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Day Hospitals What are they good for?

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1 Day Hospitals What are they good for?
Dr K E Anderson Royal Victoria Building Western General Hospital Edinburgh

2 Day Hospitals Born 1950’s – Model derived from psychiatry
Traditional model – Urban areas Patients transported to and from Assessment and rehabilitation Several weeks attendance- emphasis on rehabilitation, respite and social care

3 Evolution 2012 More assessment - less rehabilitation
No remit for respite or social care Competing with other services e.g. home rehab, ESD schemes, domiciliary physio, crisis care, rapid response, other intermediate care teams

4 Evidence Cochrane Review RCT’S ( 2,500 subjects) DH versus ‘alternatives’ - 28% reduction in death or adverse outcome than those who received NO care. Trend towards reduced bed usage and care placements in survivors

5 Evidence Home versus day rehabilitation :RCT (small study) Crotty et al. Age and Ageing 2008;37:628-33 Home rehab just as good, less expensive, less treatment sessions. 2 x likely to be admitted to hospital with DH model

6 So - Day Hospitals Why do we have them? What are they for?
Do we really need them?

7 Day Hospitals in Lothian
OPRA (Leith CTC) - North East ARC (Western General) - North West Roodlands - East Lothian Liberton - South Edinburgh Templar - West Lothian

8 Who do we see? Patients requiring Comprehensive Geriatric Asst
Fall or minor injury, PD or Stroke with new functional decline Chronic medical conditions and acute decline e.g. cardiac failure/COPD/Diabetes Nutritional difficulties / weight loss Continence issues Cognitive decline Family/carer anxiety about ability to cope

9 Who can refer? GP Hospital doctor/AHP/Nurse in any setting MOE wards
A/E dept, CAA/ARU/ Minor Injuries Osteoporosis/PD Nurse specialists Community therapists/social workers Patients!

10 Why do we have them? G.P's/patients like them and believe they are effective Offer unique ‘One stop’ multidisciplinary assessment Allow thinking time and breathing space for carers and GP (“R” word) Allow elective (non urgent admission) in a time of crisis ( A good thing!) Provide rehabilitation in a group setting Specialist service - every body has appropriate training Holistic approach with continuity of follow up

11 What is wrong with them? Perception of ‘capacity’ and ‘cost’
Waiting lists and large numbers of DNA’s Lack of staffing and time Lack of flexibility Time consuming for patients Transport issues Lack of knowledge about referral pathways amongst potential users

12 What do we need to do better?
For GP’s – increase availability and rapid access For patients- reduce travelling time/repeat visits and length of visit For us- ensure all the processes are in place including IT support and evaluation of service

13 What are we doing? Continue doing what we do well e.g. CGA, falls
assessment and exercise programmes Ensure awareness –talking to other services Tackling DNA’s – telephone reminders Streamlining services and processes across the sites e.g. access protocols, assessments, documentation Sharing ideas e.g. aims, outcomes

14 What are we doing? Developing links with hospital teams e.g. COMPASS
Working towards integration with community teams and services e.g. provide a base for SPOC Exploring the ‘virtual ward’ concept Ensuring IT systems in the right place which talk to each other e.g. TRAK , E assess, Carenap Collecting data

15 Agreed Outcomes for Managers
Admission avoidance Rapid access to diagnostics Community services support Support early discharge from hospital


17 Challenges Ensuring a future Audit processes and outcomes
Making the case for expansion Staffing the service all day and all week Ensure the IT is up to it

18 Thank-You

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