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Estimating Populations

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1 Estimating Populations
Mark and Recapture: Estimating Populations

2 The mark and recapture method is based on the assumption that if a sample is RANDOMLY collected and marked, then ALLOWED TO ASSIMILATE back into the population and then a sample is RANDOMLY collected again- that the fraction of the population that is marked in the second capture is proportional to the fraction of the original capture compared to the whole population. Example: If one third the recapture was marked, then the initial capture is assumed to be equal to one third of the entire population.

3 M m --- = --- N n M = marked in 1st capture
--- = --- N n M = marked in 1st capture m = recaptured (marked in 2nd capture) n = number in second recapture N = number in total population

4 The method of marking the animals must not increase or decrease the likelihood that they are recaptured. Video of a tagging method that was not successful: change

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