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Lognormal return simulation (Weiner process) Risk-neutral “drift”

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Presentation on theme: "Lognormal return simulation (Weiner process) Risk-neutral “drift”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lognormal Returns and “drift” Extensions to Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing
Lognormal return simulation (Weiner process) Risk-neutral “drift” Dividends options on Forwards/Futures (Black model) currencies (Garman-Kohlhagen) S. Mann, 2017 S. Mann, 2017

2 Lognormal returns: Weiner Process
Model returns as S(T) = S(0) exp [ mT + s √T x Z*(0,1)] Where Z*(0,1) = a random draw from the N(0,1) distribution The expected Value of S(T) will be: E[ S(T)] = S(0)exp[ mT + s2T/2]) In order for the expected return to be equal to the riskless rate, We must adjust m. If we set m = r - s2/2 where r is the riskless rate, then we achieve our goal: For lognormal returns: = S(0)exp[ (r - s2/2)T + s2T/2]) = S(0)exp[ rT ] S. Mann, 2017

3 Generalized risk-neutral “drift”
Risk-neutral pricing: prices are a “martingale” (expected value next period is today’s + riskless interest) Implication: all assets have same expected rate of return. Not implied: all assets have same rate of price appreciation. (some pay income) Generalized drift: m = b - s2/2 where b is asset’s expected rate of price appreciation. E.g. If asset’s income payout rate (dividend/yield) is d, then b = r – d and m = r – d - s2/2 E[S(T)] = S(0) exp[ mT + s2T/2]) = S(0) exp[ (r – d - s2/2)T + s2T/2]) = S(0) exp [ (r-d)T]

4 Generalized Black-Scholes-Merton
Black-Scholes-Merton model (European Call): C = exp(-rT)[S exp(bT) N(d1) - K N(d2)] where ln(S/K) + (b + s2/2)T d1 = and d2 = d1 - sT sT e.g., for non-dividend paying asset, set b = r “Black-Scholes” C = S N(d1) - exp (-rT) K N(d2) S. Mann, 2017

5 Constant dividend yield stock option (Merton, 1973)
Generalized Black-Scholes-Merton model (European Call): set b = r - d where d = dividend yield then C = exp(-rT) [ S exp{(r- d)T}N(d1) - K N(d2)] = S exp(-rT + rT -dT) N(d1) - exp(-rT) K N(d2) = S exp(-dT) N(d1) - exp(-rT) K N(d2) where ln(S/K) + (r - d + s2/2)T d1 = and d2 = d1 - sT sT S. Mann, 2017

6 Black (1976) model: options on futures/forwards
Expected price appreciation rate is zero: set b = 0, replace S with F then C = exp(-rT) [ F exp(0T) N(d1) - K N(d2)] =exp(-rT) [ FN(d1) - K N(d2)] where ln(F/K) + (s2T/2) d1 = and d2 = d1 - sT sT Note that F = S exp [(r – d )T] S. Mann, 2017

7 Options on foreign currency (FX): Garman-Kohlhagen (1983)
Expected price appreciation rate is domestic interest rate, r , less foreign interest rate, rf. set b = r - rf, Let S = Spot exchange rate ($/FX) then C = exp(-rT) [ S exp[(r - rf)T] N(d1) - K N(d2)] = exp(-rfT) S N(d1) - exp(-rT) K N(d2) = Zf(0,T) S N(d1) - Z$(0,T) K N(d2) where ln(S/K) + (r -rf + s2T/2) d1 = and d2 = d1 - sT sT S. Mann, 2017

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