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A question arose after the death of the Prophet.

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Presentation on theme: "A question arose after the death of the Prophet."— Presentation transcript:

1 A question arose after the death of the Prophet.
Who should lead the faithful? Muhammad had not chosen a successor.

2 The Islamic community was divided.
Sunni Muslims believed that any pious Muslim man could lead the community.

3 Shiite Muslims believed that only
descendants of Muhammad’s son-in-law, Ali, should rule.

4 While this conflict led to the formation
of separate branches of the faith, the majority of Muslims were Sunnis.

5 Early rulers of the Islamic Empire were
caliphs. A caliph was elected by the community of the faithful. The word caliph means successor.

6 A caliph’s government was referred to
as the caliphate.

7 By 750 A.D., a new Islamic dynasty
ruled. The Abbasid dynasty moved the capital of the Islamic world to Baghdad in Iraq.

8 The Abbasid rulers were tolerant of
other monotheistic faiths. They tolerated “people of the Book”. Jews and Christians were allowed to worship.

9 Although Jews and Christians were
tolerated, they were forced to pay special taxes.

10 During the Abbasid dynasty, the
Islamic world experienced a golden age or a time of great achievements.

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