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START-08 / pre-HIPPO Flight hour allocation:

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Presentation on theme: "START-08 / pre-HIPPO Flight hour allocation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 START-08 / pre-HIPPO Flight hour allocation:
START-08 objectives: 88 hours HIPPO objectives: 32 (+ 30) hours

2 EOL instrumentation TDL Stratospheric Water Vapor (two) CN
Cloud Particle Sizing (CDP) SID-2H 2D-C 3D Winds (standard) State parameters (standard) Satcom (standard) Digital imagery

3 GV Payload

4 Upload Schedule (DRAFT!!!)

5 Operational Issues Research flights out of Jeffco 04/21-06/28
Two overnight stays in Canada Warm-up time is longer than the standard two hours (Canada???) In Jeffco, expect uninterrupted power transition from warm-up to flight Lab space will be provided in old hangar Operations center – Jeffco conference room (planning meetings) + telecon + web

6 Data Management Field catalog requested (FPS)
No real time product uploads to the GV Chat, tracking and ground data feed are standard products and will be provided Satcom uptime is not guaranteed 100% but has been very good so far EOL data will be finalized no later than 6 months after project end, as netCDF

7 Questions?

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