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Atmospheric Modeling and Analysis Division,
Indirect radiative forcing of climate due to aerosols in the two-way coupled WRF-CMAQ: model description, development, evaluation and regional analysis Shaocai Yu, Rohit Mathur, Jonathan Pleim, David Wong, Rob Gilliam, Steve Howard*, and S.T. Rao* Atmospheric Modeling and Analysis Division, National Exposure Research Lab, U.S. EPA, RTP, NC 27711 *retired
Largest uncertainty (IPCC, 2007):
indirect aerosol forcing
Model Description (Configuration)
Calculation of indirect aerosol forcing (IAF) in WRF-CMAQ Aerosols: number, size, chemical composition Coupled WRF-CMAQ aerosol simulation Sulfate, BC, OC, dust CAM ice nucleation scheme (Liu et al. 2007) Aerosol activation scheme (Abdul-Razzak and Ghan, 2000, 2002) Updraft velocity, ice water content (WRF), temperature Updraft velocity, liquid water content (WRF) Cloud microphysics (Morrison): cloud vapor and water, rain, ice, snow, graupel CCN, Cloud droplet number Ice number Conc., IN Radiative transfer model: CAM: re (4-20) mm; RRTMg: re(2-60) mm Cloud effective radius (re), COD Ice effective radius (rie), IOD Met fields (WRF) The 1st and 2nd IAF Glaciation IAF
Model domain (12 km and 4 km)
12 km domain over CONUS PM2.5 4 km nested domain over Gulf of Mexico
Results: (August, 2006) Evaluation for PM2.5 at AIRNOW sites
Model gets obs PM2.5 reasonably good Over Houston domain, model overestimated PM 2.5, especially for 4-km simulation WRF-CMAQ-CAM (CAM) WRF-CMAQ-RRTMG (RRTMG) WRF-CAM (CAM-D) WRF-RRTMG (RRTMG-D) NMB (%) CAM RRTMG East US (long<100) 5.3 -0.1 West US (long>100) 0.4 -5.2 Houston domain (12km) 37.1 2.0 Houston domain (4km) 65.4
Results: PM2.5 composition over the CONUS (12-km) (August)
Model underestimates SO4 over E US but overestimate OC, EC,TC at IMPROVE sites SO4 NMB (%) E US W US CAM RRTMG CASTNet SO4 -27.6 -32.1 -23.9 -24.5 NH4 -23.0 -27.7 -34.1 -35.9 NO3 19.4 9.7 -80.6 -82.3 SO2 101.1 98.9 47.0 47.5 IMPROVE PM25 -13.2 -16.8 15.0 7.1 -12.5 -18.9 13.9 11.6 50.4 22.4 -51.9 -61.1 OC 25.9 23.8 51.4 38.6 EC 54.9 52.2 110.6 94.5 TC 31.9 29.7 59.2 46.0 STN -0.7 -6.2 1.5 -5.3 -7.9 -14.8 -4.2 -9.5 2.8 -6.7 -47.3 -53.6 64.2 37.1 -81.1 -84.1 2.2 -0.9 -7.0 NH4 NO3 OC TC
Results:Evaluation at STN sites (August) over the Houston
PM25 SO4 overestimated obs PM2.5 because of TC overestimation 12-km run underestimates SO4, 4-km run is good. NMB CAM-4km rrtmg-4km PM25 92.4 53.4 SO4 6.7 -7.6 NH4 -22.2 -61.1 NO3 -16.4 -33.8 TC 142.7 89.1 Cam-12km rrtmg-12km 43.1 12.7 -42.6 -48.0 -57.3 -84.3 -56.9 -62.9 103.1 69.3 NH4 NO3 TC
Results (Shortwave cloud forcing)
Interpolate to 12 km resolution for model (August) WRF (only) WRF-CMAQ CAM 12 km (CERES) RRTMG
Results (Shortwave cloud forcing)
Interpolate to 4 km resolution for model (August) WRF (only) WRF-CMAQ CAM 4 km (CERES) RRTMG
Results (Shortwave cloud forcing)
Comparison of Monthly means SWCF (August): Land 12-km simulations with both indirect and direct aerosol forcing (WRF-CMAQ) are the best with very good correlation coefficients 12-km runs still underestimate SWCF over land Land Ocean Obs (CERES) Corr NMB (%) CAM WRF-CMAQ 0.96 -18.18 0.90 1.21 WRF (only) 0.50 -5.01 -0.55 53.86 RRTMG -27.44 0.93 -18.91 0.72 -30.45 -0.48 14.90 Ocean
Results (Shortwave cloud forcing)
Comparison of Monthly means SWCF (August): 4-km simulations with both indirect and direct aerosol forcing (WRF-CMAQ) are the best 4-km runs are better than 12-km runs for SWCF, less underestimation. Obs (CERES) NMB (%) CAM WRF-CMAQ -5 WRF (only) -24 RRTMG -7 -28
Results (Longwave cloud forcing)
Comparison of Monthly means LWCF (August): Land 12-km WRF-CMAQ simulations with both indirect and direct aerosol forcing are the best with very good correlation coefficients 12-km WRF-CMAQ runs underestimate LWCF Land Ocean Obs (CERES) Corr NMB (%) CAM WRF-CMAQ 0.82 -31.57 0.90 -23.18 WRF (only) 0.26 40.15 0.38 168.46 RRTMG 0.83 -33.53 -30.56 0.36 -6.60 0.45 95.29 Ocean
Results (Longwave cloud forcing)
Comparison of Monthly means LWCF (August): 4-km simulations with both indirect and direct aerosol forcing (WRF_CMAQ) are the best 4-km runs are better than 12-km runs for LWCF, less bias Obs (CERES) NMB (%) CAM WRF-CMAQ 3 WRF (only) 4 RRTMG -8 -13
Results (cloud optical depth (COD))
Comparison of Monthly means COD (August): Land 12-km simulations with both indirect and direct aerosol forcing (WRF-CMAQ) are the best 12-km runs underestimate COD Land Ocean Obs (CERES) Corr NMB (%) CAM WRF-CMAQ 0.86 -31.98 0.88 -2.51 WRF (only) 0.71 -69.11 0.41 -65.42 RRTMG 0.85 -57.77 0.87 -42.76 0.80 -91.40 0.45 -90.53 Ocean
Results (COD) Obs (CERES) NMB (%) CAM WRF-CMAQ -7 WRF (only) -75 RRTMG
Comparison of Monthly means COD (August): 4-km simulations with both indirect and direct aerosol forcing (WRF-CMAQ) are the best 4-km WRF-CMAQ runs are better than 12-km runs for COD, less underestimation Obs (CERES) NMB (%) CAM WRF-CMAQ -7 WRF (only) -75 RRTMG -31 -89
Results (Cloud Fraction)
Comparison of Monthly means CldFrac (August): Land 12-km simulations with both indirect and direct aerosol forcing (WRF-CMAQ) are the best 12-km runs underestimate cloud fraction slightly Land Ocean Obs (CERES) Corr NMB (%) CAM WRF-CMAQ 0.97 -8.67 0.87 -0.83 WRF (only) 0.30 37.51 -0.06 41.60 RRTMG -13.49 0.90 -10.28 0.39 24.02 -0.17 30.18 Ocean
Results (Cloud Fraction)
Comparison of Monthly means CldFrac (August): For 4-km runs, all models performed very well with slight overestimation 4-km runs are very good Obs (CERES) NMB (%) CAM WRF-CMAQ 12 WRF (only) 6 RRTMG 1 7
Contacts: Brian K. Eder
Results (Cloud effective radius)
Interpolate to 12 km resolution for model (August) WRF-CMAQ WRF (only) 12 km (CERES) CAM RRTMG
Results (Cloud optical depth (COD))
Interpolate to 12 km resolution for model (August) WRF-CMAQ WRF (only) 12 km (CERES) CAM RRTMG
Results (Longwave cloud forcing)
Interpolate to 12 km resolution for model (August) WRF-CMAQ WRF (only) CAM 12 km (CERES) RRTMG
Results (Cloud Fraction (CldFrac))
Interpolate to 12 km resolution for model (August) WRF-CMAQ WRF (only) 12 km (CERES) CAM RRTMG
Coupler Two-way coupled WRF-CMAQ modeling System
(Interaction and feedback) Meteorological Model WRF modeling System: x=12 km, 4km 34 layers Land-Surface: PX LSM PBL: ACM2 Cloud Physics: Morrison Cumulus: Kain-Fritsch, not for 4km Shortwave: RRTMg, or CAM Longwave: RRTMg, Chemical Transport Model CMAQ Modeling System: Photochemistry: CB05 59 organic and inorganic species, 156 chemical reactions Aerosol module: AE6 3 lognormal modes, organic and inorganic Emission: SMOKE In-line emission for biogenic species AQPREP Prepares virtual CMAQ compatible input met. files Coupler CMAQ-mixactivate: cloud drop, ice number conc. Direct forcing: Aerosol size, composition, conc.
Results (preliminary): Temp along ship track over the Gulf of Mexico
Models got Temp. very well Obs (Ship) 28.49 NMB (%) CAM WRF-CMAQ 28.19 -1.1 WRF-CMAQ (direct) 28.57 0.3 WRF (only) 28.68 0.7 RRTMG 28.89 1.4 28.86 1.3 28.88
Results (Cloud Fraction (CldFrac))
Interpolate to 4 km resolution for model (August) WRF-CMAQ WRF (only) 4 km (CERES) CAM RRTMG
Results (Cloud optical depth (COD))
Interpolate to 4 km resolution for model (August) WRF-CMAQ WRF (only) 4 km (CERES) CAM RRTMG
Results (Longwave cloud forcing)
Interpolate to 4 km resolution for model (August) WRF-CMAQ WRF (only) CAM 4 km (CERES) RRTMG
Site location
Tracks of P-3 flights Tracks of ship
Results (Cloud Effective Radius)
Interpolate to 4 km resolution for model (August) 4 km (CERES) WRF-CMAQ WRF (only) CAM RRTMG
Results (Cloud Effective radius)
Comparison of Monthly means CldRadius (August): CERES measure CldEffc at cloud top, it is difficult to compare with the models WRF-CMAQ underestimate obs by ~60% Mean: Obs (CERES) 12.59 NMB (%) CAM WRF-CMAQ 5.04 -60 WRF (only) 14.00 11 RRTMG 4.23 -66
Results (Cloud Effective Radius)
Interpolate to 4 km resolution for model (September) 4 km (CERES) WRF-CMAQ WRF (only) CAM RRTMG
Results (Cloud Effective radius)
Comparison of Monthly means Cldradius (September): WRF-CMAQ underestimate obs by ~40% Mean: (mm) Obs (CERES) 11.11 NMB (%) CAM WRF-CMAQ 6.31 -43 WRF (only) 14.00 26 RRTMG 5.24 -53
Results (Ice Effective Radius)
Interpolate to 4 km resolution for model (August) 4 km (CERES) WRF (only) WRF-CMAQ CAM RRTMG
Results (Ice Effective radius)
Comparison of Monthly means CldEffi (August): CERES measure CldEffi at cloud top, it is difficult to compare with the models WRF-CMAQ overestimate obs by ~70% CAM is slightly better than RRTMG Mean: (mm) Obs (CERES) 27.10 NMB (%) CAM WRF-CMAQ 44.87 66 WRF (only) 20.65 -24 RRTMG 47.29 74 20.89 -23
Results (Ice Effective Radius)
Interpolate to 4 km resolution for model (September) 4 km (CERES) WRF-CMAQ WRF (only) CAM RRTMG
Results (Ice Effective radius)
Comparison of Monthly means CldEffi (September): WRF-CMAQ overestimate obs by ~160% Mean: (mm) Obs (CERES) 21.69 NMB (%) CAM WRF-CMAQ 56.49 160 WRF (only) 20.86 -4 RRTMG 57.75 166 20.98 -3
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