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How to pass the APC – dealing with the ethics question

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1 How to pass the APC – dealing with the ethics question
Andrew D Thompson MSc CEnv FRICS FCInstCES Director – Savills (UK) Limited Building & Project Consultancy

2 Objectives By the end of the session you will be able to:
Deal with difficult and challenging APC questions Effectively control nerves and positively channel nervous energy Give constructive responses Apply the RICS rules in your APC submission and within your wider professional practice PASS the APC

3 Introductions 1 of 2 A little bit about me … Name
Job role/organisation? Experience as a presenter Personal objectives for the course? An interesting fact, hobby or favourite place?

4 Introductions 2 of 2 A little bit about me … Andrew D Thompson
BSc(Hons) DipMgmt MScEDM(Open) CEnv FRICS FCInstCES Chartered Building Surveyor Chartered Environmental Surveyor Chartered Environmentalist Savills (UK) Limited, Chartered Surveyors Gentleman of the Light Cavalry Honourable Artillery Company Freeman of City of London Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Arts Scholars of the City of London

5 Savills (UK) Limited Director – Building & Project Consultancy
Leading the Neighbourly Matters Team dealing with Boundary, Party Wall, Rights of Light and Planning Daylight/Sunlight issues across the UK.

6 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Chairman of APC Assessors Member of the RICS Boundary & Party Wall Practice Panel RICS Media Spokesman And has served on various professional Boards and RICS Committees since 2000

7 The College of Estate Management
Associate Tutor & Module Leader: Commercial Management in Construction PgCert in Learning & Teaching (with Merit) Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

8 My Skill Mix Industry Academic Profession

9 The Duty of the APC Panel
The Assessment panel are required, without discretion, to refer any candidate who fails to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of an ethics or regulation question. This requirement applies both in the interview and within the submission documents.

10 Assessment of Professional Competence (APC)
Be aware of out of date information and well meaning colleagues in your office who are not familiar with the current APC Latest version APC Requirements and Competencies February 2015

11 Conduct rules, ethics and professional practice
At level 1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role and significance of RICS and its functions. Also an appreciation of your personal professional role and society’s expectations of professional practice and RICS code of conduct and conduct regulations, including the general principles of law and the legal system, as applicable in your country of practice. At level 2 Provide evidence of practical application in your area of practice, being able to justify actions at all times and demonstrate personal commitment to the RICS Rules of Conduct and ethical standards . At level 3 Provide evidence of application of the above in your area of practice in the context of advising clients.

12 Conduct rules, ethics and professional practice
At level 1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role and significance of RICS and its functions. Also an appreciation of your personal professional role and society’s expectations of professional practice and RICS code of conduct and conduct regulations, including the general principles of law and the legal system, as applicable in your country of practice. At level 2 Provide evidence of practical application in your area of practice, being able to justify actions at all times and demonstrate personal commitment to the RICS Rules of Conduct and ethical standards . New Feb 2015 At level 3 Provide evidence of application of the above in your area of practice in the context of advising clients.

13 What does an APC Candidate need to know?
Rules of Conduct for Members What is expected of you as an individual. Rules of Conduct for Firms What must you know if you set up in practice in your own right the day you get your APC pass .

14 RICS Ethics Decision Tree

15 How to Spot the Ethics and Regulation Questions?
The questions will come in the final stage of the Interview (Last ten minutes). The questions will be asked by the Chairperson

16 The RICS Regulation Micro-site
The help sheets and information linked to this topic are under constantly review. All information will come with a date. The example is intentionally showing an out of date information leaflet to illustrate the point. Do not trust ed information from helpful friends etc

17 The five ethical standards of a Chartered Surveyor
Act with integrity Always provide a high standard of service Act in a way that promotes trust in the profession Treat others with respect Take responsibility

18 The Five Principles of better regulation
Proportionality Targeting Accountability Transparency Consistency

19 APC Level One - Knowing CLASSIC CANDIDATE ERROR The learning of lists and the ability to quote the rules or ethical standards can only demonstrates a Candidate to Level One

20 Conduct for Members What must you know regardless of your own specific discipline, country of practice or specialist field? The rules bind all individual members of all grades and are not limited to Chartered Surveyors. 04 June 2007 version 6 with effect from 01 January 2013

21 Ethical behaviour Members shall at all times act with integrity and avoid conflicts of interest and any actions or situations that are inconsistent with their professional obligations.

22 Competence Members shall carry out their professional work with due skill, care and diligence and with proper regard for the technical standards expected of them.

23 Service Members shall carry out their professional work in a timely manner and with proper regard for standards of service and customer care expected of them.

24 Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Members shall comply with RICS’ requirements in respect of continuing professional development.

25 Solvency Members shall ensure that their personal and professional finances are managed appropriately.

26 Information to RICS Members shall submit in a timely manner such information, and in such form, as the regulatory Board may reasonably require.

27 Co-operation Members shall co-operate fully with RICS staff and any person appointed by the Regulatory Board.

28 Conduct For Firms Understand what the regulations would mean if you set up in practice in your “own name or with others” on the day you become a Chartered Surveyor. What to do you and what happens if someone makes a complaint about you? Be able to explain the basic requirements of Professional Indemnity Insurance 04 June 2007 version 5 with effect from 01 January 2012

29 How do I complain to RICS?
Flowchart can be found at In the interview you must be able to talk the Chairman through the core three steps of the process.

30 The Classic Mistakes in the APC
Lack of preparation Failure to spot the Ethic/Regulation question Looking for a trick or catch in a simple question Not having researched “What happens in a complaint about you?” What do you need to have in place if you set up in practice?”

31 How do my CEM studies help me prepare for this part of the APC?
Commercial Management in Construction Section 20 – Professional ethics This section provides the underpinning knowledge that has helped shape the increasing importance of this topic in business and professional practice.

32 Study guide 1 of 2 Read Section 20 Professional ethics, Commercial Management in Construction, College of Estate Management. Visit Read the RICS Royal Charter Study the RICS Regulation Information Leaflets Watch the RICS Ethics Videos “Business Ethics” & “Business ethics and consumer protection” Meet with your Counsellor and Supervisors with the specific aim of being walked through the RICS Flowchart “How do I complain to RICS?” and the “RICS Ethical Standards Decision Making Tree”

33 Study guide 2 of 2 Give yourself plenty of time – You need to allow yourself a moment to reflect and think – “advising clients” Read the decisions of the RICS Disciplinary Panel These will give you real world examples of when surveyors have got it wrong.

34 Words of Comfort APC Chairperson and the Assessors want you to pass and will seek to get the best out of you in the interview. No trick questions The specific ethic/regulation question will come direct from the Chairperson You will be in the final stage of the interview – Last Ten Minutes

35 Any Questions

36 Savills (UK) Limited Andrew D Thompson MSc CEnv FRICS FCInstCES Director – Building & Project Consultancy Savills (UK) Limited 33 Margaret Street LONDON W1G 0JD (E) (M) (DL)

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