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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL DATA MONITORING REPORT"— Presentation transcript:

Hamza Akbelwa, PhD Director, Forecasting Services Tanzania Meteorological Agency website: 2nd Workshop on WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring and Incident Management, December, Geneva, Switzerland

2 CONTENTS Introduction Monitoring
Proposed Solution for the national data monitoring Observations

3 Observational Network


5 Number of Stations and telecommunications
The number of Tanzania synoptic station are 27 stations. Dar es Salaam communication center is a national telecommunication network NMCs) which is center of collecting and transmitting of data. GTS link to Nairobi (RTH) is working. Communication is through internet , AMSS (TRANSMET) and AFTN.

6 Number of Stations and telecommunications
Monitoring was conducted on 25 synoptic stations; 15 stations out of the above 25 are operating over the GTS for international data exchange; Stations performance indicated that 2 stations (Bukoba and Mtwara) scored the highest marked 100% out of 25 GTS stations and (Mbeya) the is the only station marked the lowest (97%) on Synops; For Metar reports Bukoba station scored the highest 100% while Mbeya station marked the lowest (97%); and Graphs are presented to indicate the results for both Synops and METAR reports.

7 Digital Meteorological Observatory (DMO)
A software for determination of meteorological parameters, report generation, report transmission and archiving Purpose of DMO To improve TMA’s weather and climate forecasting by increasing accuracy in observation and monitoring 7

8 Purpose of DMO Create interface for weather data (Input, Execution, Output) Create interface for data analysis (trend) Create interface for Climate data (Input, Execution, Analysis, Output) Create interface for Observation/ observer control Create interface for Severe weather monitoring and reporting 8

9 Interface Trend generation

10 Interface Visualization and Observation Control

11 Interface Visualization and Observation Control, Cont…

12 Observations DMO reduces a big amount of paper used in recording data as part of climate change mitigation DMO can generate BUFR messages category I and automatically transmit to AMSS

13 THANK YOU TANZANIA METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY Morogoro Road, Ubungo Plaza, 3rd Floor P.O.Box 3056, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania Fax : , Website : Facebook: Twitter : Youtube :


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