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Southern Natural Gas Customer Working Group WebEx

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Presentation on theme: "Southern Natural Gas Customer Working Group WebEx"— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern Natural Gas Customer Working Group WebEx
August 16, 2018 1:30 p.m. CST

2 Tracy Minter Scheduling Representative
Welcome Good afternoon, welcome to the quarterly Customer Working Group WebEx. This is Tracy Minter with SNG Scheduling and currently serving as the Interim Customer Working Group Coordinator. As Krysta Henry is out on Maternity Leave, but plans on being back for the next quarterly CWG Meeting. Thank you all for calling in for the WebEx, we appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to participate. Those that are on the phone are you able to hear us? (Pause 1.2.3) Ok great. We are not going to mute the line so that we can keep the meeting collaborative and informal and to be able to have open discussions. We ask you to please not put us on hold and if you have lots of people around please be aware of the noise for the presentation. We are excited to discuss the recent Customer Working Group requests. As well as updates from Commercial and Contracts. Tracy Minter Scheduling Representative

3 Current Customer Working Group Members
Now I would like to take a moment to see who’s on the call today. Please state your name when I call out each Company.

4 Agenda DART Prioritization List Scheduling Update
Contracts & Capacity Release Update Commercial/Marketing Update Next Steps Here’s a look at the Agenda for today’s meeting. I will discuss the Top 10 Prioritized items that we have compiled since our last meeting based on your feedback. Katie will discuss the top 5 items and the status of each a little later in the presentation. Next, we will have a brief look at some recent Scheduling Team updates. Then we will hear from our Contracts department as well as our Commercial department with their updates Finally we will discuss the next steps for the Customer Working Group and open the floor for any final questions or concerns.

5 Prioritization List Since the last Customer Working Group meeting, where we requested you send us your prioritized list, we have compiled the Top 10 items to begin working on. Krysta compiled the Prioritization list you see here based on feedback she received from everyone. Here’s a quick recap of the Top 10 Items. With that, I will now turn it over to Cathy Soape, the WEAR Manager for a Scheduling update.

6 Scheduling Update Katie Cornutt DSR Scheduling Manager Cathy Soape
WEAR Scheduling Manager Notes:

7 Eastern Region TSS Management Team

8 Southern Natural Gas DSR Team
Greg Pollard will be moving to

9 Eastern Region WEAR Team

10 DART Prioritization List Scheduling Update

11 Status of Top 5 Requests

12 Recently Completed Request Item #3: Change the sort order in the Report Subscription adhoc windows? For example, in the WIVL9000, could we sort in alpha order instead of GID numeric order? The requested change has been moved into our test environment and we are waiting for all pipelines to verify the change prior to moving to Production. Hoping to be released into production month of August-August 18th Implementation

13 In Progress/Feedback Needed:
Request Item #1: Edit Path Rank directly from the Capacity End Point screen. Shipper could see results on Capacity End Point screen, then change path ranks for the next cycle, and re-submit without having to open the Contract Path Ranking screen, find the path and submit from there. Would a "right click" feature to navigate customers directly to the Contract Path Rank Screen where edits to the path rank can be made accommodate this request ?

14 Proposed Change Start by opening the Capacity/End-Point Split screen Step 1: Navigate to the Capacity/End-Point Split screen

15 Proposed Change Select the row you want to change path ranks for, right click to have pop up box open, then click on the Contract Path Ranking Screen option WNVL7000 – Contract Path Ranking Step 2: Highlight row->Right click->Choose Contract Path Ranking

16 Proposed Change You will be on the NAESB Contract Path Rank List with the line you have selected highlighted. You can modify your path rank and submit. Then close the contract path ranking list window and you will be taken back to the Capacity End Point Split screen to view the ranking you have modified Step 3: Enter desired Path Rank->Click Submit Selected Contract

17 Proposed Change Step 4: Click Retrieve
Once you are back on the Capacity/End-Point Split screen, click Retrieve to view your changes and the impact of the change you made. Step 4: Click Retrieve

18 In Progress Items: Request Item #2: Add gas day and cycle to subject line on received for report subscription Request Item #5: Add refresh button on the not submitted screen Request Item #2: Met with IT and determined which reports would be affected by the dynamic variable Submitted JIRA and waiting for IT to start compiling changes to the reports Request Item #5: We have submitted the JIRA to IT department to add that button to the screen Refresh

19 Enhancement Report Subscription Enhancement: Internal users will be able to see reports that external users are subscribed to and be able to query, modify and assist with troubleshooting the subscriptions.  Report Subscription Enhancement: Internal users will be able to see reports that external users are subscribed to and modify the subscriptions.  Currently only the user that subscribed to the report can see or update and it regularly creates issues that have to be resolve by IT.  This will enhance our aspect of customer service to the customer calling trying to troubleshoot.

20 Scheduling Open Forum

21 DART Contracts & Capacity Release Update
Dayna Owens Contract Administration

22 Contracts/Capacity Release Items In-Progress
Capacity Release Award Audit Report Capacity Release Offer Upload Process

23 Capacity Release Award Audit Report
Customer Working Group Request: Present the Capacity Release Award Audit Report in a printable format similar to Premier/ENB058. Currently only exists as an Excel spreadsheet. The Crystal report development has been completed. In addition, based on customer feedback, we will revise the report to display data based on the following two options. Option 1 - Pull in awarded releases that have a start date in between the Start and End date entered on the screen. This is how it works in Production today. Option 2 – Pull in all awarded releases that are in effect in between the Start and End date entered on the screen. The new report should go into Production next month.

24 Capacity Release Offer Upload
Offer Upload is a new feature that will allow multiple Capacity Release offers to be imported from Excel at one time then submitted Advantageous for Shippers that submit: same or similar offers routinely large numbers of offers Agents that submit offers for various releasing shippers

25 Capacity Release Offer Upload
Available for Capacity release of Transport Offer upload flexibility allows uploads of offers within one upload file to have different releasing contracts releasing shippers pre-arranged bidders various date ranges biddable and non-biddable

26 Capacity Release Offer Upload
Offer upload will not be available for the following release activity: Storage release Varied monthly quantity release Zonal release Pooling location release Permanent release

27 Capacity Release Offer Upload
Capacity release offer information is entered into Excel file Excel template and user guide will be provided by KM pipelines Shipper’s prepared Excel file is selected for Upload and will be used to create and submit offers in DART

28 Capacity Release Offer Upload

29 Contracts & Capacity Release Open Forum

30 Commercial/Marketing Department
Walter Coe Account Manager- Marketing

31 Commercial Rates change 9/1/2018
Result of the FERC approved Pre-filing Rate Case Settlement All firm and interruptible transportation and storage demand and commodity rates reduced by 1% Fuel not impacted Effective 9/1/2019 rates are reduced by an additional 7%

32 Commercial Increased SESH flexibility
Effective 7/1/2018 FERC approved changes to the SESH Joint Operating Agreement allowing more scheduling flexibility among the 3 SESH/SNG receipt points New maximum rights (SESH-Gulf South to SNG) ,000 dth/d (SESH-ETC Tiger to SNG) ,000 dth/d (SESH-Enable Gas to SNG) ,000 dth/d cannot exceed ,000 dth/d cannot exceed 500,000 dth/d

33 Commercial Fairburn Expansion Project
Scheduled to go in-service 4th quarter 2018 Consists of new lateral, compressor station, and receipt point interconnect with Transco (Zone 4) near Atlanta, Georgia

34 Next Steps

35 Next Steps Next Customer Working Group WebEx Meeting
November 8th or November 13th Continue to send ideas or suggestions for topics to discuss at our next meeting Thank you Walter! We would like to get a consensus from the group on the Next scheduled CWG WebEx Meeting. How does Nov 8 or Nov 13 work for the group. Anyone strongly want one date over the other? The 8th is a Tuesday and the 13th is a Tuesday. Thanksgiving falls on Thursday Nov 22. Are there any other questions, comments or concerns from the group at this time? If you think of anything after the WebEx, please feel free to reach out to myself or Katie by phone or . Please continue to send us your ideas or suggestions for topics to discuss. Before we sign off, I wanted to mention at the end of the slide show presentation we have listed each departments updated contact lists for your reference. Including the new Gas Control Manager, Reese Hart who assumed Gina Mabry’s role as she is now the Director of Scheduling as Cathy mentioned earlier. The presentation was posted to the EBB this morning in case you want to print it or print the contacts.

36 DSR Scheduling Contacts
Phone Ice Chat Handle Gina Mabry, Director Transportation and Storage Services (713) Katie Cornutt, DSR Manager (713) Krysta Henry (713) Khenry4 Adam Ivy (713) AIvy Tracy Minter (713) Tminter Greg Pollard (713) Gpollard1 Carol Whatley (713) CWhatley SNG Hotline (713)

37 WEARS Scheduling Contacts
Cathy Soape, WEAR Manager (713)  Ice Chat Handle Mandey Allen (713) Mallen11 Virginia (Ginger) Bryan (713) Gbryan5 Todd Davis (205) Tdavis23 Charlotte Hawkins (713) Chawkins4 Nicole Lang (713) Nlang Phyllis Miller (713) Pmiller7 Ahsan Mohammad (713) Amohammad Jill Overman (713) Joverman Jeremy Rainwater (713) Jrainwater David (Scott) Sokira (205) Ssokira Debra (Debbie) Tweedy (713) Dtweedy Norma Villarreal (713) Nvillarreal

38 SNG Contracts Contact Contract Administration Contacts:
Sherry Noack, Manager (713) Shari Jones (713) Marquette Williams (713) Natarsua Player (713) Dayna Owens (713) Lindsay Sanford (713) SNG Contract Administration Hotline (713)

39 SNG Commercial Contacts
Janice Parker, V.P. (205) Walter Coe (205) Lisa Guthrie (205) Jerry Nelson (205) Darryl Outlaw (205) On call Account Manager (800)

40 SNG Gas Control Contacts
Maurice (Reese) Hart III, Manager (713) Kal Dankovich, Outage Coordinator (713) Jimmy Reese, Lead Controller (713) Daniel Mitchell, Lead Controller (713) Commercial Contacts: On-Call Account Manager (800) Walter Coe (205) Lisa Guthrie (205) Jerry Nelson (205)

41 Thank You for Your Business!
As always, we appreciate you all taking time out of your busy day to participate in the Customer Working Group. Thank you! Have a nice day! Bye!

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