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Configurability   Report lost/stolen card feature:

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Presentation on theme: "Configurability   Report lost/stolen card feature:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Configurability Report lost/stolen card feature: can be enabled or disabled per financial institution (default = on) cannot currently enable or disable per card type Fraudulent activity and Lost PIN checkbox: currently not configurable and will always displayed if Report lost/stolen feature is enabled if your banking core or card vendor requires the data, the answers will be passed to them. Otherwise, they won’t review activity daily for users who have reported fraud, and follow up with them Send me a new card checkbox: why enable? Give user option to indicate whether a new card should be sent data not passed to the banking core or card vendor review activity daily for users who request a new card, as request is not passed to the banking core or vendor Confirmation message for reporting lost or stolen card: can be customized by you during implementations message should set expectations with users on next steps default = “Card lost/stolen has been reported” plain text field, supports up to 300 characters Refer to the Card Management feature guide in the Knowledge Base for a list of what vendors support which features.

2 Using the Wildcard Feature when Searching
Activity Report Event Type = Card Management Attributes relevant to “Report Lost/Stolen”: Action = Report Lost/Stolen Reason = {lostPIN:’NO’ or ‘YES’ or ‘UNKNOWN’, fraud:’NO’ or ‘YES’ or ‘UNKNOWN’} Reissue = Yes or No Scenario 1: Pull a daily report to see which users have reported a lost/stolen card and want a card reissued (or if they don’t: Reissue = No): Scenario 2: Pull a daily report to see which users have reported a lost/stolen card and report suspected fraud: Using the Wildcard Feature when Searching For Action, you could either run the EQUALS search where you must type in exactly the Action desired (including capitalization) as seen on the left query OR use the wildcard LIKE search with an * both before and after “lost” (since “lost is in the middle of the phrase) as seen on the right query. For Reason on the right query, you must use the wildcard LIKE search with * both before and after. Why? Reason has both “lost” and “fraud” results. You want Fraud:’YES’ regardless of the Lost value. The wildcard search lets you focus just on the Fraud results.

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