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Energy Fintech Beyond the Dollar Chris Cook Moscow 18th April 2018 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Fintech Beyond the Dollar Chris Cook Moscow 18th April 2018 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Fintech Beyond the Dollar Chris Cook Moscow 18th April 2018 1

2 Oil & the Dollar Problem
Energy Dominance – Two Tier oil market is controlled by US with Saudi capital - OPEC is purely cosmetic Dollar payments have been weaponised Solution Energy as a Service - new natural gas global market design & benchmark price Payments- gas credits (GasCoin) & clearing (GasClear) Instead of oil priced in $ and gas priced against oil: $, € & oil will be priced in gas 2

3 Dollarisation of Oil July 1st 2017 Energy Dominance Oil as Commodity
Oil as Asset Oil as Funding

4 Between mid 2007/2009 oil went $80>$140>$35>$80/bbl......
…...while physical supply & demand varied by <3%

5 Oil Market financialisation began in earnest in 2004......
….from early 2009 oil market was completely manipulated

6 Oil market is (financialised) 'Producer's Market'......
…while gas market is over-supplied 'Buyer's Market

7 US Energy Dominance: Dollar now directly oil-backed
Energy Dominance Announced

8 China launches Shanghai contract: 'Buyer of Last Resort'
Shanghai Oil Contract opens 26th March 2018

9 Early Fintech - Promises and Proofs
Tally-as-Proof - receipt for past utility (eg energy) but no future utility Tally-as-Promise - Prepay credit for future utility requires trust in promissor Single Entry – the instrument IS the accounting record Authentication – the grain of the wood is nature's encryption!

10 Promises (Prepay Credits)
Prepaid Taxation Prepaid Energy Prepaid Talk Time

11 Fintech 1.0 - Blockchain & Coins
Blockchain as Agreement - collective machine protocol for encrypted transaction database - authenticates electronic instruments – no 'double spend' - But....entire database is encrypted for every new transaction Coins as Instruments - Proof of past value creation (eg Proof of Work/Stake) - Transaction token has subjective value in exchange but no objective use value over time (utility)

12 Venezuela and El Petro Petro is based on Oil
- many different types & qualities of oil - acceptability of currency is based on use value & trust - But consumers use gas, oil products, energy services NOT oil Petro is a Proof not a Promise - Petro is evidenced by oil reserves & is a receipt for payment - But - Venezuela has no obligation to deliver either oil or money - Petro holder has no right to use Petro instead of Dollar to pay for Venezuelan oil

13 Energy Fintech – Swaps & Credits
Instruments Energy Swap - neutral, collaborative framework for allocation of energy flows Energy Credit - prepayment for energy production or use Institutions Capital Partnership – production/cost sharing Guarantee Society – risk sharing/mutual assurance

14 Energy Credit (Supplier Promise)
What it is - Promise issued by energy producer in exchange for value received - Returnable in payment for supply What it is not - Debt - no right to demand money - Derivative – no right to demand delivery - Equity – no ownership right in respect of energy assets Requires trust framework for promissors & investors

15 Energy Credit (Supplier Promise)
What it is - Promise issued by energy producer in exchange for value received - Returnable in payment for supply What it is not - Debt - no right to demand money - Derivative – no right to demand delivery - Equity – no ownership right in respect of energy assets Requires trust framework for promissors & investors

16 Fintech 2.0: Clearing Union
Value Supplier A Member Buyer B Member Credit Authenticated A->B Bilateral Data Shared Database Authenticated A->B Bilateral Data Authenticated A->B Bilateral Data Platform Service Provider 16 16

17 Mutually Assured Performance – P&I Club
For 150 years, Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Clubs have mutually guaranteed shipping risk Lloyds won't cover For 130 years P&I Clubs have been managed by Thomas Miller as platform service provider

18 Energy Swaps Regional Swaps
- Energy delivered to one location exchanged for energy delivered from another eg Caspian Oil Swap Category Swaps - Flows of one type of energy exchanged for flows of another Hybrid - Regional Category Swaps

19 Oil for Product Swap Service Investors Providers National Oil
Company (NOC) Consumers Oil Products Refinery Prepaid Products % Investors Service Providers

20 CNG for Transport Swap Service Investors Providers Transport
Gas Supplier Transport Users Natural Gas Transport as a Service % Pay Vehicle Companies (eg taxis & buses) Prepay % % Investors Service Providers

21 Pumping as a Service 1778 - first Smart Swap
Newcomen Atmospheric Engine James Watt Steam Engine

22 Smart Subsidy – Levy & Dividend
Carbon Fuel Levy creates Investment Pool In Roubles Energy dividend made in energy credits not Roubles - incentive to save energy - not inflationary - Pool invests in energy savings through energy loans - credits returned in payment for energy as a service

23 Transition through Gas
New global market design: Energy-as-a-Service New energy-based credits – GasCoin (Mmbtu equivalent) & EnergyCoin (KwH equivalent) Oil no longer be priced in $ and gas priced vs oil Oil, $, €, EnergyCoin will be priced in gas 23

24 GasCoin – energy denominated Carbon Credits
“If you wish to keep a cow healthy you don't regulate what comes out of the cow, you regulate what goes in” The Kyoto Carbon Market Cow

25 Oil & the Dollar Problem
Energy Dominance – Two Tier oil market is controlled by US with Saudi capital - OPEC is purely cosmetic Dollar payments have been weaponised Solution Energy as a Service - new natural gas global market design & benchmark price Payments- gas credits (GasCoin) & clearing (GasClear) Instead of oil priced in $ and gas priced against oil: $, € & oil will be priced in gas 25

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