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Learning Objectives Key Words – Recap... Blood Clotting

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objectives Key Words – Recap... Blood Clotting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objectives Key Words – Recap... Blood Clotting
20 November 2018 Blood Clotting Recap the process of atherosclerosis Draw a flow diagram of blood clotting Describe what occurs at each stage of clotting Key Words – Thromboplastin, prothrombin, thrombin, fibrinogen, fibrin Recap... The formation of an atheroma The bullet points can be changed by using the drop down on the bullet point icon on the home toolbar The date updates automatically, using the insert date and time option Do you know how... Is a good chance for an extension task The time bar is two rectangles. The one on top has the word but a clear background, the other is on a horizontal wipe with a duration of 5 minutes. You can get up to 10 using the animations section 5 Minute Task

2 Past paper question

3 Peer assessment Self-perpetuating= renewing itself over time/ negative feedback, will only get worse

4 Discuss with a partner…
Why does blood need to clot? What are the benefits of blood clotting? When could this natural process be a negative thing?

5 Task 1 All: Draw a diagram to explain the clotting process. Most: Label which molecules involved are enzymes. Some: Which molecules are soluble and which are insoluble? LO’s: To explain the process of blood clotting. To analyse the reactions involved in the clotting process.


7 True or false Fibrin in soluble, fibrinogen in insoluble.
Thrombin converts into thromboplastin. Thromboplastin is an enzyme. Ca+ ions are needed for the clotting cascade to occur.

8 Task 2 Use the key words to create a diagram, flow chart or description of the process of blood clotting and atherosclerosis. Add answers to the following question: Extra challenge: 1. How might this lead to cardiovascular disease? 2. How could this be avoided?

9 Plenary: Exam question

10 Peer-assessment


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