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Presentation on theme: "PUBLIC HEARING - INTELLIGENT ENERGY FOR EUROPE"— Presentation transcript:

Prof. A. Zervos President EREC - European Renewable Energy Council EWEA – European Wind Energy Association

2 European Renewable Energy Council
Umbrella organisation regrouping: EPIA European Photovoltaic Industry Association ESHA European Small Hydropower Association ESIF European Solar Industry Federation EUBIA European Biomass Industry Association EWEA European Wind Energy Association EUREC Agency European Renewable Energy Research Centers Agency

3 General comments Necessity of having a continuation of a non-technical programme for the promotion of RES & EE Inportant tool to back-up legislative EU initiatives and their implementation on national level Programmes are important for ensuring that EU RES targets are met! Limited budget available for ambitious objectives Necessity to ensure continuity of programme and implementation of actions

4 General comments (cont.)
New element of cooperation with the developing countries on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources Complementarity between actions funded under FP6 and Intelligent Energy for Europe needs to be ensured (important when work programme is drafted!) Key-actions will allow to focus activities in order to reach maximum impact

5 COOPENER Lessions learnt in Europe should be transferred to the international context, especially to developing countries. No duplication of development funds, COOPENER should focus on activities to prepare markets in developing countries for RES through policy advice and capacity building Proposal: € 19 million for 4 years to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy sources at international level. Is it realistic to achieve this with the proposed budget?

6 The framework for COOPENER
Climate Change Process leading up to Johannesburg EU Energy Initiative Communication from the European Commission on “Energy cooperation with the developing countries” Development policy priorities to reach Millenium Development Goals Leading position of EU RES industry on world market. COOPENER has to be embedded in this context!

7 Environment Driven Markets (Mainly OECD Countries)
Market characteristics: No need for additional capacity Financially able to invest Renewable energy development only contributes with a very small part of the total budget for the whole energy sector. Political interest and obligation to reduce CO2 emissions Renewable energy development is not very sensitive to variations in international fuel prices

8 Energy Driven Markets (Mainly Africa, Asia and Latin America)
Market characteristics: Immediate need for additional energy - especially electricity Capacity shortfall Dependence on fossil fuel imports Shortage of foreign currency Higher average increase in population, economic growth and energy consumption than OECD countries Very sensitive for variations in international fuel prices

9 Sustainable energy for developing countries
Policy advice and capacity building in developing countries is needed to prepare the market for RES. Europe has extensive experience with the implementation of renewable energy policies which can be transferred. EU industry is the technology leader in most RES fields A co-ordinated approach on European level is needed to achieve a maximum impact of the limited available ressources.

10 Ideas for actions under COOPENER
Dissemination of information on EU renewable technology offer suitable for developing countries Training of experts from developing countries in Europe Influencing developing country priorities for development cooperation by stressing the advantages of RES & EE Lobbying international financing institutions in favour of renewable energy projects Identification of appropriate funding resources and assistance in preparation of successful projects

11 Ideas for actions under COOPENER (continued)
Policy support to assist developing countries in creating favourable conditions for the uptake of RES Capacity-building in developing countries Monitoring and impact assessment of progress in the field of RES in developing countries

12 SUMMARY A concerted approach is crucial for the success and impact of COOPENER – funding of individual projects will limit impact. Co-ordination with development policy is crucial, leading to a possible increase in budgets. Creation of a platform to co-ordinate actions targeted at developing countries between DG TREN and DG Development. A concerted approach does not only bring benefits to developing countries, but could also help to strengthen the position of the EU RES industry.


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