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Bonnie Locke Cathy Plummer

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1 Bonnie Locke Cathy Plummer
CPI and Nlets Bonnie Locke Cathy Plummer

2 CPI and Nlets CPI works with Nlets to support major grants and projects CHIEF NISP NCIEN SRFERS ASAP

3 Grant Funders

4 Grant Process Proposal Approval and Award
Nlets explains the use-case and the benefits of the project to the criminal justice and law enforcement field Approval and Award Readiness Assessment for potential participants Contract with vendors Phase Completion Progress of the project is tracked, recorded and presented to users and funders Renewal Based on the completion of the previous phase, and new proposal is written for further progress and expantion of the project

5 Criminal History Information Exchange Format (CHIEF)
Criminal history record information exchanged from state and federal agencies Allows for instant responses over Nlets network Standardized “Rap Sheet” conformant with National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) Sponsored by BJS


7 Nlets Interstate Sharing of Photos Project (NISP)
Interstate sharing of electronic images across Nlets network Began with driver license images Sponsored by BJS

8 Nationwide Corrections Image and Information Exchange over Nlets (NCIEN)
Correction photos available over Nlets network Pictures of inmates, scars, marks and tattoos Sponsored by BJS


10 State Regional and Federal Enterprise Retrieval System (SRFERS)
West Coast-based pilot Allows Automated Regional Justice Information Sharing (ARJIS) to share booking photos and LPR information Implemented in: Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington Allows queries of vehicles through LPR data along California/Mexico border Allows Nlets message archive log to show search histories of individuals

11 Automated Secure Alarm Protocol
Provides a standard data exchange for electronically transmitting information between an Alarm Monitoring Company and a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Alarm company consolidator to be housed at Nlets, maintained by CSAA ALQ/ALR transactions utilize the APCO/CSAA ANSI-NIST XML specification. Virginia and Texas in production

12 LPR Prototype DHA BAA funded initiative
State, Regional, and Local LPR systems will contribute to national pointer index to be housed at Nlets LPQ transaction to “NL” will search the National Index. LPR transaction will include a hit list including the ORI of the record owner. A second LPQ directly to the ORI will return the full record with a copy of the image. Prototype to be in production by EOY 2011.

13 Other Projects at Nlets
Bulk Cash Smuggling FMCSA CDLIS and PRISM ICE LEISI Initiative Interpol Training & Education Program

14 Get Involved To get involved in a project, contact Bonnie at or the project manager of the grant

15 Questions or Ideas? If you have questions about Nlets or Nlets projects and grants, contact Bonnie at or Nlets is always looking for new ideas of how we can all work together If you have ideas, send them to

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