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The procedure.

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Presentation on theme: "The procedure."— Presentation transcript:

1 The procedure

2 The procedure… The steps to be taken to test the hypothesis Is a detailed list of steps on how to do something

3 Step 1 Determine all of your variables: Manipulated Responding

4 Write down the steps of your procedure Step 1: Step 2:
It should NOT be written in a paragraph!!

5 Be specific when writing your steps.
Another person should be able to follow your steps to repeat the experiment They should get the same results as you.

6 Step 4 Go back through and read your procedure. Make sure everything is correct and that it makes sense.

7 Procedure to make a PB&J
Step 1: Gather your materials Peanut butter Jelly Bread Knife Plate

8 Step 2: Open the bag of bread and take out 2 slices and put them on the plate
Step 3: Open the jar of peanut butter, scoop some out with the knife and spread it on one slice of bread Step 4: Open the jar of jelly, scoop some out with the knife and spread it on the other slice of bread.

9 Step 5: Put the two slices of bread together
Step 6: Close the jars and the bag of bread and put them back where you found them. Step 7: Eat your pb&j and clean up your mess!


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