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Emma Hanson Head of Strategic Commissioning

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Presentation on theme: "Emma Hanson Head of Strategic Commissioning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Community Capacity Cabinet Members Meeting Update October 2014
Emma Hanson Head of Strategic Commissioning Community Support for Adults

2 A Life not a Service ! The Care Act:
What does a good life look like for you and your family and how can we work together to achieve it? The Care Act: Places well-being at its heart: the primary responsibility of local authorities is the promotion of the individual wellbeing of both those with care needs and carers Shifts responsibility from providing services to meeting needs Focuses on the need for services to be preventative, and stresses the importance of using the existing strengths and assets of individuals and communities an assets based approach Person Service Support No Wrong Door Circle of Support

3 Community Capacity Building
Information and Advice ‘Community Agents’ Home Care and Enablement Mental Health Core Offer Older Person’s Core Offer Sensory and Disability Services Carers Services Advocacy

4 independence maximised Outcomes met &
Local Telephone Response Begin a strengths based conversation about outcomes – not a deficit based conversation about needs. What does a good life look like for you and your family and how can we work together to achieve it? Gathers information about what person wants to achieve; their strengths and what support is already available to them from family and local community. Discuss what solutions could be found and who might help - provide Information and sign post to community services appropriate independence maximised Outcomes met & Things are getting tough for me who can I turn to ? If outcomes difficult to define or support required appears more complex refer to Community Agent to complete home visit Self referrals or referrals from Family/Friends GPs District Nurses Social Services Acute Trust Faith Groups Voluntary Sector DC/BC-Housing Home or Care Home providers Anyone ……. If needs are multiple and or complex refer to GP Hub for Multi Disciplinary team for assessment and support

5 Community Agents Advocacy Services Older Persons Services
Local Telephone Response Individuals or Family Members or friends Multi Disciplinary Team - acute or community including enablement District/Borough Council Housing Local Groups and Community Assets Advocacy Services Older Persons Services Sensory and Disability Services Carers Services Mental Health Services

6 Community Agent Help people who need advice and support to self manage their well-being and LTC’s Encourage people to be ‘good neighbours’ Support local groups to run social activities Be the conduit between primary and community care and the voluntary and community sector To support establishment of local community networks Identify local need, service gaps and work with commissions and providers

7 We already have an army out there !!
Role Number KCC Assessment Officers 155 KCC Community Wardens 80 Home Improvement Agents 17 NHS Health Trainers, Co-ordinators and Outreach workers 28 Primary Care Community Link Workers 18 Care Navigators 12 Health and Social Care Co-ordinators 11 Community Engagement Officers 9 Total 330 Further scoping in progress Kent Fire & Rescue Kent Police Vulnerability Project (Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators) Working check by jowl in local communities – crossing each other on people’s doorsteps not consistently networked together doing a version of the same truth 7,000 plus neighbourhood watch members

8 MSOA Middle Super Output Area population size 5,000 there are 182 within Kent
Same lots as which we let the Homecare Contract – offers further opportunities to join up support

9 Local Groups and Community Assets
Strategic Partner Kent County Council Service A Service D Local Groups and Community Assets Service E Service C Contract Management “A strategic partnership involves a formal agreement between two or more parties that have agreed to share finance, skills, information and/or other resources in the pursuit of common goals” Further tested model at two workshops with providers – concept welcomed with lots of input about how to develop/deliver outcomes and safeguard delivery network Partnering Agreement Partnering Agreement Grant Contract 20/11/2018

10 Engagement and consultation Activity
Ageing Better: Social Enterprise Kent £2,987,300 of Big Lottery Funding to lead a partnership of voluntary, statutory and private sector organisations to help 7,500 older people in Thanet. Joint working with Public Health Agreement to collapse grants and develop an outcomes framework Pioneer Steering Group CCB to become a recognised work programme Pioneer signed up to Making it Real, the TLAP personalisation programme Dementia Friendly Communities Programme – goes from strength to strength Ashford & Canterbury keen to take forward – compiling joint bid to bring ‘Cornwall’ model to Kent Kent has been successful in bidding to be a partner in three complimentary programmes: Malnutrition Task Force Cultural Commissioning DCLG ‘Our Place’ – Neighbourhood Community Budgets in Wye and Hinxhill Parish

11 Design Phase Plan 29/09/2014 06/10/2014 13/10/2014 20/10/2014 27/10/2014 03/11/2014 10/11/2014 17/11/2014 24/11/2014 01/12/2014 08/12/2014 15/12/2014 22/12/2014 29/12/2014 05/01/2015 12/01/2015 19/01/2015 26/01/2015 02/02/2015 09/02/2015 16/02/2015 23/02/2015 02/03/2015 09/03/2015 16/03/2015 23/03/2015 30/03/2015 06/04/2015 13/04/2015 20/04/2015 Gate 1 Confirm vision, scope, governance structure and high level KPI Gate 2 Confirm PMO setup to required standard, clear scope for design with understood dependencies. Design team in place and trained to required standard Gate 3 Initial design gate to agree key design methodology. In particularly around reshaping the market and enablement Gate 4 Opportunity Confirmed, Implementation governance established, KPI packs & FMG reporting finalised, Implementation plans in place, Resource requirements identified Setup Agree Key Decisions Agree Scope Construct Governance & Comms Agree KPI Approach Design PMO PMO SETUP Recruit & Train Team Generate reporting & documentation Train project leads in project management Commence project Review structure Determine dependencies Finalise KPIs LD Reshaping the Market LD Pathways to Independence Working with Newton Europe to ensure Older Persons Demand Management is coherent with Community Capacity Building and supports and informs wider programme. LD SIS LD Shared Lives Design Team Selection Confirm design plans Create selection process for leads and team Publicise roles Recruit team Brief & Train Refine design plans OP Demand Management OP Acute Outcomes OP Enablement Methodology © Newton Europe Limited. All Rights Reserved 20/11/2018

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