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Go For The Goal! Consumer Education 2015-16.

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Presentation on theme: "Go For The Goal! Consumer Education 2015-16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Go For The Goal! Consumer Education

2 “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” --Albert Einstein

3 Comfort Zone Sometimes we have a hard time trying new things—which stops us from doing lots of things (like trying out for a team, meeting new people, etc.)—and stops us from reaching our full potential. On your notetaking guide: Write your name using your non-dominant hand. Full name, first, middle, last Laugh at it a little

4 Discussion What were you thinking as soon as I said use your opposite hand? Were you one of the people who didn’t even try with their opposite hand? Why? How could you have been more successful writing your name with your opposite hand? How is this related to goal setting?

5 What do these images have in common?

6 A goal is something a person intends to accomplish
In careers & Finance

7 5 Keys to Goal Setting Count the Cost Put it in Pen Just Do It
Use Momentous Moments Rope Up

8 Count the Cost Set a goal. What will it require? List the steps.
What are the benefits? Are they worth it? Only make a commitment you are willing to keep.

9 Put it Pen A goal not written down is only a wish.
Post them where you can see them often. Did you know? Only 3% of the people in the USA have written and specific goals 10% have some goals in mind Over 30% have no goals

10 Just Do It Fully commit to your goals.
When will you work on them, how, where? “Do or do not, there is no try.” --Yoda

11 Use Momentous Moments A new school year A new year A new day A new job
A life changing event Stick to your goals, even when you don’t feel like it. (unless that goal is no longer worth it!) “Character is the discipline to follow through with resolutions long after the spirit in which they were made has passed.”

12 Rope Up Borrow strength from others.
Tell people, who will help you to achieve, about your goals. Look for resources.

13 Would you drive to the other side of the country?
How about without your map or your smart device? How are goals like using Google Maps?

14 Why Set Goals? Setting goals is like a road map Provide direction
Focus on the important things Uses resources wisely Keeps the end result in mind

15 Long-Term – more than one year
Types of Goals Short-Term – one year or less Improving grades at school Making the basketball team Saving money to buy a new phone Long-Term – more than one year Attending college Getting a great job Buying a new car

16 S M A R T Iterate your Goal Specific State exactly what is to be done
Measurable Include how the goal can be measured Attainable Determine steps to reach the goal Realistic Do not set goals for something unrealistic Time Bound State when the goal will be met S M A R T

17 Education Goals Earning an A on a Quiz College or Tech School
Honors Classes Clubs & Sports Online course-ware Short & Long Term

18 Education Goals Help individuals prepare for success in the workplace
What are two other ways educational goals help with financial success?

19 I want to go to A Technical College
Specific I want to attend a two year computer programming college. Measurable Because I want to attend a two year computer programming college, I will earn a B in algebra. Attainable Because I want to attend a two year computer programming college, I will earn a B in algebra this semester by studying for one hour each day Realistic Because I want to attend a two year computer programming college, I will earn a B in algebra this semester by studying for one hour each day instead of playing video games Time Bound Because I want to attend a two year computer programming college, I will earn a B in algebra this semester by studying for one hour each day instead of playing video games while I am a senior in high school.

20 Financial Goals $ for new shoes Club & Sport Fees $ for Video Games
Savings $ for college Short & Long Term

21 Financial Goals Help individuals prepare for financial well-being
What are two other ways financial goals help with overall well-being?

22 I want a new Phone Specific I plan to save money for a new phone.
Measurable I plan to save $400 for a new phone. Attainable I plan to save $400 for a new phone by saving $20 from each weekly babysitting job. Realistic I plan to save $400 for a new phone by saving $20 from each weekly babysitting job and putting it into a savings account instead of shopping with it. Time bound I plan to save $400 for a new phone by saving $20 from each weekly babysitting job for 20 weeks.

23 Why Set Goals? What is a SMART goal you would like to write & achieve? How can providing direction make goals easier to achieve?

24 Strategies to Help You Reach Your Goal
Write down your progress on a calendar or journal There are many websites and apps available to help you stay focused Track your progress When you share your goal with others, they can help remind you and keep you focused on your goal Ask others for support

25 Summary Goals help us focus on a positive outcome
SMART goals include specific details Goals can be long-term, short-term, financial or educational Track your progress and ask for help from others

26 Homework Go to the class website
Click on Consumer Education Click on SMART Goals Complete both SMART Goals and print. If you do not have a printer, save as a PDF (with a different name than the default and print at school)

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