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Component 4 Effective and Reflective Practitioner

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1 Component 4 Effective and Reflective Practitioner
Session 3 Effective Use of Assessment Data Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

2 Welcome! Please sign-in
Login to your National Board Profile on to check for accuracy of information Preview Agenda Be ready to share comments, questions, or concerns Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

3 Goals for Session 3 Peer Reading & Responding to Drafts
Examine & plan - Professional Learning Need & Student Need Analyze Formative Assessment Data Set New Learning Goals Candidate Work Time Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

4 The forms support the Written Commentary part of the Portfolio Entry.
Component 4: Effective and Reflective Practitioner Session 3: Effective Use of Assessment Data Topic 1: Peer Review of the Written Commentary - Knowledge of Students Section The Group Information and Profile Form and the Contextual Information Sheet align with the Knowledge about Students Standards & the Content Area Standards. 
 The forms support the Written Commentary part of the Portfolio Entry.  Feedback from colleagues can help candidates write more concisely. The Level 4 Rubric is aligned with the Portfolio Instructions & can help candidates understand what is expected in the Written Commentary. Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

5 Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

6 C4 Resource 2.2 Overview & Planning Chart
Let’s take a look at C4 Resource 2.2--This is the SAME organizer as seen in Session 1. Candidates should have completed the first 4 columns by now. This has been revised since the column numbers were mentioned in the facilitator’s guide. Review your version of this resource since it has multiple pages Candidates may or may not choose to use this Resource. We like it because it really shows the importance of planning since the majority of the organizer is about thinking through the assessment and it shows the underlying logic of the process. Take a minute to examine all the parts of this resource. Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

7 This page focuses on the first part of the plan – planning on gathering knowledge of students and planning on assessment. Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

8 Reading and Responding to a Colleague’s Writing
Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

9 Accomplished Teachers often impact student growth through:
Component 4: Effective and Reflective Practitioner Session 3: Effective Use of Assessment Data Topic 2: Professional Learning Need & Student Need Accomplished Teachers often impact student growth through: Advocating for students Collaborating with families, colleagues or the community Showing leadership in the educational community   Knowledge of their Students prompts Accomplished Teachers continue professional learning Accomplished Teachers describe, analyze, & reflect on their participation in the learning communities relevant to their students Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

10 Participation in Learning Communities Portfolio Instructions
Check Instructions for details Time frame Learning Community clarification Connection to student learning Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

11 Examine Professional Leadership & Advocacy Standards
How do you already show these concepts in your teaching practice? Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

12 Professional and Student Learning Need
Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

13 Student Need & Professional Learning Need
On Your Own: Read the Section in the Portfolio Instructions on Participation in Learning Communities Examine the Forms – Description of a Professional Learning Need Form, Description of a Student Need Examine the Level 4 Rubric With a Partner: How do the written commentary questions align with the forms and Level 4 Rubric? Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

14 Activity: Color Code Your Level 4 Rubric the Level 4 Rubric
Knowledge of Students Generation & Use of Assessment Data Participation in Learning Communities Reflection Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

15 Resource 3.2 Professional Learning Need
Notice in the 1st column-–this is a Professional Need that can be for a specific group or broader population. Notice how this need is linked to KNOWLEDGE OF Students. How will you direct candidates back to this standard to help them consider all aspects of professional learning need? Here is where that earlier conversation with Candidates about meaning of advocacy, collaboration or leadership can be helpful. These are not labels we give to ourselves. Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

16 C4 Resource 3.3 Student Need Analysis
Notice the last column—Candidates are being asked to not only list factors or information that they used to DETERMINE they must also explain the impact on student learning. Both of these organizers take into consideration the information from the Form and from the Written Commentary. Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.. C

17 Component 4: Effective and Reflective Practitioner
Session 3: Effective Use of Assessment Data Topic 3: Analyzing Formative Assessment / Using Data to Adjust Learning Goals & Instruction Formative Assessment provides feedback & information during instructional process, while learning is taking place, & is used to adjust instruction Student Self-Assessment allows students to give feedback on their own learning 
 Analysis of data should reveal trends or patterns in learning – tells where the students are as a group in relation to the unit 
 Summative Assessment provides information on whether the students met set learning goals/objectives 
 Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

18 Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

19 Generation & Use of Assessment Data
Examine Portfolio Instructions: How can an item analysis help you answer the questions? What other process will help you analyze assessment? Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

20 Setting New Learning Goals
New goals are set based on the information gleaned from formative assessment & self-assessment if given at this time Candidates should set a target date when they will implement these new learning goals Candidates should finish unit of study & summative assessment before next cohort session Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

21 Closure Work on your Entry:
Peer Review of Knowledge of Students in the Written Commentary: How will you use the feedback to revise your entry? Professional Learning Need & Student Need: What did you realize about yourself as a leader, collaborator & advocate for students? What kind of student needs did you identify? Analyzing Formative Assessment: What are you next steps as you adjust the learning goals & instruction? What are you learning about your students’ self- assessment? Work on your Entry: What did you accomplish today? What are your next steps toward completing the entry? Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

22 Preparing for C4: Session 4
Forms: Complete drafts of Professional Learning Need & Student Learning Need Forms Refine all other C4 Forms Unit of Study: Complete the Unit of Study Refine your Unit’s Assessment Plan & bring student self-assessments to Session 4. Bring Summative Assessment data from Unit to Session 4. Written Commentary Revise Knowledge of Students section Begin draft of Generation & Use of Assessment Data & Participation in Learning Communities Review Reflection Questions & Reflection Standard Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

23 Cohort members reflect on the session together
Any cohort member can take notes for the group Teacher Liaison uses this form to share what’s happening in the cohort with the administrator Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

24 Be Sure to Reflect on: Students Teaching Strategies
It’s essential that candidates take time to consider what they noticed about their students in reflecting on their teaching. As they reflect on their students, they may determine other teaching strategies they need to try or revisit based upon their student knowledge and the conversations today. It may be too much to ask to have them reflect on both, but perhaps it isn’t for your candidates. This is also an opportunity for candidates to share logistical information with you about the cohort session. Using this individual form may be a safer way for some candidates to share concerns or questions. Copyright © 2018 National Board Resource Center at Illinois State University. All Rights Reserved.

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