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11/20/2018 Genetics Review.

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Presentation on theme: "11/20/2018 Genetics Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/20/2018 Genetics Review

2 11/20/2018 Group A Group C Group B

3 It’s DNA Or The highway Express your Genes Translate This! 11/20/2018 Who did that? Potpourri 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

4 The purine and pyrimidine bases in DNA.
11/20/2018 The purine and pyrimidine bases in DNA.

5 What are adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine?
11/20/2018 What are adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine? main menu

6 The term given for opposite orientation of strand in the DNA helix.
11/20/2018 The term given for opposite orientation of strand in the DNA helix.

7 11/20/2018 What is antiparallel? main menu

8 The fragments of DNA that are produced on the lagging strand.
11/20/2018 The fragments of DNA that are produced on the lagging strand.

9 What are Okazaki fragments?
11/20/2018 What are Okazaki fragments? main menu

10 The enzyme that unwinds the DNA helix during replication.
11/20/2018 The enzyme that unwinds the DNA helix during replication.

11 11/20/2018 What is DNA helicase? main menu

12 11/20/2018 The enzyme that prevents knots from forming in the DNA as it is unravelling.

13 11/20/2018 What is gyrase? main menu

14 11/20/2018 Introns and Exons

15 What are non-coding and coding regions (respectively) in DNA?
11/20/2018 What are non-coding and coding regions (respectively) in DNA? main menu

16 11/20/2018 Regions on the tips of chromosomes that are partly eroded with each cell division.

17 11/20/2018 What are telomeres? main menu

18 11/20/2018 Parts of an operon

19 What are the operator, the promoter, and the gene?
11/20/2018 What are the operator, the promoter, and the gene? main menu

20 11/20/2018 Transcription is turned off by a repressor in the lac operon and is turned on if lactose is present.

21 What is negative gene regulation?
11/20/2018 What is negative gene regulation? main menu

22 Tryptophan is an example of this in the tryp operon in E.Coli
11/20/2018 Tryptophan is an example of this in the tryp operon in E.Coli

23 11/20/2018 What is a co-repressor? main menu

24 The site on mRNA where the ribosome attaches.
11/20/2018 The site on mRNA where the ribosome attaches.

25 What is the 5’ methlyguanosine cap?
11/20/2018 What is the 5’ methlyguanosine cap? main menu

26 11/20/2018 UAA, UAG, and UGA

27 11/20/2018 What are stop codons? main menu

28 Enzyme which forms bond between tRNA and its amino acid.
11/20/2018 Enzyme which forms bond between tRNA and its amino acid.

29 What is amino-acyl tRNA synthase?
11/20/2018 What is amino-acyl tRNA synthase? main menu

30 11/20/2018 The enzyme which forms a peptide bond between amino acids during formation of the polypeptide.

31 What is peptidyl transferase?
11/20/2018 What is peptidyl transferase? main menu

32 11/20/2018 DAILY DOUBLE

33 Amino acids in the protein specified by the following DNA sequence:
11/20/2018 Amino acids in the protein specified by the following DNA sequence: 3’ AGATTTCCGCTC 5’

34 What are serine, lysine, glycine, and glutamate?
11/20/2018 What are serine, lysine, glycine, and glutamate? main menu

35 11/20/2018 Using mice and two strains of bacteria, he proved that it is possible for bacteria to take up genetic material from other bacteria and be transformed.

36 11/20/2018 Who is Griffith? main menu

37 11/20/2018 Their work on X-ray diffraction and nucleic acids showed DNA likely had a helix-type shape.

38 Who are Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins?
11/20/2018 Who are Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins? main menu

39 11/20/2018 They proved that DNA is the genetic material and not proteins by experiments with radioactively labelled phages.

40 Who are Hershey and Chase?
11/20/2018 Who are Hershey and Chase? main menu

41 11/20/2018 He showed that the amounts of guanine and cytosine was the same in cells.

42 11/20/2018 Who is Chargaff? main menu

43 11/20/2018 Discovered the concept of the operon as a means of controlling genes in prokaryotes.

44 11/20/2018 Who are Jacob and Monod? main menu

45 Examples of these include TATA box and CAAT box.
11/20/2018 Examples of these include TATA box and CAAT box.

46 11/20/2018 What are promoters? main menu

47 How mRNA is modified in eukaryotic cells.
11/20/2018 How mRNA is modified in eukaryotic cells.

48 11/20/2018 What is removing introns, adding 5’ methylguanosine cap, and poly A tail? main menu

49 11/20/2018 Process which amplifies the amount of DNA in a sample by using the strands as a template.

50 What is polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?
11/20/2018 What is polymerase chain reaction (PCR)? main menu

51 Enzymes found in bacteria that cut DNA at predictable sequences.
11/20/2018 Enzymes found in bacteria that cut DNA at predictable sequences.

52 What are restriction endonucleases?
11/20/2018 What are restriction endonucleases? main menu

53 11/20/2018 Process where a gene is inserted into a bacterial plasmid and introduced into bacteria that produce the protein product.

54 11/20/2018 What is gene cloning? main menu

55 11/20/2018 FINAL JEOPARDY

56 Who discovered the structure of DNA?
11/20/2018 Who discovered the structure of DNA?

57 Who are James Watson and Frances Crick?
11/20/2018 Who are James Watson and Frances Crick? main menu

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