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Working with Media 10 Tips for preparing HCP to address HPV queries

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1 Working with Media 10 Tips for preparing HCP to address HPV queries
Training Bucharest 14-15 May 2018 Franklin Apfel MD, MHS – Managing Director, World Health Communication Associates

2 Available for free download at

3 10 Tips for preparing HCP to address HPV queries

4 1. Know with whom you are dealing: Communication/Media Audits
Is HPV being covered in the news? By whom? In which channels? What are the main themes and arguments presented on various sides of the issue? What’s missing from the news coverage? How are issues being framed? Who is reporting, campaigning, advertising on your issue or stories/ products related to it? Who are appearing as spokespeople? Who is writing op-ed pieces or letters to the editor? What solutions are being proposed? By whom? Who is named or implied as having responsibility for solving the problem? What stories, facts, or perspectives could help improve the case for this campaign?

5 2. Learn how the media works
Deadlines Headlines Sources Influencers

6 3. Develop communication skills and “savvy”
Press releases Press conferences Media interviews SMS Twitter

7 4. Fight to control the frame
‘Framing’ relates to the ‘spin’, the way perceptions related to an issue are managed/manipulated. Frames create the context within which policy debate takes place. HPV Safety issues HPV morality issues Counter negative frames with facts and stories Reframe around protection- infection and cancer In conclusion, this review found that determinants of HPV vaccine hesitancy are quite specific and vary from other vaccines. While vaccine safety remains the main concern for the public, it has to be understood in a broader context of trust, uncertainties, and values. Strategies that only aim to provide more evidence and facts about the safety of the vaccine without understanding this broader context and simultaneously aiming to improve and maintain trust will fail to successfully improve confidence in HPV vaccination. Trust in HPV vaccination is currently being shaken in many European countries, and across the world. It is therefore essential to identify effective communication and engagement strategies that are adapted to local needs and concerns.

8 Big Tobacco Framing Reframing
Marketing people hired by the tobacco industry have been very successful in framing tobacco issues around freedom, autonomy and choice as opposed to public health. When health debates are framed around freedom, independence, rugged individualism, etc., health and social protection concerns fall off the policy agenda. When public health advocates speak up, they are painted as “zealots, health fascists, paternalists and government interventionists” (Wallack 2002). Key to the success of the WHO’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) was the ability of public health advocates to reframe the issue around public health concerns and shift the “bad guy manipulator hat” onto the industry which has been deceiving the public for decades, e.g. with the message “Tobacco kills. Don’t be duped.” Due to the success of the FCTC, the industry has now shifted its framing from rights to free trade and is targeting agriculture and trade ministries and asking them to put pressure on health ministries!

9 5. Pick your spokespeople carefully
Here is where – short videos are helpful – voices from front line… What makes a good spokesperson- Articulate Charismatic Credible Knowledgeable Caring Enthusiastic Passionate

10 Car seats = self evidently safer!
6. Know your audience Car seats = self evidently safer! Directly reducing injury & deaths Strategic Social Marketing Clive Blair-Stevens Director 10

11 Priests bless the car seats
Child car seats and hispanic mothers CORE INSIGHTS ‘My child is safest in my arms’ ‘God will decide when to take my baby’ How to create a valued product or service? Strategic Social Marketing Clive Blair-Stevens Director How to do this for HPV? Priests bless the car seats AED 11

12 7. Match channels to audience-select inter-media-ries

13 8. Make evidence based communication an easy choice

14 * MECEC

15 9. Be opportunistic Link important event
Take advantage of breaking news Happen on quiet news days Coincide with new study findings Take place when the target audience may be receptive

16 10. Respect and hold people to ethical communication standards
1. First, try to do no harm. Human rights and the public good are paramount. 2. Get it right. Check your facts and your sources, even if deadlines are put at risk. 3. Do not raise false hopes. Be especially careful when reporting on claims for ‘miracle cures’ or potential 'health scares'. 4. Beware of vested interests. Ask yourself, ‘Who benefits most from this story?’ Reject personal inducements. Always make it clear if material is being published as a result of sponsorship. While sensitivity by media organisations is laudable, is it completely irresponsible journalism to suspend all critical faculties when reporting on vaccines. Sadly, scaremongering anecdotes without scientific evidence all too frequently masquerade unchallenged as public interest stories, and the Gardasil controversy is no exception. In December, Irish broadcaster TV3 ran an investigation, featuring Regret’s assertions prominently. These claims were frequently presented uncritically, giving these tired myths a new audience of worried parents. Such was the response to the show that the Health Service Executive had to issue a statement on it to address the panic it induced. Those of us in science outreach were left in the unenviable position of having to counter an emotive narrative in an attempt to neutralise some of the damage done by such vapid reporting.

17 Ethical code cont. 6. Never disclose the source of information imparted in confidence. 7. Respect the privacy of the sick, the disabled and their families at all times. 8. Be mindful of the consequences of your story. Remember that individuals who may be sick or disabled – especially children – have lives to live long after the media have lost interest. 9. Never intrude on private grief. Respect the feelings of the bereaved, especially when dealing with disasters. Close-up photography or television images of victims or their families should be avoided wherever possible. 10. If in doubt, leave it out.

18 Thank You :

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