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Want to learn how to better cope with college stressors?

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1 Want to learn how to better cope with college stressors?
Feasibility and efficacy of a skills-based workshop for depression prevention Garret Sacco, M.A. Clinical Science Graduate Student Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences Hi folks, my name is Garret Sacco and I am a graduate student in the Clinical Psychology program here at UD. If I can have your attention for the next few minutes, I want to tell you about an opportunity to participate in some research. My dissertation focuses on teaching undergraduate students life skills to better cope with stressors that are common in college. I’ll go into a little more detail about the study in a minute. -But first, I wanted to direct your attention to the bottom of this slide. -Throughout the presentation you’ll see my contact information listed at the bottom, please feel free to jot it down at any time. Contact-

2 Invitation to participate in research
Two interactive workshops designed to teach new skills to better approach stressors in your life Resilience Program Study Skills Program First, let me give you a little background on the study. I study depression, what causes it, and how to treat it, but what I’m most interested in is how to prevent it. Research tells us that poor coping with increased stress can be a precursor to developing depression. But, being stressed out is a universal experience in college, it happens to all of us. I have developed two interactive workshops that are designed to teach a specialized set of skills. Students who participate in this research will be randomized to one of the two groups. The resilience program focuses on general stress management strategies while the study skills program focuses on advanced studying techniques to help reduce stress related to academics. START: Focused on teaching skills that balance healthy living (eating/exercising/sleep) and mental health You will learn how to challenge avoidance, rumination, and other factors that predict the onset of depression SST: Focused on teaching unique/novel study strategies both in class and on your own Tips for taking tests/exams/quizzes Learn about how to use memory tools to help you study more effectively and redirect your attention when distracted Contact-

3 Contact-
What do I have to do? Four tasks: Complete screening measures, read about the study, and consent to the study Complete questionnaires Attend and participate in workshops Complete between-workshop homework There are four main tasks associated with participating in the study: First, you’ll be asked to complete a screening measure to read and learn more about the study as well as determine your eligibility Second, during the study you’ll be asked to complete questionnaires online the night before each workshop Third, you’ll be asked to attend and participate in 5, 90-minute workshops along with other students and graduate student facilitators. These workshops will take place in classrooms on campus at a time to be determined after the screening process. Finally, you’ll be asked to complete between-workshop assignments which help you practice some of the skills talked about in the workshops Contact-

4 Contact-
What do I have to do? In total, you will complete: 9 questionnaire batteries (8 online and 1 hard-copy version) before, during, and after the workshop period 2 questionnaires are completed after the workshop (1 and 3 months later) 5 workshop sessions (90 minutes each) Overall, the main study period is about 5 weeks, meeting once weekly in person. After the workshop is over, you will be asked to complete 2 additional questionnaires. These questionnaires will be completed one and three months after your last workshop. Contact-

5 Contact-
Who is invited? Undergraduate students Students who are between years old Students proficient in English Students who have a history of depression Students who currently have elevated symptoms of depression You may be wondering, “Who qualifies for this research?” We have relatively straightforward inclusion criteria: First, you need to be an undergraduate student here at UD. Second, you must be between years old. Third, we ask students about their proficiency in English. This is simply because the workshops and associated handouts are in English. Students who feel that they can converse and understand English proficiently will be included in the study, provided they meet all other study criteria. Fourth, if you have a history of depression Fifth, students who are currently struggling with stress or have elevated symptoms of depression are also invited to participate Contact-

6 Contact-
Who is invited? Symptoms of depression include: Low mood Loss of interest/low motivation Fatigue Sleep disturbance Appetite disturbance Weight gain/loss Feelings of worthlessness/strong self-criticism Trouble concentrating or making decisions I find that a lot of students often don’t know some of the signs and symptoms of depression or realize that they may be at risk. If you take a look at this list, there are some symptoms that are unsurprising –low mood, feeling worthless, or strongly criticizing yourself. However, there are some other symptoms that may be more surprising. Most individuals who struggle with or may be at risk for depression may notice significant fatigue or low energy –they just feel tired all the time. You may notice that you have a really hard time paying attention in class or doing your homework because of concentration issues. These are all symptoms that are often precursors to depression. Even sleeping too little or far too much, changes in diet, or noticeable weigh changes can be signs as well. If you have a collection of some of these symptoms you may be eligible for the study. Contact-

7 Contact-
What do I get out of it? You could benefit by learning new, effective coping strategies for challenging stressful situations We hope that these skills will help decrease the risk of depression in the future While your participation will help this research, we are also hopeful that by participating you will learn some new, more effective coping strategies to deal with everyday stress and that those strategies will help decrease the risk of developing depression in the future. Contact-

8 Is there any compensation?
Students will accrue “credits” as they complete workshop sessions and questionnaires “Credits” count as entries into a raffle for one of four $100 gift cards per semester Students who complete all questionnaires and workshops will have the maximum amount of credits Students will be notified at the end of the semester if they have won the raffle Students who participate in this research study are eligible to be entered into a raffle to win one of four $100 Amazon gift cards. The raffle uses a “credit-system” so for every workshop you attend and every questionnaire you complete, you will gain another credit. For every credit you earn, your study ID is entered into the raffling system. So, in essence, the more you participate the more times your name is entered into the raffle. The students who win the gift cards will be contacted after all students for the semester have completed the 3-month follow up questionnaire. The Amazon gift cards will be sent via . An announcement will be made to all participants that the winners have been notified. Contact-

9 Contact-
What if I’m not interested in research but am considering seeking services? On campus there are two clinics that specialize in meeting mental health needs of UD’s students Center for Counseling and Student Development (CCSD) Located at 261 Perkins Student Center Psychological Services Training Center (PSTC) Located at 203 W. Main Street I realize that some of you may not be interested in participating in research, but who still struggle with stress. If you, or someone you know, struggles in this way, I would strongly recommend that you reach out to some of the services that UD provides its students. There are two centers on campus that specialize in working with students on a number of different issues ranging from trouble with motivation to dealing with more serious mental illness and everything in between. The Center for Counseling and Student Development is located in room 261 at the Perkins Students Center and they offer a range of services to students from academic counseling as well as individual and group therapy. Students are allotted a number of sessions, free of charge. Another center, the Psychological Services Training Center is located at 203 West Main Street. This center is smaller, but focuses on individual psychotherapy treatment and works with students using a sliding scale to determine payment for sessions. Contact-

10 How do I sign up? Email Garret Sacco (
Indicate that you are interested in the coping strategies workshops study You will receive an electronic consent and screening survey to determine your eligibility All that being said, I hope that you are interested in taking part in my research study! If you are, and you think you might be eligible, please send me an . You can get me at Just indicate that you heard this presentation or saw a flyer and that you’re interested in participating and we’ll get you started. I would also encourage you that if you have a friend who you think may benefit from this program, to please have them me as well. I can’t thank you enough for your time and consideration today. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me, even if it’s just to ask questions about the study. Thanks once again and I hope you have a great semester!

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