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Culture and Argument How do other cultures view argument (vs. silence)? Indirectness and silence valued in other cultures E.T. Hall: High and Low Context.

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Presentation on theme: "Culture and Argument How do other cultures view argument (vs. silence)? Indirectness and silence valued in other cultures E.T. Hall: High and Low Context."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture and Argument How do other cultures view argument (vs. silence)? Indirectness and silence valued in other cultures E.T. Hall: High and Low Context Cultures June Ock Yum: Harmony and Filial Piety Shinobu Suzuki: Argumentativeness and Aggressiveness John Condon: With Respect to the Japanese

2 “Good” Argument in Other Cultures
Roichi Okabe (Japanese Rhetoric) “…HOWEVER!” Elizabeth Gumnior: German vs. U.S. Academic rhetorical patterns Robert Kaplan: Contrastive Rhetoric – circular, indirect, circumlocution vs. direct

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