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Meet the teacher session: 12/9/17 Year 2: Miss Quick

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the teacher session: 12/9/17 Year 2: Miss Quick"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the teacher session: 12/9/17 Year 2: Miss Quick
Welton Primary School Meet the teacher session: 12/9/17 Year 2: Miss Quick

2 Welcome and thank you! Year 2 timetable and topics Y2 events Homework
Snacks, drinks, equipment and uniform Behaviour and school rules Home-school communication Any questions

3 There may be a few adjustments to this each term.



6 End of KS1 SATs Throughout the month of May
3rd Year with no levels – (ARE/ARS - 100) Number of tests Preparation for SATs What is the expected standard?





11 Homework Reading Spelling Online maths SPAG book FRIDAYS

12 Equipped for school Drink and snacks (fruit)
Reading record and reading book PE kit (Mondays & Thursdays ) Coat Full school uniform Name EVERYTHING!

13 Behaviour & School Rules
Warning, yellow card, red card Writing in home/scho0l diary or phone call home PSHE Emphasis on positive behaviour Gems, House Points, Magic Moments

14 Home-school communication
Twitter Blog Text Reading record School office ( /phone/pop in) Parent’s evening: October Any questions?

15 Thank you!

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