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SLHC Upgrades CMS Perspectives
Physics cases Global overview of CMS upgrades Roadmap/Strategy 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
SLHC Physics: Extra gauge bosons
SLHC extends reach for Z’ Cross sections fall with E SLHC gives access to higher E Good electron resolution required (including understanding saturation) 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
SUSY searches - measurements
SLHC statistics will be vital in reaching understanding of complicated SUSY channels Sparticles seen, but statistics for reconstruction limited at LHC Performance of the detector here is vital B-tagging Lepton id Reach vs luminosity, jets + Etmiss channel 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
What if no Higgs is found?
Will need to look at WW scattering Some mechanism required to avoid unitarity violation Forward Jet Tagging Essential Fake fwd jet tag (|| > 2) probability from pile-up (preliminary ...) ATLAS full simulation 3000 fb-1 (SLHC) 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
LHC performance and parameters
n = 3.75 mm in all the options 16 October June EPAC 06 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade PerspectiveW.Scandale, LHC luminosity and energy upgrades
J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
CMS from LHC to SLHC 1032 cm-2 s-1 1033 1035 1034 I. Osborne With 88 evts/xing 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
CMS Upgrade Issues These upgrade scenarios put different constraints on the detector 12.5 ns or 75 ns beam crossings 12.5 ns reduces the pile-up in the detector, although out of time pile-up is an issue for detectors (cross-talk from previous bunch) 75 ns puts a very large pile-up, but is “easier” for some of the electronics to cope with (no out of time pile-up - use 25nsec electronics) Detector issues Effects on Calorimetry Noise from pile-up: Bkgd noise increases by 2-5 times Jet and e,gamma resolution worse Forward jet tagging - may be compromised by IR changes Tracking Pattern recognition, vertex resolution B-tagging - how much worse with extreme pile-up? Trigger 12.5 ns pushes some of the front end capabilities 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
Radiation environment for trackers
Innermost layers will require new sensor technology (1016 N/cm2) R. Horisberger 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
Tracker occupancy 1034 (18 Min Bias) 1035 (88 Min Bias nsec BX) Do we want/need an analog or digital readout tracker? R (cm) <Nch>/cm2/12.5ns <Nch>/ (1.28cm)2/12.5ns 8 2.41 3.94 11 1.47 14 0.97 1.59 A. Rose 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
Tracking with 500 min Bias events
Study of current CMS tracker for Heavy Ion events Track density very similar to 75ns running dnch/dh/crossing ≈ 3000 Tracker occupancy very high Need more pixel layers Tracking possible When tracks are found they are well measured Efficiency and fake rate suffer Inner layers of strips reach 30% occupancy on every xing! Pixel layers Transverse Impact Parameter Resolution Momentum Resolution nhit > 12 Efficiency Fake Rate C. Roland 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
B-Tagging Pile-up overlaps with High Pt event faking a displaced vertex 12.5 ns dnch/dh/crossing ≈ 600 and ≈ 3000 tracks in tracker acceptance 75 ns dnch/dh/crossing ≈ 3000 and ≈ tracks in tracker acceptance B-tag performance depends on Vertex resolution Luminosity/bunch crossing Size of luminous region (how far apart are the min-bias events) For 75ns option expect 2-3 min-bias events within 200 mm of any interesting event. Need simulation to understand how much this reduces b-tagging efficiency All this pushes for larger area of Pixel coverage, need to look at pixel size as well 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
Level 1 Trigger Level 1 Trigger has no discrimination for PT > ~ 20 GeV/c The trigger/daq system of CMS will require an upgrade to cope with the higher occupancies and data rates at SLHC One of the key issues for CMS is the requirement to include some element of tracking in the Level 1 Trigger There may not be enough rejection power using the muon and calorimeter triggers to handle the higher luminosity conditions at SLHC Adding tracking information at Level 1 gives the ability to adjust PT thresholds 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
Tracking Trigger? High momentum tracks are straighter so pixels line up Search Window γ 1mm (y-z) 1cm Geometrical pT-cut - J. Jones, A. Rose, C. Foudas LECC 2005 Why not use the inner tracking devices in the trigger? Number of hits in tracking devices on each trigger is enormous Impossible to get all the data out in order to form a trigger inside How to correlate information internally in order to form segments? Possible topic requiring substantial R&D “Stacked” pixels which can measure pT of track segments locally Two layers about 1mm apart that could communicate 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
Implementing stacked layers
Single stacked layer gives a PT cut Two stacked layers give a PT measurement Cooling System Optical Transceiver Flip bonded sensors Correlator ASIC Kevlar-Carbon Fibre Laminate Support Structure Optical fibre to OptoTX card Thermal Epoxy 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
Key issues for tracker upgrades
Power How to get current needed to the electronics More complicated front ends will want more power DC-DC converters, Serial powering Material Budget Can we build a better/lighter tracker? Tracker R&D focus Performance and detector layout Sensor material and operation Outer tracker readout system definition Pixel system and triggering Manufacture and material budget 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
Calorimeters/Muons ECAL Crystal calorimeter electronics designed to operate in SLHC conditions Electronics for barrel is not accessible without disassembly of the barrel HCAL Scintillator may suffer damage for >2 R & D required Finer granularity HF some very high towers lost HF and shielding system issues with new insertion MUON system front end electronics look fairly robust at SLHC Trigger electronics for the muon systems would most likely need to be replaced/updated Some Electronics is “less” radiation hard (FPGA) Coping with higher rate/different bunch crossing frequency May have to limit coverage in ( > 2) due to radiation splash This effect will be known better after first data taking, potential additional cost of chamber replacement 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
Issues with Bunch crossing timing
Assume new tracker and trigger electronics can cope with the choice of bunch timing Electronics for other detectors ECAL - not easily accessible HCAL - can be changed MUONS - can be changed Situation for 12.5ns or 25ns very different from 10ns or 15 ns Electronics clocked at 40 Mhz QPLL which synchronizes links to this clock has a very narrow frequncy lock Can clock system at 40 Mhz and cope with 12.5ns 75 ns should not be a problem 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
Ideas on a new tracker concept?
PD TIB TOB Strawman - A much larger pixel tracker, some triggering layers, more segmented strips 10 cm layer with current pixels (500 ChF/cm2) Around 1m2 20/40/60 cm layers with bigger pixels (100 Chf/cm2) around 25 m2 25 MChf Outer layers long pixels/short strips (30 Chf/cm2) Around 170 m2 50 MChf Some triggering layers. 1 layer for Pt cut only or 2 layers to measure Pt Or perhaps full scale hardware pattern recognition? This is the at the limit of affordability - How much can we re-use? Can we use the TOB mechanical structures (a copy at least) Can we re-use services Re-use of some of the TOB - at least the concept if not the actual modules TOB TID TIB TEC PD 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
Roadmap for tracker/trigger upgrades
Within 5 years of LHC start New layers within the volume of the current Pixel tracker which incorporate some tracking information for Level 1 Trigger Room within the current envelope for additional layers Possibly replace existing layers “Pathfinder” for full tracking trigger Proof of principle, prototype for larger system Elements of new Level 1 trigger Utilize the new tracking information Correlation between systems Upgrade to full new tracker system by SLHC (8-10 years from LHC Startup) Includes full upgrade to trigger system 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
CMS Detector Replacements
Inner Tracker 30 MChf Outer Tracker 90 MChf Level 1 Trigger 20 MChf DAQ 10 MChf Other Front Ends Infrastructure 15 MChf Total 175 MChf Materials Cost for Collaboration (CORE) Across collaboration ~ 900 FTE 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
SLHC R&D:Next steps Expression of Interest Reasonably brief document (40 pages) Section authors identified Brief case for upgrade Outlines scope of upgrade work What detectors/Timescale To be submitted by End 2006 Circulated to collaboration September CMS Week Prepare funding agencies Letter of Intent A larger document More complete physics case Includes organization and rough costings of detector work Including how CMS will organize the effort Submitted to LHCC Allow funding agencies to “release” funding Target Summer 2007 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
Alternative IP Schemes
triplet magnets dipole magnets triplet magnets dipole dipole first & small crossing angle dipole first & large crossing angle & long bunches or crab cavities New options for IR optics consider bringing magnetic elements literally into CMS Important to understand background induced in trackers May have very severe consequences for forward calorimetry 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
CMS IP Upgrade Triplet moves closer to IP Dipole inside end disks
16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
Conclusions SLHC will be a challenging machine for the detector as well as the machine CMS at SLHC will require a substantially larger pixel detector We may also need to understand how to form tracks with these detectors at 40 MHz as input to the Level 1 R&D required is substantial Needs to start now Needs to be focused Important to converge on tracker design requirements Crucial input on machine designs affect the detector design Physics will also have a role in defining the upgraded detector 16 October 2006 J. Nash - CMS Upgrade Perspective
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