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The 1960s: A Decade of Protest

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Presentation on theme: "The 1960s: A Decade of Protest"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1960s: A Decade of Protest


3 I. Why the 1960s? The Impact of the Civil Rights & Anti- Vietnam War Movements

4 B. An Age of Inspiring Leaders (and Assassinations)

5 C. Baby Boomers Enter Their Teens and 20s
Birthrate Chart

6 D. New Drugs: The Pill and LSD

7 II. 4 Protest Movements of the 1960s
The Women’s Movement Fighting for Equality at Work and School % of Women Who Work Outside the Home % of Married Women Who Work Outside the Home % of All Workers Who Are Women 1900 20.0 3.9 18.1 1920 22.7 7.3 20.4 1940 27.9 14.7 25.2 1960 37.7 31.9 33.4 1980 51.5 49.9 42.6 2000 59.4 61.1 46.3

8 -- Fighting for Divorce and Abortion Rights


10 -- Challenging Attitudes & Gender Stereotypes

11 B. Hippies and the Counter-Culture

12 Creating a New Culture: From Politics, War and Suburbs to Peace, Love & Sex
The Decline – and Lingering Effects – of the Hippies

13 C. The Gay Rights Movement
Context: Decades of Discrimination Rioting at Stonewall Sparks Gay Pride

14 -- The Life and Death of Harvey Milk

15 D. The Latino Movement A Growing Population: The Immigration Act of 1965

16 Cesar Chavez Fights for Farm Workers

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