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Let every heart prepare Him room

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Presentation on theme: "Let every heart prepare Him room"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let every heart prepare Him room

2 Go Tell it on the Mountain!
In light of Christ’s coming… What was God doing? What did God expect of His people then? What does God expect of His people now?

3 I. God was presenting His one and only Son to the world!
God exalts that which is of humble estate in the presence of a world that exalts itself God brings glory to Himself as the humble are exalted

4 II. God expected His people to tell everyone about His Son according to God’s word to them
Our hearts must be faithful, even through the discipline we receive from God when we stumble

5 II. God expected His people to tell everyone about His Son according to God’s word to them
Our hearts must come to trust God’s unfailing word and obey Him, even in the midst of troubling circumstances.

6 II. God expected His people to tell everyone about His Son according to God’s word to them
Our right response to who He is and the mighty works He has done, is doing and will do merits our exuberant and irrepressible praise. A heart fit for our King is a heart that praises Him.

7 II. God expected His people to tell everyone about His Son according to God’s word to them
A heart fit for our Savior as we await His return is a heart that understands our lives must be lived with God and His covenant promises at the all- consuming center of our lives, knowing that all that we are and do only finds true purpose and meaning when knitted into the fabric of God’s plan to redeem and restore all things through Jesus Christ.

8 II. God expected His people to tell everyone about His Son according to God’s word to them

9 III. Go Tell it on the Mountain!

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