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Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP)

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP)
Dissemination and Implementation Sciences and Their Applications in Pharmacy: PART 2 Terry L. Seaton, Pharm.D., BCPS, FCCP Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP) Alexandria, Virginia August 2, 2016

2 Applications of Implementation Science in Pharmacy Terry Seaton, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP President, ACCP Professor, St. Louis College of Pharmacy

3 Session Objectives Propose practical applications of D&I science in pharmacy practice Stimulate interest in D&I science and encourage professional pharmacy organizations to promote and support its integration (tremendous opportunity for inter-organizational collaboration) Briefly list examples of pharmacy-related IS research

4 My Perspective Primary care clinician (family medicine) 14 years
Informatics researcher—clinical decision support using clinical prediction rules and guideline implementation—7 years Sabbatical in dissemination and implementation research (DIR core in our CTSA with Washington University in St. Louis) in 2013 Clinical pharmacist with local ACO (Track 3) 3 years

5 A Blank Canvas—Opportunities Abound
Pharmacy Practice Implementation Dissemination

6 Example Objective: Identify barriers and facilitators to pharmacist integration into PACT (VA) Methods: Perspective—non-pharmacist team members Qualitative—Semi-structured telephone interviews of clinicians and administrators from all 22 PCMH teamlets (n = 423) in a pilot Midwest launch 51 interviewed 27 a second time, 1 year later, focusing on pharmacy Patterson. Res Social Adm Pharm 2014;11:85-95.

7 Example (Cont.) Results:
Roles and activities were influenced by previous experiences and attitudes Coordination with pharmacists was hindered if communications were burdensome to team members Integration ranged from “none” to “essential” Reluctance attributed to knowledge deficits and lack of pharmacist participation in PACT training Patterson. Res Social Adm Pharm 2014;11:85-95.

8 ACCP Grant Update CMM effectiveness and implementation
IRB approval, informed consent, and training Aim 1: Assess baseline demographics, the state of CMM within each practice, and practitioner and organizational capacity for CMM service development, refinement, and expansion Engaged a multidisciplinary team of implementation scientists (National Implementation Research Network)

9 Applying Research Principles to Practice

10 Online Model Selection

11 Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR)
“Fostering implementation of health services research findings into practice: a consolidated framework for advancing implementation science” Merges key theories and constructs to eliminate overlap Standardizes terminology Designed for multiple contexts Five major domains and 29 constructs Damschroder. Implementation Science 2009, 4:50

12 Online CFIR Guide

13 Research Priorities Pharmacy
Technology and the medication use system (e.g., clinical decision support, telepharmacy) Clinical pharmacy services (e.g., impact on quality and cost in ACOs) Pharmacogenomics Care transitions and medication reconciliation Education—starting from scratch (e.g., curricular revision and interprofessional education) Many others! June, 2016

14 Specific Contextual Frameworks
Developing and Assessing Contextual Frameworks for Research on the Implementation of Complex System Interventions Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Process Redesign Care Transitions Purpose: To guide research on how, why and where interventions succeed or fail to achieve intended outcomes AHRQ Publication No. 14-EHC014-EF, March 2014

15 CF-Care Transitions

16 Grid-Enabled Measures (GEM)
Measures Database Grid-Enabled Measures (GEM)

17 Health IT Surveys

18 Challenges to Implementation
Time Documentation of progress New information technology Costs Management of growth Ignorance or push-back from providers and patients Lack of leadership Perceived lack of value by practice, clinicians, patients Difficulty obtaining outcome data Lack of organizational structure Reimbursement is moving target Measuring impact of complex interventions

19 Themed Issue—IS in Pharmacy
Papers due August 5, 2016 Guest Editors: Sarah J. Shoemaker, PhD, PharmD and Geoffrey Curran, PhD Anticipated publication in May, 2017 Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy (RSAP)

20 Call to Action! Professional Organizations in Pharmacy
D&I sciences are here to stay… Time to act is now Examine our organization’s Mission Strategically plan to include SMART objectives that incorporate D&I principles If have official journal, then ensure opportunities available to publish rigorous D&I research Consider opportunities to foster and support professional development and research opportunities for members

21 Terry L. Seaton, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS
Contact Information Terry L. Seaton, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS Professor St. Louis College of Pharmacy

22 Questions or Comments? Thank you!

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