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High Level Programming Languages

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Presentation on theme: "High Level Programming Languages"— Presentation transcript:

1 High Level Programming Languages
Basic Concepts

2 Machine Code Issues Have to remember numeric opcodes
Have to think about physical memory locations Machine code 901 1 307 2 506 3 207 4 902 5 000 6 010 7 8 9

3 Assembly Assembly Code : human readable machine code

4 Different Representations
English: Assembly: Machine:

5 High Level Languages Languages Generations: High level language
1st : Machine code 2nd : Assembly 3rd : High Level languages High level language Abstracts away from details of machine code Focuses on problem solving Ex: C++, Java, Python

6 Different Representations
High Level Language: Assembly: Machine:

7 Translation High level languages need to be translated to machine ones: Compiler : ahead of time, all at once Interpreter : on the fly, line by line

8 Different Representations
Machine code is unique to a machine High level code platform independent Translate to any machine Machine Code for Computer 3 Machine Code for Computer 2 Machine Code for Computer 1

9 Language History It all starts with FORTRAN:

10 Syntax Syntax : Rules for how a language works

11 Syntax Syntax errors in English can change meaning:

12 Syntax Syntax errors in code prevent translation: Code will not run

13 Syntax Different languages have different syntax

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