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HST Toolpaths.

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Presentation on theme: "HST Toolpaths."— Presentation transcript:

1 HST Toolpaths

2 Enhancements Summary 10 HST Toolpaths Smooth Entry and Exit Motions
Reduced Retracts Toolholder Definition and Collision Check Rest Machining and Slope Angles in HST Toolpaths Tool Inspection Toolpath Fillets

3 What’s different with HST Toolpaths
New Parameter Tabs Operations can now be copied with current settings and then change toolpath type (Core Roughing to a Waterline toolpath)

4 What’s different with HST Toolpaths
New Parameter Tabs When changing toolpath type any parameters that can be kept from the copied operation are kept.

5 What’s different with HST Toolpaths
Quick View Settings Quick View Setting keep info in sight through all parameter tabs so there’s no need to change tabs to get information.

6 Toolpaths Area Clearance
Area Clearance: Is a roughing toolpath for clearing out material in cavities, cutting from inside out.

7 Toolpaths Area Clearance
Notice that the toolpath starts from the inside out

8 Toolpaths Core Roughing
Core Roughing: Is a roughing toolpath for clearing out material that changes strategies from outside in for bosses and inside out for cavities.

9 Toolpaths Core Roughing
Notice the tool starts on the inside and works its way out for the cavity

10 Toolpaths Core Roughing
Rapid Cut direction Notice the tool starts on the outside and works its way in on bosses.

11 Toolpaths Core Roughing
Backplot of tool cutting outside and working its way in.

12 Cut Parameters Note: The cut parameters will change based on the toolpath type. When possible the same settings will be brought into the new toolpath type.

13 Cut Parameters Turn on the “Add cuts” option
Stepdown – Determines the Z spacing between adjacent cutting passes Add cuts- Activates the adaptive stepdown feature, which add cuts at the shallow areas of the profile so that the toolpath does not have excessively large horizontal spacing between cutting passes Min stepdown – Specifies the minimum stepdown value when Add cuts is activated. Passes will be no less than this distance from each other – in the z axis

14 Cut Parameters Max profile stepover – Determines the maximum change in the surface profiles for two adjacent cutting passes. This represents the maximum value of the shortest horizontal distance between adjacent points on the two profiles. Max profile stepover – is the thickness of the scallop. If the thickness exceeds the .250 setting then a z cut is added to bring the thickness under the .250 setting.

15 Cut Parameters Notice the scallop thickness

16 Cut Parameters Max profile stepover

17 Cut Parameters Turn on the “Smoothing” option
Smoothing – Replaces sharp corners with an arc for faster and smoother transitions in the tool direction.

18 Cut Parameters Max Radius – Enter the radius of the largest arc that you will allow Mastercam to insert to replace the corner. Larger arcs will result in a smoother toolpath but with greater deviation from the originally programmed toolpath Profile Tolerance – The maximum distance that the outermost profile of the smoothed toolpath that will deviate from the original toolpath Offset tolerance – This is the same measurement as the profile tolerance but is applied to all of the profiles except the outermost one. This lets you maintain different tolerances for the subsequent profiles.

19 Cut Parameters Possible to leave different amounts of stock for floor and wall surfaces. Note: Can’t leave less stock on the walls than the floor

20 Cut Parameters

21 Toolpaths Rest Roughing
Rest roughing toolpath is used when you want to calculate the cutting passes from the stock left over from one or more  previous roughing operations, similar to Restmill

22 Toolpaths Rest Roughing

23 Rest Roughing Rest Material

24 Rest Material All previous operations - Calculates the remaining stock using all operations in the Toolpath Manager. This method determines the areas of stock where the tool did not go. One other operation - Calculates the remaining stock using all operations in the Toolpath Manager. This method determines the areas of stock where the tool did not go. Roughing tool - Calculates the remaining stock based on the diameter and corner radius of a tool. Cad file – Uses an STL file to calculate where the tool can remove material

25 Rest Material Lists the current operations in the operation manager

26 Rest Material Stock resolution - Use a smaller value to tighten up the stock model and create a smoother restmill toolpath. Use a larger value to loosen the stock model and create a faster but rougher restmill toolpath.

27 Rest Material Adjustments to remaining stock
Use remaining stock as computed – No adjustment to the stock model Adjust remaining stock to ignore small cusps – Use this setting to set the adjustment distance to reduce the stock model, this setting will find less material to machine Adjust remaining stock to mill small cusps – Use this setting to set the adjustment distance to increase the stock model, this setting will find more material to machine

28 Rest Material Adjustments to remaining stock
Adjustment distance - Enter a value to expand or reduce the calculated stock model

29 Rest Material Roughing tool is a theoretical calculation.
Note: With the “Skip pocket” setting its possible to have the tool plunge into material with the “Roughing Tool” setting

30 Rest Material An STL file can be used to calculate remaining stock. Verifying a toolpath and then saving the stock as an STL may give a more accurate results.

31 Rest Material machining in finish toolpaths

32 Rest Material machining in finish toolpaths
All Finish toolpaths except Horizontal Area have a Rest Material option

33 Toolpath without Rest Material off

34 Toolpath with Rest Passes on
Rest Material Toolpath with Rest Passes on Rest Passes: The toolpath is calculated as a normal toolpath and only the areas that the Roughing Tool can’t reach are kept.

35 Toolpaths Waterline Waterline is a constant Z finish toolpath (similar to contour)

36 Toolpaths Waterline

37 Toolpaths Scallop Scallop is a 3D toolpath

38 Toolpaths Scallop Notice the smooth entry and rapid motion

39 Toolpaths Horizontal Area
Horizontal is a finish toolpath for flat surfaces

40 Toolpaths Horizontal Area

41 Toolpaths Raster Raster is a finish toolpath that cuts in one direction (like parallel)

42 Toolpaths Raster

43 Toolpaths Pencil Pencil is a finish toolpath for cleaning up radii

44 Toolpaths Pencil Toolpath motion

45 Toolpaths Spiral Spiral toolpath is used to create cutting passes where the tool feeds into the part in a continuous spiral motion.

46 Toolpaths Spiral

47 Toolpaths Radial Radial creates cutting passes that radiate outwards from a central point, used mostly on round parts.

48 Toolpaths Radial

49 What’s different with HST Toolpaths
Smooth Stepovers between passes are automatically generated Constant Z toolpath (Core Roughing)

50 What’s different with HST Toolpaths
Stepovers Between Passes Constant Z toolpath

51 What’s different with HST Toolpaths
Smooth Stepdowns are automatically generated Between Z cuts ` Top View Constant Z toolpath (waterline)

52 What’s different with HST Toolpaths
Step downs Between Z cuts ` Front View Constant Z toolpath (waterline)

53 What’s different with HST Toolpaths
Stepdowns Between Z cuts ` Constant Z toolpath (waterline)

54 Tool Tool Inspection

55 Tool Tool Inspection When toolpath reaches the liner distance or time the tool will retract Note: The time is based on the feedrate

56 Toolholder Definition & Collision Protection
3 Toolholder Libraries

57 Toolholder Definition & Collision Protection
Over 50 pre-defined tool holders

58 Toolholder Definition & Collision Protection

59 Toolpath without Collision Check
Holder Toolpath without Collision Check

60 Toolpath with Collision Check
Holder Toolpath with Collision Check Front View The toolpath only cuts where the tool can reach

61 Toolpath without Collision Check Toolpath with Collision Check
Holder Toolpath without Collision Check Toolpath with Collision Check Front View

62 Cut Parameters Option to leave different amounts of stock on the walls and floors in all HST toolpaths

63 Cut Parameters Scallop
Each toolpath has its own settings, so a Raster toolpath with have different parameters

64 Cut Parameters Raster Down Milling: Helps inserted cutters keep the inserts in the holders UP Milling: Better finish in soft steels

65 Cut Parameters Raster Scallop Height Calculator was added to Raster and Pencil toolpaths

66 Cut Parameters Pencil

67 Cut Parameters Pencil Unlimited Step Over

68 Cut Parameters Pencil Unlimited Step Over First part of toolpath
Unlimited Step Over: The toolpath will first cut the outside passes then finish the pencil trace working towards the corner.

69 Cut Parameters Pencil Unlimited Step Over Second section of toolpath

70 Cut Parameters Pencil Unlimited Step Over 3rd section of toolpath
4th section of toolpath

71 Cut Parameters Pencil Unlimited Step Over Completed Toolpath

72 Two Entry Options, Helix and Profile
Transitions Two Entry Options, Helix and Profile

73 Smooth Entry and Exit Motion
Transitions Smooth Entry and Exit Motion Helix Entry

74 Smooth Entry and Exit Motion
Transitions Smooth Entry and Exit Motion

75 Smooth Entry and Exit Motion
Transitions Smooth Entry and Exit Motion Radius value is calculated automatically from the cutter diameter Helical Entry

76 Transitions If the helix can’t fit then the profile ramp is automatically used

77 Transitions Core Roughing Ramp Entry Helical Entry
Two entry methods with same setting

78 Smooth Entry and Exit Motion
Transitions Smooth Entry and Exit Motion Since the helix couldn’t fit, the profile entry is being used

79 Smooth Entry and Exit Motion
Transitions Smooth Entry and Exit Motion

80 Smooth Entry and Exit Motion
Transitions Smooth Entry and Exit Motion “Skip pockets smaller than” -this solves the problem where a pocket is large enough to accommodate the tool, but the entry move is so compressed that the tool is effectively plunging into the part.

81 Smooth Entry and Exit Motion
Transitions Smooth Entry and Exit Motion Toolpath with no “Skip pockets smaller than”

82 Smooth Entry and Exit Motion
Transitions Smooth Entry and Exit Motion Toolpath with “Skip pockets set to .600”

83 Steep / Shallow

84 Defined Slope Angle for all High Speed Toolpaths
Steep / Shallow Defined Slope Angle for all High Speed Toolpaths Angle options is used to only create cutting passes on those areas of the part that fall in the angle setting.

85 Steep / Shallow Slope Angle Slope Angle
Note: Notice that entire part is being cut

86 Steep / Shallow Slope Angle
The cutting passes are being restricted to the angle settings

87 Linking Parameters Linking Parameters: Control the toolpaths air cuts.

88 Linking Parameters Waterline

89 Linking Parameters Minimum distance Retract
Minimum Distance: The cutter takes a direct route from one pass to another clearing the surface by the part clearance distance

90 Minimum distance Retract
Linking Parameters Minimum distance Retract Minimum Distance: The cutter takes a direct route from one pass to another clearing the surface by the part clearance.

91 Linking Parameters Part Clearance

92 Minimum Distance setting
Linking Parameters Minimum Distance setting

93 Linking Parameters Leads Finish Waterline

94 Smooth Entry and Exit Motion
Linking Parameters Smooth Entry and Exit Motion Front View Horizontal arc entry .250 Setting

95 Smooth Entry and Exit Motion
Linking Parameters Smooth Entry and Exit Motion Horizontal arc exit Top View

96 Arc filter / Tolerance Toolpath Fillets
Toolpath Fillets: Theoretical fillets are created in sharp corners to keep the tool motion smooth and allow flat cutters to be used in roughing where fillets weren’t created in the model.

97 No Toolpath Fillets used
Arc filter / Tolerance Toolpath Fillets No Toolpath Fillets used Notice the sharp corner

98 Arc filter / Tolerance Toolpath Fillets Notice the transition

99 Arc filter / Tolerance Toolpath Fillets Notice the sharp corner

100 Arc filter / Tolerance Toolpath Fillets Notice the stock that is left

101 Arc filter / Tolerance Toolpath Fillets Notice the stock that is left

102 Tools Supported All Toolpaths Support 3 +2 Axis Cutters Flat Ball
Bullnose Taper

103 Enhancements Summary of what’s in HST Toolpaths
Smooth Entry and Exit Motions Reduced Retracts and Rapid Motion Toolholder Definition and Collision Check Rest Passes and Slope Angles in all HST Toolpaths Tool Inspection Toolpath Fillets

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