED Revamping/expanding SED projects/contracts to share best practices with and among LEAs, COEs, and SELPAs Align monitoring timelines and activities to the state Dashboard and the identification of LEAs for Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III level of support

15 Item 4: Every Student Succeeds Act
Recommendation: SBE approve the revised State Plan relating to A.5, E.1, and 1.7g. Attachment 1: Proposed Revisions to the ESSA State Plan (Sec. 508 compliant version) Attachment 2: Proposed Revisions to the ESSA State Plan (Tracked Changes Version) Attachment 3: Matrix of Feedback from USDOE Addendum 1: Proposed revised language and revised recommendation Addendum 2: Additional data tables that will be submitted in the revised ESSA State Plan

16 Item 4: Attachment 3: Revisions to ESSA State Plan
Section A.5: Disproportionate Rates of Access to Educators CDE is currently determining a process to collect data, no later than Spring 2019, on teacher mis-assignment. California is required to describe how low income and minority children enrolled in schools assisted under Title 1, Part A are not served at disproportionate rates by ineffective, out-of-field, or inexperienced teachers. Section E.1: Title III, Part A, Subpart 1: English Language Acquisition; Entrance and Exit Procedures Provide timeline of CA considering additional legislation to define the implementation of the teacher evaluation and parent consultation criteria, which much be standardized statewide (if a state chooses to use these criteria.) Section 1.7g: Title IIV, Subtitle B, Education for Homeless Youth (McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act) Clarify and describe how homeless youth will receive specific assistance from counselors and advise, prepare, and improve college readiness.

17 Item 4: Attachment 3: ESSA State Plan
Revisions to Section A, Accountability will be at a future SBE meeting (April), topics include: Status and Change Indicator-specific issues Measurements for interim progress Weighting of indicators School identification Exit criteria N-size

18 Item 8: CAASPP Summative Assessments
Fourth year of operational administration of the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for ELA and mathematics Second year of operational administration of the CA Alternate Assessment (CAA) for ELA and mathematics, the CAST field test, the CAA for Science pilot year two, and the optional STS. Supports and Preparation for LEAs Digital Library (DL) Workshop and Focus Groups have informed the development of new resources to target development of specific skills and support student learning. Majority of resources are available in the DL. To strengthen the connection between formative assessment resources in the DL and classroom instruction, Smarter Balanced is developing a protocol and complementary survey that can be replicated with similar groups across the consortium to collect educator feedback. Smarter Balanced (SB) continues to produce Connections Playlists to help educators link student results of the SB Interim Assessments to the DL. New Resource for Individualized Education Program Teams is a two-page document that provides a list of resources for an IEP team to reference while considering the most appropriate CAASPP assessment for a student with an IEP. Standards-Based Test Results in Spanish and CA Spanish Assessment (CSA) Status is the final administration of the STS, which will be replaced with the CSA next year. LEAs are encouraged to participate in the optional CSA field test, scheduled for fall 2018.

19 Item 8: CAASPP CA Science Assessments
For the administration, LEAs will administer CAST field test and the CAA for Science, pilot year 2 to students in grades 5 and 8 and once in high school. CAST field test is a full-census administration for all eligible students. Students are eligible to take CAA for Science if an alternate assessment is indicated in their IEP. All grade 12 students will be administered one of the two science assessments; however, LEAs can elect to administer the appropriate science assessment to students in grade 10 or 11. CDE is developing resources to assist LEAs in preparing for the administration of the computer-based CAST; item review workshops for CAST’s first operational assessment in 2019 (tentative dates April 2 and 5, 2018) CAA for Science resources available online to help prepare LEAs; ETS to facilitate a meeting on May 15-17, 2018 for educators and review performance tasks developed for the 2019 field test.

20 Item 9: ELPAC Recommendation: The SBE approved proposed revisions to the Initial Assessment (IA) test blueprints for ELPAC. Proposed revisions to task types: administration considerations appropriate rigor task types that did not perform as expected and were removed Combining Grades 9 and 10 with Grades 11-12 propose a single test for Grades 9-12; ELD standards are very similar and no need for a separate test Preliminary threshold scores at the SBE May meeting for approval; Information Memorandum in April.

21 Thank you, from the RCOE Governmental Relations team
Jeff Vaca – Leticia Garcia – Cindy Livers –

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