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Settler Geoffrey Elton of Somerset’s religious policy

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1 Settler Geoffrey Elton of Somerset’s religious policy
‘Laudably moderate in intent, yet deplorably futile in execution’ Infer from Elton’s comments (LC) Whiteboards How convincing is Elton? (LC) Numbers around the room

2 Lessons this week Tuesday 1 with Dem Thursday 5 with Nap

3 How serious was Kett’s rebellion (1549)?
How did Somerset’s socio-economic policy contribute to the causes and aims of Kett’s Rebellion? How serious was Kett’s rebellion (1549)?

4 Learning Focus Literacy – Reading for information and summarising.
BLP – noticing.

5 Starter (10) Read the Historiography section on the first page of the booklet. Then read the chapter overview on p. 1. Prepare points for either the argument that the 1549 rebellions were dangerous or not. (LC) Point to the wall

6 Main 1 See next slide and link Somerset’s socio-economic policies to the causes of Ket’s rebellion to answer the LO.

7 SOMERSET’s socio-economic policies
Consider Somerset’s socio-economic policy in terms of the following and your research; Somerset, like John Hales, believed that enclosure caused inflation (explain). Thus, he appointed enclosure commissions in 1548 and again in May (first lot failed) The commissions were blocked by the landlords, e.g. in Norfolk. Proclamations were ignored. He did not accept the views of Sir Thomas Smith that debasement caused inflation. Debasement and Sheep tax (1d) to raise money Western rebels were offered a pardon at first.

8 SOMERSET’s socio-economic policies
Consider Somerset’s socio-economic policy in terms of the following and your research; Somerset, like John Hales, believed that enclosure caused inflation (explain). Thus, he appointed enclosure commissions in 1548 and again in May (first lot failed) The commissions were blocked by the landlords, e.g. in Norfolk. Proclamations were ignored. He did not accept the views of Sir Thomas Smith that debasement caused inflation. Debasement and Sheep tax (1d) to raise money Western rebels were offered a pardon at first.

9 CAGE – Causes and Aims PRESORAMA Political causes? Religious causes?
Economic causes? Social causes? Overthrow of Monarchy? Removal of ministers? Articles/demands – Any? Tone? Organisation? Multi-faceted? Appeal

10 CAGE – Causes and Aims PRESORAMA Political causes? Religious causes?
Economic causes? Social causes? Overthrow of Monarchy? Removal of ministers? Articles/demands – Any? Tone? Organisation? Multi-faceted? Appeal

11 Main 2 What were the causes and aims of Kett’s rebellion?
Individual research on causes & aims – p12 booklet, old textbook, p and booklet p. 9 and booklet p.10. Re-jigsaw into a group. Teach each other and categorise the reasons (LC) Relative importance representation of the danger of the causes/aims of Ket’s rebellion. Numbers around the room.

12 CAGE – Government response & Events
VLEANDDEM Violence? Leadership? Events? Areas affected? Numbers of rebels? Duration? Deaths? Executions? Military response?

13 CAGE – Government response & Events
VLEANDDEM Violence? Leadership? Events? Areas affected? Numbers of rebels? Duration? Deaths? Executions? Military response?

14 EVENTS AND government response
Analyse text on Kett’s rebellion (d and nd). Use pages 7- 8, 13 (general) & 15 (right hand side). Do the same with old text book (bottom p ) Re-jigsaw groups

15 Dangerous Not dangerous
PLENARY Dangerous Not dangerous

16 Home Learning (5) Supplement your notes on Ket’s Rebellion by focussing on new information from your textbooks. 141/2 MT; 133 to end FAI. Prepare for a head to head CAGE presentation debate on the Western rebellion. Use the following pages of your booklet for your ‘part’ (C/A, G, E – dangerous and not dangerous). See relevant pages of textbooks and pages 5,6,9,11,15 of booklet. Your argument must be done on 1 powerpoint slide.

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