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Presentation on theme: "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE… ARTIFICIAL LAWYERS?"— Presentation transcript:

Harry Phillips American Inn of Court January 18, 2018

2 AI is Everywhere, and its Role is Expanding.
Examples Today: Recommendations: Amazon, Netflix, Pandora Spam filters Voice-to-text Facebook tags Nest Thermostats Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant Self-driving cars

3 How Modern AI Became Possible
The dream of intelligent, autonomous machines dates at least to ancient Greece. Three developments have made it possible: More powerful computers Artificial neural networks The use of large data sets

4 1. More Powerful Computers: Moore’s Law
The number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. This “law” has held for decades:


6 Moore’s Law: 1969 vs. 2017 Apollo Guidance Computer, 1969 Iphone x
CHANGE Processor speed: MHz Memory: 64 Kbyte Cost: $3.5 million 2390 MHz 6 cores Up to 256 Gbyte $1,149 336,000 x 4,200,000 x < 1/3,000th

7 2. Artificial Neural Networks
Traditional, linear programming logic follows pre-specified, human instructions. Artificial neural networks, in contrast, employ countless individually-operative neural switches that are arranged and conditioned to react to inputs en masse.

8 Traditional programming logic is linear.

9 Neural Networks use uncountable pathways that are shaped over time in response to data inputs.

10 3. The use of large data sets: Big Data
Modern AI systems are “trained” by running huge amounts of data through a neural network. As the system “learns,” it identifies patterns in the data – patterns not specified by human programmers. This pattern recognition is central to the system’s function: Who likes what movies What is spam What word corresponds to a given sound Whose face is in an image How SCOTUS will rule . . .

11 Use of AI in Law Today Technology-Assisted Document Review
Westlaw Plain Language Searches Contract Review Behavior Prediction (Courts, Jurors )


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