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Presentation on theme: "MICROBIAL GENETICS CHAPTER 7."— Presentation transcript:


2 Heredity Diversity in the gene pool is vital Eukaryotes
Mating partners Random chromosome alignment during Meiosis I Homologous chromatid recombination events Prokaryotes Mutation/ rapid reproduction rates Lateral gene transfer (Ch.8)

3 Genetic Information Storage
Chromosomal sizes E. coli 4 x 106 bp H. sapiens 3 x 109 bp Microbial gene size ~1000bp Gene composition - CG rich

4 DNA Structure Double stranded Helical Sugar-phosphate backbone
5’ to 3’ orientation Base pairs A-T C-G

5 DNA Concepts Genes Functional unit encoding a protein or RNA product
Often determine a single characteristic Units are located at fixed loci along the chromosome Alleles Variations in the base sequences of a gene Their diversity expands the gene pool Mutations Alterations in gene sequence which create new alleles Many chemical and physical causes

6 Information Transfer - Gene Expression

7 DNA Replication 5’ to 3’ nucleotide arrangement Antiparallel strands
ori - origin of replication DNA Polymerase Strands elongate at 3’ end Leading strand versus Lagging strand DNA Ligase

8 DNA Replication Semi-conservative replication
Both strands are templates

9 Transcription DNA to RNA, also 5’ to 3’
One strand only serves as RNA template RNA polymerase Promoter / terminator

10 RNA Types Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
component of the ribosome along with ribosomal proteins Messenger RNA (mRNA) codons dictate the linear arrangement of amino acids in a protein Transfer RNA (tRNA) anticodons base pair against codons in mRNA allowing the amino acids they carry to be the correct ones

11 Gene Representation t mRNA Coding/ structural region Promoter
Terminator Coding/ structural region mRNA

12 mRNA Variations Eukaryotic Introns transcribed then spliced out
Exon shuffling can occur to create new proteins Prokaryotic No introns Operons speed up protein synthesis

13 Genetic Code – mRNA codons

14 Translation tRNA anticodons
Triplet complementary to the codon in structural gene region Amino acid links Covalent attachment of a.a. using ATP energy Role of ribosomes Provides environment to allow adjacent a.a’s to form a peptide bond Anticodon Amino acid binding site

15 Protein Synthesis

16 Protein Synthesis

17 Simultaneous Transcription/Translation
No Nuclear membrane in prokaryotes Ribosomal alignment

18 Visualizing Prokaryotic Coupling of Transcription and Translation

19 Regulation of Metabolism
Feedback Inhibition Biochemical Enzyme Induction Genetic Enzyme Repression

20 Lac Operon

21 Mutations Genotype Phenotype Point Mutations (Substitutions) Silent
Missense Nonsense

22 Frameshift Mutations Insertions/Deletions
All triplet codons are altered by one or two base insertions or deletions Reading Frame Chromosomal Rearrangements

23 Causes of Mutation Spontaneous versus Induced Chemical mutagens
Radiation Types

24 DNA Repair Defects Human Genetic DNA Repair disorders Genetic diseases
Xeroderma pigmentosum Werner’s syndrome Bloom’s syndrome Progerias Accelerated aging Mental retardation Damage to early neurons

25 Ames Test Detects mutagens S. typhimurium (his-) Rat Liver Extract
90% correlation with animal tests.

26 Ames Test Technique

27 Polymerase Chain Reaction
DNA amplification in vitro Applications Forensics Conservation biology Diagnostics PCR protocol


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