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The History of Education Presentations EDU 224 | Newberry College

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1 The History of Education Presentations EDU 224 | Newberry College
Picture: retrieved 9/1/2010

2 History of Ed Presentations
What are the important events, vocabulary, purposes of education, and possible effects on education today for each time period in American education? What is engaging in a presentation? What would work in my classroom? What does it mean to collaborate? How di I and my team members do? 2/2 class business: Hand out/go over History of Education Overview sheets Clarify expectations for audience (no laptops)

3 Get ready for your presentations. We will go in chronological order.
Presentations and handouts have been uploaded to the class wiki at Teacher should have evaluation sheets and presentation links ready to go.

4 Reminders Be supportive of your peers’ efforts.
Complete notes on overview page. You will use this to study for the mid-term exam. Remember that all presentation slideshows and handouts are available online. Assess each presentation (including your own) for levels of audience engagement, public speaking, use of aids, and collaboration. You will use this to vote at the end of the presentations. Think about the instructional presentation methods you would one day like to use. Hand out and discuss overview and assessment sheets.

5 The History of Education Presentations
Have groups present.

6 Audience Engagement (25 points)
25 The presentation maintains an extremely high level of audience engagement throughout. 20 A high level of audience engagement is maintained through most of the presentation. 15 Audience engagement is clearly lost during several parts of the presentation. 10 The presentation generally lacks any audience engagement. 0 No audience engagement is apparent. To gauge the level of audience engagement for presentations, after all presentations are done… Review the rubric (which should have been discussed previously). Have students vote. Give each student two votes. Record the number of votes each presentation receives. Assign points on the audience engagement rubric for each presentation accordingly.

7 Collaboration A good group member helps achieve the group’s objective by contributing to the direction of the group. Respect Orientation to the goal Focus on group (not self) Resilience and support Willingness to work To gauge the level of collaboration demonstrated by each team member… Give each student an index card. Tell group members they will be evaluating each others’ levels of collaboration. They should not discuss or show each other the evaluations. Have each group member write the name of his/her time period at the top along with his/her name, then list the names of all other group members. Have students circle their own names. Discuss the rubric. Have students write a number based on the rubric next to each group member, then turn over their cards. Take up cards.

8 Chapter 5 Be sure that you have read chapter 5 in its entirety. Chapter quizzes can be accessed at under “Student Edition.” Be sure to me your results using the form at the bottom of each quiz. Both quizzes are due Friday 9/17. Thursday’s class will be online.

9 Class Wiki
Assign/discuss homework. Discuss next steps.

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