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A 6 step guide to writing an expository essay

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1 A 6 step guide to writing an expository essay

2 Step 1 Understand the essay topic Underline key words.
Identify synonyms for key words. Turn key words into questions: i.e for the topic: ‘Paul only succeeds in murder because of the help of others: In what ways does Paul succeed on his own? Who are the others that most give Paul help? How does Paul succeed in murder?

3 Step 2 Generate ideas List all the major character and minor characters, themes, techniques and symbols. Circle the ones that could be used to answer the topic. Annotate circled characters, themes, techniques or symbols with key examples/quotes that can be used.

4 Step 3 Select, group and plan ideas
Of all the things you’ve circled for step 2, tick the ones which are best to write about. Put the things you’ve ticked into 3-4 groups (some things might go on their own, other things might be matched with 2-3 other things) which will be the basis for your 3-4 body paragraphs. Work out which order is best to discuss the ideas in

5 Step 4 Write an introduction
These are the five ingredients of an effective introduction Use a hook. Hook your reader with a question, quote, short anecdote, or personal experience statement Establish author, setting/context: i.e Jane Smith’s novel ‘The Story’ is set in a world where... Identify author intention/text purpose and big ideas: i.e The text explores how... Identify elements used to establish big ideas: i.e The protagonist of the narrative, John Doe, struggles throughout the book to... Add further thoughts: Moreover / However /Despite this

6 Step 5 Topic Sentence Textual Evidence Explanation of Evidence
(repeat for each piece of textual evidence) Link Sentence Write your body paragraphs Try to start your paragraphs with a a topic sentence about an idea-such as names of feelings (grief, anxiety), actions (revenge), concepts (justice) or a device or technique Try to use at least two connectors to start sentences such as: In, But, However, Nevertheless, Although, Despite, Moreover, Furthermore Try to use verbs other than ‘is’

7 Step 6 Restate Essay question Review Paragraph Ideas
No new information Write your conclusion •Experiment with using a word or phrase in the first sentence of your conclusion other than ‘In conclusion’ for example: In the end, Ultimately, In the final analysis State what the big picture message of a text is i.e Jane Smith’s ‘The Story’ is, ultimately, a narrative about.... State how this might impact on the reader: i.e The reader comes to see... Refer to a particularly poignant example to conclude: i.e Perhaps the words that most capture this idea are the final ones in the book...

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