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Best practice or Missing A Link? Gender budgeting in AUstria

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1 Best practice or Missing A Link? Gender budgeting in AUstria
Sybille Pirklbauer I FEMM-Commitee

2 GB: Missing the link

3 The example of Austria GB: Missing the link
The legal anchoring of gender budgeting in Austria is considered to be an international role model since January 1, 2009, »[t]he federal state, the ›Länder‹, and the municipalities must aim at achieving the actual equality of women and men in budget processes.« Was part of a farreaching budget reform towards a outcome-oriented budget processes Is this a model für Europe?

4 What are the specifications?
GB: Missing the link What are the specifications? Max. 5 outcome objectives per chapter At least 1 outcome objective directly addressing gender equality Overall objective: Integrated view on budget and performance information

5 GB: Missing the link

6 GB: Missing the link

7 Where is the money?! > Missing a LINK!
GB: Missing the link Outcome objective X: Why this objective? What is done to achieve this objective? What would success look like? Where is the money?! > Missing a LINK! Outcome orientation plays no part in the Austrian budgetary debate Fundamental flaw of the Austrian concept of outcome- oriented process

8 GB: Missing the link Activities are only linked to global budgets,
but no particular amount of money is linked to a particular activity Thus, it is not possible to tell How much is spent on a measure How much is spent on reaching a certain objective Whether (not) achieving an objective has to do with a certain budget

9 Gender Equality: The EU Budget for Gender Equality - Analytical Study
GB: Missing the link And what about the European Union? DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR INTERNAL POLICIES - POLICY DEPARTMENT D: BUDGETARY AFFAIRS Gender Equality: The EU Budget for Gender Equality - Analytical Study the EU’s high level political commitments to gender equality and gender mainstreaming do not penetrate spending decisions in all policy areas Several budget titles are not fully transparent, in that they do not specify the amount allocated to individual policy objectives and actions. They tend to include several umbrella items that bring together diverse policy objectives and actions. This jeopardises financial and budgetary accountability and raises the risk of gender equality objectives being overshadowed and relegated in the context of actual spending decisions.

10 GB: Missing the link Necessities for Austria and the EU:
Linking gender equality goals with budget figures Embedding Gender Equality Goals in Overall (interministerial) Strategy Gender-specific analysis of the impact of regulatory projects Collecting gender-disaggregated data (e.g. time-use surveys!) Continuing education of public servants


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