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Differentiating Instruction Day 4
Evelyn Blalock Columbus State University Summer 2010 Evelyn Blalock
Agenda for Today Differentiated Instruction Review
Complete Graphic Organizer & Play game Differentiated Assessment Accommodations and Modifications for students with disabilities Plan of Implementation Activity Modify your Tiered lesson to enhance assessment and to provide access of students with disabilities Evelyn Blalock
Review Review Activity Graphic Organizer Cube
Toss the cube for review, to share ideas about how to use differentiated instruction Knowing the Learner Climate Assessment Adjusted Assignments Instructional Strategies Curriculum Approaches Evelyn Blalock
Video High Quality Curriculum (MID) Carol Tomlinson intro
Lift students to reach content standards Process that works for individual students Commonalities with the understandings/ objectives for ALL students Evelyn Blalock
Assessment in the Differentiated Classroom
Formative & Summative Ongoing Pre-assessment Assessment During Assessment After Instruction-dependent Assessment to INFORM Instruction Student-dependent Tiered Assessment example (HS: Continuous Assessment intro & EX, 2:13 Min) Evelyn Blalock
Types of Assessment Formative
Given DURING the instructional period To measure acquisition of skills and goals Allows teachers to make instructional decisions Summative Given at the END of the instruction period To summarize and measure what students have mastered Evelyn Blalock
Video: Assessment Video Activity
Differentiating Instruction to Meet the Needs of All Students, Secondary Edition, Part 2 3:00-13:58 minutes Activity Complete the T-chart using examples of Formative & Summative assessments that you see in the video Add examples from your experience as a Secondary Math Teacher Evelyn Blalock
Tiered Assessment Multi-level Assessment
Did they learn what you planned for them to learn? Learning Objectives (Identify underlying concepts: Essential Content, Skills, Questions) ALL students will learn MOST students will learn SOME students will learn Tiered Assessment by: Level of Abstraction Level of complexity (more steps, more connections to related subjects) Level of Learning (Bloom’s Taxonomy) Level of support (scaffolding) Level of depth (more or less details) Levels of readiness (2 or more) Evelyn Blalock
Rubrics for Problem Solving Task
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Completion All problems are completed. All but one of the problems are completed. All but two of the problems are completed. Several of the problems are not completed. Explanation Explanation is detailed and clear. Explanation is clear. Explanation is a little difficult to understand, but includes critical components. Explanation is difficult to understand and is missing several components OR was not included. Diagrams and Sketches Diagrams and/or sketches are clear and greatly add to the reader's understanding of the procedure(s). Diagrams and/or sketches are clear and easy to understand. Diagrams and/or sketches are somewhat difficult to understand. Diagrams and/or sketches are difficult to understand or are not used. Mathematical Concepts Explanation shows complete understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s). Explanation shows substantial understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s). Explanation shows some understanding of the mathematical concepts needed to solve the problem(s). Explanation shows very limited understanding of the underlying concepts needed to solve the problem(s) OR is not written. Evelyn Blalock
Learning Contract #2 To demonstrate what I have learned about ____________________, I want to _ Write a report _ Put on a demonstration _ Set up an experiment _ Develop a computer presentation _ Build a model _ Design a mural _ Write a song _ Make a movie _ Create a graphic organizer or diagram _ Other This will be a good way to demonstrate understanding of this concept because ______________________________________________________________ To do this project, I will need help with My Action Plan is________________________________________________ The criteria/rubric which will be used to assess my final product is _________ My project will be completed by this date _____________________________ Student signature: ________________________________ Date ___/___/___ Teacher signature: ________________________________ Date ___/___/___ Evelyn Blalock
U.S. Department Of Education & Georgia DOE
Standard: 90% of Students with Disabilities will be Educated in the General Education Classroom for a Minimum of 80% of the School Day Evelyn Blalock
What are Accommodations?
Changes to: Activities Instruction Materials Environment ACCOMMODATIONS That DO NOT dilute the Georgia Performance Standards Evelyn Blalock
Accommodations Services and supports to help students gain full access to class content and instruction to demonstrate accurately what they know (Friend & Bursuck, 2006). A Change in: Presentation gain access to curriculum by having your lecture notes or the notes of another student while you are lecturing Setting Student has a copy of info written on the board Work in pairs or groups Timing or Scheduling Can walk around the back of the room during lectures More time to complete assignments Response Write a rap song instead of a 5 paragraph essay Homework buddy, helps keep assignment folder organized and updated Evelyn Blalock
What are Modifications?
Changes to: Content Expectations Less content Different content Performance Outcomes That Require Less of the student than the minimum Georgia Performance Standard Evelyn Blalock
Personnel Supports General Education Consultation
Least Restrictive General Education Consultation Supportive Instruction Collaboration Co-Teaching Special Education Classroom Personnel Supports Most Restrictive (Continuum Of Services) Evelyn Blalock
Math Learning Disabilities
Many students with learning disabilities have persistent trouble “memorizing” basic number facts in all four operations. Some students with learning disabilities have an excellent grasp on the math concepts, but are inconsistent in calculating. Evelyn Blalock
Difficulty with Sequencing & Multi-step Problems
Many students with math disabilities find complex, multi-step math problems particularly difficult. The ability to perform multiple operations in the proper sequence or to hold on to one piece of information while remembering another is critical to a student’s success in mathematics. Evelyn Blalock
Sequencing & Multi-step Problems Activity
Lift the flap at the bottom of the case studies. Multiply the third number in the first row by the seventh number in the third row. Evelyn Blalock
Sequencing & Multi-step Problems Activity
1 2. Add this result to the fifth number in the second row. Evelyn Blalock
Sequencing & Multi-step Problems Activity
1 2 3. Add to this total ten times the fourth number in the third row. Evelyn Blalock
Sequencing & Multi-step Problems Activity
1 2 3 4. Subtract the eighth number in the first row from the result. Evelyn Blalock
Sequencing & Multi-step Problems Activity
Multiply the third number in the first row by the seventh number in the third row. Add this result to the fifth number in the second row. Add to this total ten times the fourth number in the third row. Subtract the eighth number in the first row from the result. Read fast. ?understand the directions? Must explicitly teach the sequence. Evelyn Blalock
Internet Sites
html Evelyn Blalock
Modify your Tiered Task
Embed ways to meet the needs of diverse learners: Use the case studies of students with disabilities Make the following changes: Universal Design, design of the lesson to meet the needs of ALL students Accommodations Modifications Enhance the assessment tools and methods for continuous assessment Evelyn Blalock
F.A.T. City Video Frustration Anxiety Tension
Risk-Taking (3:30 mintues) Oral Processing (34 – 45 minutes; track 11) Dysnomia Associative vs. Cognitive Thinking Evelyn Blalock
DI Books Benjamin, A. (2008). Differentiated Instruction using technology Gregory, G. H. (2007). Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One size does not fit all. Thousands Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Northey, S. S. (2005). Handbook on Differentiated Instruction for Middle and High Schools. New York: Eye on Education. Tomlinson, C. A., Strickland, C. A. (2005). Differentiation in Practice 9-12 Evelyn Blalock
Resources The Access Center
National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum (NCAC): Evelyn Blalock
Math Strategies using DI
go to the Access Center at to look up Math strategies (Link on the left side of the home page) Math Graphic Organizers for Students with Disabilities at mathgraphicorganizers.asp Concrete-Representational-Abstract Instructional Approach at training_resources/CRA_Instructional_Approach.asp Direct Instruction in Middle School Mathematics for Students with Learning Disabilities at training_resources/directinstructionmath.asp Evelyn Blalock
Exit Ticket Post your Tiered Lessons to Ning Evelyn Blalock
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