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Presentation on theme: "Egypt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Egypt

2 Nile river valley

3 The Nile would flood each year, depositing rich black silt in the river valley.
This made the soil fertile. Egypt outside of the Nile flood plain is a desert, and not good for farming.

4 Time Periods in Ancient Egypt
Old Kingdom c B.C. – B.C. Middle Kingdom 2040 B.C. – 1786 B.C. New Kingdom 1570 B.C. – 1085 B.C.

5 The first dynasty (beginning of Old Kingdom) began when the king Narmer united Upper and Lower Egypt. dynasty – a series of rulers from the same family

6 Palette of Narmer

7 Written Language Three different scripts were used in ancient Egypt:
Hieroglyphic Sacred text, used for monumental inscriptions and religious text Hieratic A more cursive form of Hieroglyphic, used for sacred text as well as administrative text Demotic A later text used mainly for administrative purposes

8 Heiroglypic

9 Heiratic

10 Demotic

11 The Rosetta Stone Written in three texts: Heiroglyphic, Demotic, and Ancient Greek Allowed scholars to learn to translate ancient Egyptian texts

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